In my mind it's still a PS4 exclusive and there's nothing you could ever say to convince me otherwise...

In my mind it's still a PS4 exclusive and there's nothing you could ever say to convince me otherwise, deal with it and get fucked nerds.

Attached: crash bandicoot.jpg (1280x720, 135K)


Calm down Crashbro, we gave you Bomberman in exchange.

Nintendo fans said the same thing about MH so i get what you mean

too bad delusions don't make it true

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Nice try false flagger, true Sony fanboys didn't even buy Crash because it's published by Activision.

>In my mind
Crash must be pretty lonely in there.

I don't care what anyone says, 6 + 1 is 10!

this game is past now, I'm looking forward, not backwards like pc gamers

Does anybody have a link to the video of the Sony fanboy butthurt that Crash is going multiplatform?

I means it’s hard for a lifelong PlayStation owner since 7yrs old to not think of him as Sony’s guy but in a way, I’m glad he gets to spread out to others and hopeful encourage the kids to see what a real game looks like.

well too bad the franchise isn't going anywhere after this

guess that means titanfall is a xbox exclusive

>ps4 version of cod outsells all of sony published games combined

what did he mean by this?

Just wait till end of the month

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Looking forward to playing this on switch!

>I knowingly choose to believe something untrue
>somehow other people have to deal with it
So what was the point of this thread user? Not enough shitposting on this board as it is?

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Crash was always my favorite franchise over Spyro so this doesn't interesting me that much.

Why do people like this shit game?

>Konsole Warz
It's just a video game. Now even more people get to share your love of Crash Bandicoot.

You insufferable little loser

because it's good

You're fucking losers, Crash is on a nintendo console and there's jack shit you can do about it
(the second post is a loser because he doesn't like Spyro)

I'm a nostalgiafag