How probable is this not being shit?

How probable is this not being shit?

I've given up on the franchise after Awakening, but Trespasser was almost single-handedly better than the entire series so far so I unfortunately have some amount of hope for Dragon Age and more room for disappointment.

How would you fix this?

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It's not likely to even come out. There's no real development going on for this right now. It's all hands on deck for Anthem. If Anthem flops, BioWare is closed. If Anthem is a hit, BioWare becomes a dedicated Anthem factory with absolutely no capacity for anything else.

They should get rid of the single player MMO bullshit, think in advance what kind of non bullshit sidequests they want to have and build a semi-linear world like DAO around it.

from what i can tell from several sources, it's in development.
im not saying bioware wont crash and burn before then, but there you have it

Look at Bioware's track record. You'd have to be an idiot to trust them at this point. If it does get released you know it's going to be shit.

>Ultimately, Laidlaw felt it was time to leave BioWare behind regardless of Dragon Age's loose threads. "I wanted to try a new challenge, and I knew that [the staff reassignments] would change the date," he says. "I was going to have a very small skeleton crew, and I'm lucky because Patrick Weekes is an exceptional lead writer, Daniel Kading is an exceptional lead designer. There were two very veteran designers who could hold a vision, and it was going to move down to a very small team.

It's literally just like the main writer and the designer. All actual game development work is being done on Anthem right now.

Bioware will be shut down after Anthem flops.
Which is good the diseased thing needs ti be put down.

Bioware literally has none of the core staff that made good games. So i mean yea even if DA4 came out it would be shit with sjw themes galore.

What about Patrick Weekes? He was the last good writer still working there.

as i've said, i agreed with you until trespasser. for better or worse that made me wanna play more of their shitty games

my only hope is that they'll give da4 some love after anthem is done

If you like anything about DA, you'll want it to be dead and buried.

Only way Anthem flops is if BioWare gives another 10 hour early trial or lets people actually play it in advance. They have been successful baiting the normies with their super scripted gameplay sequences. There are people that still believe you actually fly from location to location in the game instead of just having some preset flight path you select.

Hes overpowered by sjws . Look at inquisition and 2 . Bioware is dead

I don't see Anthem not flopping.

maybe. although Solas has good enough potential for an actually interesting and threatening big bad, something DA games never had.

how many fucking chances is this SJW infested shit-band going to get? they're done after anthem. andromeda should have been the last straw but EA still hasn't closed them down yet for some fucking reason.

and anthem doesn't look like its going to be any good either, heard nothing but bad things going on with its development so fuck it. faggots should have just closed down after the whole ME3 ending shitfest anyway

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Kirby should become the lead writer, limiting magic to elemental was retarded and destroys the lore completly, wanting warriors/rogues and mages to have the same amount of skills is retarded too.

>You'd have to be an idiot to trust them at this point.
they're counting on that

>don't show them what they're buying so we can sucker them into it
video games are a shady, shady business my friend. this is the kind of shit used care salesmen pull, and they can't even do that if the customer has an inkling of sense about them.

I mean I like Inqusition the best out the whole series for reasons I don’t wanna keep repeating.

That said, never have optimism for anything.

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>How probable is this not being shit?

>some of the last good writers left already
>DA2 shit
>DA:I shit
>everything shit

What do you fucking expect?

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it doesn't matter how shit it is (and it will be shit) it matters if people buy it anyway. because for all the shit Sup Forums talks, everyone here knows the average gamer just can't wait to get ripped off, over and over again.

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as ive said, purely because Trespasser, which is better than anything bioware's done since baldur's gate

its like they suddenly remembered how to write

it seems even the normies gave their final chance with Inquisition because Andromeda flopped harder than Magikarp

Andromeda WAS the last straw it killed Mass Effect for good

literally nobody will buy anthem after the destiny 2 fiasco, bioware is history

I keep hearing 2 things: andromeda flopped, everyone hated it
and EA still made money off of it. how does that even happen?

Inquisition still saw some commercial success is what I'm saying. Andromeda, despite being as much of a piece of shit as Inquistion, flopped hard.

I'm looking at this from a publicity standpoint. It flopped hard in terms of killing a franchise with no hope of redemption for a long time.

Sup Forums anons are not a credible source of news, how absolutely fucking shocking!

..but people bought it anyway, and this is post ME3's ending. we all know here normies will buy absolutely literally anything you put in front of them and will pay huge amounts for it. they can release andromeda 2, be even worse and it will sell millions still if you have ads and shit for the sheep to see

Did it really make a lot of money for them? I doubt that.

Anthem won't flop. Destiny 2 is killing itself and leaves a void that normies want to be filled and that is where Anthem will jump in. It doesn't even matter if they keep playing for longer than a day.

why do you think normies will want another destiny, they'll prolly just either give up on that shitty niche genre or default to Warframe

>meanwhile, warframe is better, literally free, and gets constant good updates

but alas, in the land of the console gamer, the 1 eyed man is king

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no they'll go to the next game that advertises itself with bright lights and dubstep, so Anthem

its also a sjw shithole so no thanks

Being completely serious here but why do game developers tend to become shit when bought out by a publisher? The publisher obviously knows what made them successful in the first place so why do they mettle and make all the developers games rushed and shit?

>The publisher obviously knows what made them successful
I'm not so sure there especially with EA. They see numbers and then want numbers faster than before.

>bioware isn't an SJW shithole

because time is money friend, and there are many fools out there that will spend tons of money on low quality products. they've got investors to please and they take priority far and above those gamer nerds wanting a good experience.

this is why you can never, ever trust a publisher other than to screw a developer over sooner or later. this is why indie games are the way of the future. they can sell 300k copies and triple their income with no publisher while AAA games can sell literal millions upon millions and still be in the hole.

its a poisoned business

>The publisher obviously knows what made them successful in the first place

no, they only see a respected IP without understanding what made it respected, so they believe they can cut corners without backlash and still survive in the short-term if backlash does end up happening

the lizard people at EA dont think about the quality of games, the longevity of studios, IPs and brands under their wing or even the long-term stability of their own company, they care about fueling their cocaine and yachts for a few more years

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i didnt say it isnt, but bioware at least doesnt ban you for using the word "trap" because its offensive to a tranny dev

>no, they only see a respected IP without understanding what made it respected
This. The investors tend to be fucking retarded too. One of them lashed out in a Nintendo investor meeting and complained Nintendo is focusing on Video Games. Pretty sure there's an Screenshot of the quote floating around.

The problem is non gamers are in control of gamer companies.

Anthem probably won't flop but unless it has a good story, which most of these shoot n' loot MMOs don't have, I don't see it being a huge success either. Drew Kapshryn leaving didn't really build confidence either.

At this point, it wouldn't have to compete with Destiny. Unironically it would have to compete with Warframe.

it wasn't just drew that left. like 5 key figures already left in the middle of development people are fleeing this game it feels like. and those are just the ones we hear about, the ones that are publicized on youtube.

Right, I mostly focused on Kapshryn since he was one of Bioware's better recent writers.

Franchise games sells a lot based on the power of the brand, and the quality of the previous installment. Andromeda sold a lot because Mass Effect was a powerful name... Until Andromeda came out. If another Mass Effect were to be launched, it would heavily underperform even if it were indeed a good game, because the IP is tainted, and EA is well know for not trying too hard to ressurrect the tittles they fuck up.

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At this point devs know this shit is going to happen right? Why do they still sellout then? Like Obsidian for example has a wet dream of being bought out but the moment they do all their IPs will go down the toilet.

>I like Inqusition the best out the whole series for reasons I don’t wanna keep repeating.

I mean, I agree with you, but that isn't much of an achievement.

Well it depends on how you tolerate Bioware's current output. If you finished DAI/MEA out of intellectual curiosity or because you liked those, you'll be fine. However, don't hold your breath over Bioware "unfucking" itself if you didn't

because they care more about money than making good games? developers are not free of blame or greed.

Basically the guys on top of the studios would get more money and be connected to a AAA publisher.

Right but the devs won't get that money unless it's some indie company. Plus having a steady flow of income is always better. If Obsidian is bought out they'll be dead in half a decade.

Then we'll get a Punchstarter by veteran game devs Tom Sawyer, Josh Cain, Chris Avellone, under a new company name that will eventually be bought out too.

exactly. the talented employers can just leave the sinking ship and shell out more money and be hired by lizards again

rinse, repeat

Its not all of the devs, mostly just those that run it. Its still a company they would get a lot of everything from such an agreement.
When a studio gets bought is either they really want more money for their project, wants to keep people under them employed or they just want more money.

I disagree, I think ME3's ending should have killed the franchise off, but normies went out and bought it anyway. people flush their money down the toilet when it comes to video games, and these publishers are the ones who are exploiting that waste of cash

depends if their company is publicly traded or not. I'm not 100% sure how it works but if you have a private company nobody can buy you out however you have limited income because of some reason (indie devs), if you are publicly traded you get investors to fund you but anybody can buy you as well (AAA). something like that

Simple, the guy who run the company will fill his ass with so much money in just one punch, that he will only need to work again in the future if he blows all his money in shit. The people under his command have no voice in the saying, and most of then probably are more interested in being realocated inside EA studios having a better and fixed salary, than keeping walking in the line by having his career linked to making good games and losing his job in the next flop.

Being a dev is a job, not an art career like people try to pretend. If a big company buys you out, is generally a good thing for those who work for it. When EA buys a developer, only the costumer gets rekt.

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disregarding the ending, mass effect 3 was a good game, so its easy to fall into the trap and think that the ending was a gaff and that the next game will be better

in reality it showed how little of a fuck they gave even back then

>disregarding the ending, mass effect 3 was a good game

Didn't some ex bioware dev say EA worked them to the bone with unrealistic expectations?

ME3 was a good game overall, and only diehard fans actually cry about it. Even if the end was bad, it wasn't even close enough to kill the IP, since 1, 2, and 3 until before the end were very consistent games.

But Andromeda... That game literally screamed that it was made by millenial devs who had absolutelly no idea what the fuck they were doing.

how about you say something of substance

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Yeah seriously. The ending was good. The rest was shit.

wow. that...sure is a statement

>Trespasser was almost single-handedly better than the entire series

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Mass Effect 3 without the ending was a fucking piece of shi, and I hate the world for not seeing it.

For fuck's sake, you got missions hearing random conversations on the streets. If a main character died in 2 he was replaced by just another guy from the same specie. There were fucking 2d sprites, one of them ON THE FUCKING PROLOGUE. And what a prologue, it was beyond reatarded. The whole game didn't feel dangerous or trasnmited a sense of urgency, while reapers where klling people every second. The structure sucked ass. The main plot was absolutely garbage. I don't even remember the gameplay.

It was a unsalvable piece of shit with no positive points at all.

And the ending was just the ice on the cake

I mean, not like there was much competition but yeah.

>ME3 was a good game overall, and only diehard fans actually cry about it.
>X 3 is a good game, only people who liked the X fanchise hated it
Fuck you

I'll confess anons, i unironically enjoyed DA 2, i finished the game 4 times, but at least i didn't bought the game

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It was a quite enjoyable basic story, felt more like an action movie flick than what we'd expect from Bioware but nevertheless serviceable. Had several good moments like the climax of Tuchanka arc, the music was good and the Leviathan DLC almost made its setting interesting.

I'll only play it if Manveer is working on it


I had three saved games with three different shepards to use in 3. I did the first one and uninstalled the game. How do you expect me to buy a DLC for a game I fucking hated?

And how is that a positive thing to say about a game?
>if you pay even more, it get's better

>hate the game so much when it initially released that it made me realize how retarded hype is
>replay it years later
>it's nowhere near as bad as I remember, much worse than Origins but still okay

Whats happening to me

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There's no shame in liking DA2, or any DA for that matter.

Origins was generic as shit but comfy, and introduced a good baseline of a setting that would continue to expand and actually become interesting later on. It had best individual characters, but a lackluster story and almost no thematic depth.

Dragon Age 2 was unfortunately the worst production-wise. It's characters were mediocre, but the tight focus of the story and writing was a breath of fresh air, and managed to deliver several impactful moments. With more development, it could've made smaller-scoped stories as popular as world-ending threats for a bit, and I'm all for that.

Inquisition had a serviceable plot and characters, but by far the best writing. Production-wise it was only hindered by bad facial animations, its game design was nearly disastrously terrible and time-wasting, but it did the most for the setting and possible sequels. It had actual thematic depth and its DLCs expanded the setting far beyond what we'd have expected from Origins.

All in all, RIP. It was a nice ride but from everything recently displayed by EA and BioWare, we're done here.

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Didnt know they announced a Dragon Age 4. DA: I wasnt too bad in standards of today's gaming, but i dont see it ax the turning point of the company. Like at this point, you need a game that will sell like hotcakes to impress EA. Think about it: after Dragon Age 2 and DA:I ,which was never really that exciting to begin with, do you see Dragon Age 4 being the product that makes EA jump for joy? If you ask me, Mass Effect was their last chance. And seeing as the dev team is a skeleton crew, and vids from main artists have seen these ea games as "gogogogogo" assignments, this is EA trying to get one last dollar out of them.

I mean the game has shit gameplay/level design, but at least it has some cool characters and the story isn't that shitty (only if compared to DAO)

>not pirating

Oh, I did pirated ME3. I hated so much I didn't even bothered with the dlcs

I just want DA2's gameplay back. Being a fast assassin and cc'ing a boss to set up a one shot kill was so fun, and haste was broken as you could dash around the map like the flash.

I wish I pirated it, in fact ME3 is so easily piratable its laughable. but alas, I was a fool, and they made a fool out of me. never again I say, haven't touched a thing with bioware's mushroom stamp of shame on the cover since. EA making their games origin exclusive made it that much easier

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you dont seem too reasonable my dude, so ill leave you to your rage

It’s not but all the same,I enjoyed it for what it was. You won’t see me calling it GOTY or even come close to a GRPGOTY but it’s clear they put some effort into wanting the sequel to be better so even if my rule is to expect nothing, I saw it at the time as a good sign for bioware and wouldn’t mind seeing a sequel where they kept improving.

And then Andromeda happened and EA even before andromeda happened, contined to sink into depths we didn’t think they’d go to in order to be greedy and black hearted Cocksuckers. So with how the situation is now, I don’t have to mind having 0 expectations.

If it happens and it’s good, yay. If it’s shit or doesn’t happen, I won’t lose sleep over it and all is well, so yay.

Well said.

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That's what amaze me, that people can see how fucking bad that game is and keep arguing "it's a good action game" or "if you ignore the ending..."

I'd say it's EA's last hope too considering Anthem sounds like it will fail and A way out was a failure. DA is good IP I'd hate to see them ruin it like ME. DAI was bearable.

Unless it has a massive backlash like Andromeda it will probably make money because it's made by Bioware. It's a new IP so they probably haven't invested that much into it.

I hate how DA2 has only 3 specializations, motherfuckers should have ported over the ones from the base game at the very least

>How probable is this not being shit?

BioWare is more concerned with pushing their political agenda rather than generating a profit to their investors through producing quality gaming content. BioWare has turned away a massive percentage of the gaming consumer base with their insistence on including political ideology in their games. Most gamers don't want their games to include ideology, and so BioWare lost that chunk of the consumer base. To make matters worse, BioWare includes only one ideology, a bias which turns away half of the few gamers who don't mind their entertainment mixed with ideology.

How probable is it that Dragon Age 4 won't be shit? It is safe to say that there is almost absolute certainty it will be shit. It will be buggy as fuck. It will be released unfinished. And it will have the usual BioWare inclusion of one-sided political ideology. And down goes BioWare.

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bow or dual wielding rogue for DA2?

Might also be because they got a boost since they finally started to deal with the subject and events they were always planning on. DA2 was supposed to be a DLC, then it become it's own game. Then the shit that was supposed to be included into the game was turned into a tiny prequel DLC and the rest was shoved into another game.

The original intent was for Hawke to be the inquisitor and the entire course of events of both DA2 and DAI to occur within his time frame. But EA forced them to drag shit out and shove every dumb little extra idea they could to extort more money out of the players. Now they're finally back on track.

>andromeda should have been the last straw
This you don't fuck up one of the biggest growing franchises in video game history TWICE with the second time being so bad you make the IP radioactive for the foreseeable future. Better, more competent developers got shitcanned for far, far less. And before anyone starts blaming minorities for this take a look at the development team

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>Paper Mario, Halo, Fable, Bioware in general
Why does every series I fall in love with turn to shit?