SCP belongs on Sup Forums and Abib will delete this without compensation; trying to boot us to /vg/ so our threads...

SCP belongs on Sup Forums and Abib will delete this without compensation; trying to boot us to /vg/ so our threads would be infested with CANCER as revenge for the Shazbowl

Do not anger the Oldfags.

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Post SCL SL memes

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Seriously Contradictory Posts: Shitpost Laboratory

enjoy your ban

What? Where's the missing post?

Fuck off Abib

install 4chanx already my newfriend

hold up, I take this back. I can't even see it too myself, lemme check it from other source.

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>go to intercom room
>play Gone Guru over the mic

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what servers do I join?

>board full of shit posts that should be deleted
>thread discussing a specific topic as the rules state gets deleted

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It's reddit's revenge for the Shazbowl; turn our site into GARBAGE

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>Deletes video game threads
>Lets abundant shitposting run wild
Otherchan are idiots for abandoning the fort when it was still defensible.

>Its a "fags in 914 aren't letting me in so I have to hide like a bitch" episode

Sorry it's a bad game.

Also put the Unity remake on steam already

If some mod that will delete this thread is reading this, please explain first why is this thread not allowed but the knight vs samurai one is.
That's all I ask.

Because it's a video game thread. Abib won't respond because he know's he'll be called out for being the faggot he is.

Because it's technically a general and nu-mods need to feel powerful. Thus they don't target the RoR thread who were already there before them.

What a bunch of assholes.

A particular mod has a hateboner for scp or something, you're not gonna get a real answer

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>even on Sup Forums mods have to be drama whores

The excuse given is that it's a general since it isn't discussing something specific about the game
but shit like new vegas threads totally aren't generals

Some things just don’t ever change.

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Even if it was, they still delete it like faggots. Also check it out, he's autosaged the thread.

Who is best Micspammer and why is it S'Arais?

>It's a peanut gets caught in the open by 10 chaos episode

Hands down

When are we going to get compy scp back?
He can give the furries something else to collect

Enlighten us, oh wonderful one.
Those who enjoy micspam and earrape are also the most likely to enjoy the 1980 overture and Beethoven's 7th Symphony.

Those who don't, think dubstep is good.

Serves you right desu, you decided to frequent a site that uses reddit as it's hiring pool for moderators

We were glorious once. We shall return to being so one more.
Fuck Infinitechan for fleeing like cowards.