Man this new smash bros. roster sucks. Also why is that guy so short?

Man this new smash bros. roster sucks. Also why is that guy so short?

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Ben Shapiro DESTROYS everyone else, though.

Only know 2 people on that list besides Shapiro, and they're both on his "side" more or less. Wtf is this thing? Will there be "debates"? I put debates in quotes because any time shapiro is involved it's closer to rape than a debate.

Low effort. Could be "Kid Ben" at the least.

Couldn't destroy Sam Harris.

I heard he's literally 5'4" lol. I'm still pretty far-right but my god I wish we had more smart niggas

Every time I hear Ben Shapiro talk I want to shove him in a locker

>tfw that would be you
5'6 isn't exactly suffering. I can't say I would especially want to be 6'3. I like to be out of the way and with a longer mortality rate but dang if you people don't think some odd inches parallel isn't the end all.

You're just jealous that he DESTROYS you!

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At least he compensates his diminutive height with a fairly mediocre intellect.

>women in politics

Good for them to not have any men speak at a women's conference.

Yeah his pro child slavery stance always wins debates

wow pretty antisemitic from you, you bigotted asshole

What I'm agreeing treating children like cattle to make cheap shit is good

I haven't seen a debate with him. I just hate his voice

will they finally nerf charlie kirk's gums?

I just wanted to let you know that I laughed but I'm also a small man. Maybe not a manly man to you meat heads but you can be paid to carry my shit if you play it right.

>he doesn't main Judge Jeanine

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>video games

he somehow manages to look more autistic than David Byrne.

Attached: ifac_william_coupon_david_byrne_l.jpg (768x767, 68K)