Can 2018 be even better than 2017 for games?
Can 2018 be even better than 2017 for games?
I dunno, can it?
why are people always so obsessed with which years video games come in? like who fucking cares if a game comes out in 2017 or 2018 or whatever the fuck, if it's fun it's fun
From the Jap end, sure
I mean Fromsoft is going to announce Bloodborne II or whatever new souls IP so its already better than last year
All shit game. Stopped giving fuck to sony since I stop playing my ps3 years ago.
Time periods can mark industry standards, what developers were active at the time, and when a trend started or ended.
2001 is still probably the greatest year for video games though.
Sony made my life a lot easier this gen, I'm glad I didn't have to waste money on a PS4.
Nobody gives 2 fucks about you and your basic common denominator opinion bit yea all those games are trash cept monhunny
>Playstation4 - 2018
Hmm, let's see
>Monster Hunter
also on Xbox One
>God of War
looks like trash
also coming to Xbox One
looks like trash, will probably play like a rip off from the Batman Arkham games judging by the gameplay
overrated series
no idea what this game is
also coming to Xbox One
>Ace Combat
also coming to Xbox One
>two games feature melee hand to hand combat
All games exclusively not on Nintendo Switch.
>doesn't recognize DQ
Holy shit dude, are you 11?
I think it could be but it'll be hard to top 2017 since there was Nier, Nioh, BOTW, Odyssey, P5, Yakuza, Gravity Rush 2, etc
>no idea what this game is
The absolute state of NintendoGAF
it is though, I remember playing the first 2 games back then and I thought to myself "why do people like these games anyway?", they're so fucking bland, same shit happens with Prince of Persia and Assassins Creed, bland as fuck games that get popular for no good reason
>being this disillusion
I don't think so
Dragon Quest is on there though.
>Prince of Persia
what the fuck dude
Running 15 fps on Switch 200p.
Sotc remake and ni no kuni 2 already and next month has yakuza 6 and god of war. Meanwhile xbox is stuck with no mans sea.
Yeah im thinking ps4 is back.
>Ace combat 7 announced in 2013
>Ace Combat 7 never ever
>tfw absolutely no vidya on any platform that I'm looking forward to
Is... is that it Sup Forums... am I doomed?
No, it's just 2018
In my adult life, I don't think I've ever been as impatient for a game as I have been for DQ11. The silence is pure torture.
>Yakuza shit?
>Doesn't know what Dragon Quest is
I wish all the young kids would leave
Do you think that makes your point any less wrong? Cause it doesn't.
>DQ series has most of the times also been on Nintendo consoles and has lots of games exclusive to Nintendo consoles and this specific game is also on Switch and 3DS
lol you should talk
Any game coming to PS4 and Xbox One means it's a PS4 exclusive since nobody with an IQ over 70 has ever bought a Microsoft product, much less a bone juan.
>multiplat galore
stupid gaijin
This is a good point, we should unironically label PS4/XONE games as PS4 exclusives.
It's kinda like talking about Wii U/Switch or PS4/Vita multiplats, nobody owns a Wii U or a Vita so they are technically exclusives.
A port that's nowhere been seen and last we heard was in development hell. Prepare your butt for another DQ Heroes port.