Can 2018 be even better than 2017 for games?
Can 2018 be even better than 2017 for games?
I dunno, can it?
why are people always so obsessed with which years video games come in? like who fucking cares if a game comes out in 2017 or 2018 or whatever the fuck, if it's fun it's fun
From the Jap end, sure
I mean Fromsoft is going to announce Bloodborne II or whatever new souls IP so its already better than last year
All shit game. Stopped giving fuck to sony since I stop playing my ps3 years ago.
Time periods can mark industry standards, what developers were active at the time, and when a trend started or ended.
2001 is still probably the greatest year for video games though.
Sony made my life a lot easier this gen, I'm glad I didn't have to waste money on a PS4.
Nobody gives 2 fucks about you and your basic common denominator opinion bit yea all those games are trash cept monhunny
>Playstation4 - 2018
Hmm, let's see
>Monster Hunter
also on Xbox One
>God of War
looks like trash
also coming to Xbox One
looks like trash, will probably play like a rip off from the Batman Arkham games judging by the gameplay
overrated series
no idea what this game is
also coming to Xbox One
>Ace Combat
also coming to Xbox One