...Its actually kind of boring

...Its actually kind of boring

Attached: Kingdom_come[1].jpg (655x361, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Much like your thread

Agree, but I kinda ruined the game for myself

>pic related
>first NPC that is a colossal douche to you
>wanted to kill him so much
>had no idea there are NPCs you can't kill
>he flees as soon as you hit him
>faster than usain bolt on crack
>spent like 3 hours reloading and trying to end him
>figured it out that if you punch him once and run he'll follow you to valhalla and back
>get him stuck inside a chicken coop
>oh you'll get it now asshole
>proceed to wail on him for 20 minutes straight

I maxed out all combat skills and just spammed R1 for the rest of the game

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Oh on I have to ride from Talmberg to Sasau back to Rattay, back to Talmberg, and then to Sasau again, before going to Uzhitz and then back to Sasau, but before that I have to stop at Ledetchko

Congratulation here are 50 Groschen for your troubles.

He's actually incredibly easy to get stuck, just run into him until he hits some rough terrain.

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agreed OP, I refunded and bought this book instead.

reading it with my wife's son right now.

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It’s actually really fun until you become rich. Not having to struggle for anything makes the game pretty shit.

It's telling that no one talks about the game any more so soon after release. Wasn't this the game that was supposed to end feminism and gay marriage and get Trump reelected?

And that's a good thing!

lmao thats exactly it!
I love how his clothes get worned by punching him in the face

Good for you

I'm proud of you

all open world memes are boring desu

Of course it is, its sacrificed anything interesting in the name of 'realism'
Only reason this board defends it is because its 'alt right' and we've been invaded by Sup Forumsfags who think Sup Forums is their 'secret club' now

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And why that's okay.

This. Sup Forums hates Sup Forumstards now. (And that's a good thing!)

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Non-Sup Forumstards have ALWAYS hated Sup Forums cross boarders and its because you retards can't stop injecting political crap into literally everything

Wait, what did it sacrifice?

Interesting combat

No no you've got me all wrong fellow Sup Forumsertebrate, I really dislike these right winger googlegarglers who need to go back to cripplechan too

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like the exact same thing you're doing right now?

Hahahahahha this is the best episode

I also don't like r/the_donald fellow channer

Fair enough.
It’s all a matter of execution, though. What they have is better than the nearest competitors, and sometimes that’s all you can do with the time you’re given.

Wow, which bookstore did you get that from? need a copy or seven for my wife's son's preschool too.

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>It’s actually really fun until you become rich.
Most games are like this really. When you run out of expensive things to spend money on that money ceases to have any value and if money is the primary reward for doing anything in the game it stops being fun.

Very few games give the player enough stuff to spend your fat stacks because it's balanced with your typical moron who blows all his money on frivalous shit in mind, not the spend thrift who only spends money when he has to, so this usually becomes a problem after just a few hours when you realize how much money you can make by killing some game cooking the meat and selling it to every store which will take it. Or once you max out lockpicking and just unlock the back door sneak into the room with all the very hard chest and just take all the money out of the safe. Or Steal everything a store has, throw it on your horse, go to the local miller, sell them everything and then buy it back, before sneaking into the miller's coffer and taking your money right back. There are so many ways you can just eliminate the value of money in this game and there really isn't much to buy with it once you have basic plate armour and a tier 5 horse. There are also plenty of missions where just throwing money at the problem would totally solve it (I need you to do this boring fetch quest because I don't have any money to pay someone else to do it because my house got burned down, will you please help me henry) but the game doesn't let you spend money to solve the problem, so invariably long before the game is over you've got more money than a king and absolutely nothing to spend it on but every quest is designed in a way to entice you with money which you no longer need.

This is something I think games could learn from BotW, That game really gave you a ton of shit to sink your money into. It's one of the few games where even after I finished all the quests I still needed like an another 10,000 rupees to buy everything

fun factor


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Whats the name of this quest?

very progressive goyim

no son,pol IS Sup Forums,you need to fuck off back to neofag with your nonce admins

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Bought this for PS4 and my fucking christ the pop in on assets and textures is ridiculous, not to mention the multiple bugs that keep happening. I'm returning it tomorrow

>kill people in your nightmare
>strength levels up
>relationship with skallitz goes down

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>console peasant

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NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

full of sound and fury...

yes it would be nice to have a nice PC but I don't.

Admittedtly the funnest part is the dedicated cutscenes and a lot of the writing. Some of the quests are good too, since they actually let you solve shit yourself every once in awhile (or most of the time if you turn off markers and read the well written quest log).
It’s definitetly a game you have to be in the mood for, but I’d be remiss if I said I wasn’t having fun.
I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but the game’s strengths are 1v1 Combat, Writing, and Worldbuilding, which is more than I can say for certain other RPG wannabes.

It’s not perfect by any means, but it scratches an itch that’s been there for almost two decades.

just like real life during medivale times

You know you don’t have to do every quest, right?
If the plight of the people doesn’t interest you, don’t fucking do it.
I mean were you even interested in the subject content of the quest, or were you merely in it for the potential reward?
If you feel cheated then rob the cunt for shortchanging your globetrotting.
>I literally have no clue how to roleplay
I don’t blame you, you haven’t been exposed to it before.

>strengths are 1v1 Combat
Not really, the combat is one of the weakest aspects of the game since at the highest level it just boils down to using master stroke.

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Wait, what? Did you kill the fucking villager instead of the Cumans?

I was swinging my sword wildly because I CAN"T FUCKING SEE SHIT and accidentally one hit a villager

>Game has shitty quests
>But they're fun if you play pretend instead of doing them
Why can't you just play Gothic II instead of defending this shit? Then you'd actually know what good quest design is like.

Yeah supposedly they’re trying to (and failed, at least once) to balance lategame.
Early game parry/riposte was funner than anything I ever did in Skurm, though. I hate rating shit comparatively but everything about KCD feels like the game Todd wished he could make. Again, not perfect by any means, but I’m not even remotely interested in TESVI now. Maybe that will change in 6 months, maybe not.

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>Kill a villager in my dream
>The village somehow knows this happened and treats me like a murderer for it

Is my game bugged when it's fucking pitch black at dark areas?

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Why so non whites pretend they like this game?

>It’s time to talk about the greatest RPG ever made
I wonder what happened to that OP
Is it you?
I’ll try it anyway, once I’m finished with KCD. What sets Gothic II apart? Do I need to play Gothic I?

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>Henry was actually sleep walking and flinging a stick around in middle of Rattay market place

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and that's a good thing

You have to go back.


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>I only started using Sup Forums in the last couple of years
Make it more obvious why don't you

>hit him in the face
>sparks come out
wtf i didn't know he was a terminator

>still cant talk about the game without Sup Forums or tumblr shitposting about politics

I'll try again in a couple of weeks

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its a good game even without the political bullshit,but i do admit i bought it day 1 for political reasons

Just stick to the general.

Just talk about it on Sup Forums, you would have much better discussion for other so called "problematic" games like farcry 5.

It's weird how Sup Forums for some reason can have decent game discussion when it comes to titles they relentlessly shitpost about on Sup Forums

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I have a hard time enjoying fantasy games with swords and castles and shot if there's no magic involved. I haven't seen much about the game but I haven't seen any wizards or spells or shit.

>I have a hard time enjoying fantasy games with swords and castles and shot if there's no magic involved.

No idea. Just a hang up, I guess. Feels like it is a requirement to me. I know it's not, but like I said, just a hang up.

It'd feel like playing a Western cowboy game without guns or a platformer without jumping. Possible, yes, but feels wrong.