Wins your invitational

>wins your invitational

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why does he wear that faggoty scarf all the time?

It's a chilean thing

Because nobody saved images of him after 2014

He still cry about Bayo, despite being a rampant tier-whore himself?

Do you still cry about Zero beating Hbox at the invitational?

>actually being invested in e-sports
I'm just tired of seeing this whiner being posted, especially how he acted after losing

You know you can hide threads right?

Is that the same scarf and he got fatter or just a new smaller one?

Its the exact same picture...

Reminder to stop taking party games seriously and start paying attention to your personal hygiene.

You too

That subhuman monkey probably thinks he looks badass

>still mad


t. Zero
lose weight before the next Invitational if you can, and ditch the scarf. No one's probably said anything to you, but you're embarrassing to look at.

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*dabs on you*

>wins invitational using jigglypuff
>breaks down into tears and falls off stage

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I dont even know who the fuck that "person" is

Does he browse this board or something?

Lol okay

The king of stinky day

Whats going on here? Why does the gook do that?

what am I supposed to be looking at?

Why is our boy Zero such a stud?
>Makes 6 figures a month
>Has a qt gf
>Sakurai takes him seriously and asks suggestions for the new smash game
>Everybody knows him

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Lucky charm, a gift from grandma

he fat

I wish we didn't have to look at his saggy tits?

It reminds him of his mom

Why wouldn't you keep wearing a scarf after you famously won an invitational wearing one?

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I know right? everytime I see them, I just wanna bite 'em till they start bleeding

I actually hope he brings the scarf again this time to trigger you autists

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He has some weird relationship with his mother, who gave her that.

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Because Mew2King basically raised him, who is the true ALPHA

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being this assblasted

He retired from Smash like about a month ago you know?

> thinking he won't return for the new Smash to make more money.

Sup Forums is still mad that he beat Hbox, its like their stuck in 2014

Somebody explain this shit i dont fucking get it

What's to get?

trigger my laughter, maybe. the fact that you defend him and e-sports in general is kinda sad.

Posting e-celebs on this board should result in your PC being bricked

What's the lore behind it

Just drinking red bull at a tourney with your bro

>lost a match
>threatened to quit if they didn't ban bayo

Yeah thats the reason.
Go be a scarflard tard elsewhere

>oh dear god, whatever will we do without scarflard?!

*styles on you*

I think the most annoying part about him is that people call him "Scarflord".

Mew2king is quite literally socially retarded. He's not an alpha, not even close.

>that time he let some whore ride his e-celeb fame as his "girlfriend" for wayyyy too long.

If that's the truth he's based

Can Zero beat fatality?

I hope nairo thinks of not being a retarded cocksucker this time and wipes the floor with this noskill faggot.

at sm4sh or melee?

Literally no one wears a scarf to look badass

He's the CWC of smash. There is nothing alpha about him.

>eats your food

Ask all the retards who buy movie/videogame character clothing why they think they look good in them.

>He is a greasy ugly fat
>Have a qt gf who follow him in every land
>Is the king of the most retard autistic fanbase (Smash)
>He dont work, only play videogames and wins money
>Sakurai ask him some fat moves

And you still can ever touch a girl/leave your mom house :)

>so obsessed with winning he runs away and stalls for SD in a lighthearted invitational
I hope they don't invite him this time.

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Embrace the second coming

Is that Senor Pink from One Piece?