We waited three (3) months for Nintendo's first non-port titles of 2018, and these are the results.
I'll get back to you in J U N E (read: three months from now) when the next one, a tennis game, releases.
We waited three (3) months for Nintendo's first non-port titles of 2018, and these are the results.
I'll get back to you in J U N E (read: three months from now) when the next one, a tennis game, releases.
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you can discredit he user scores as well as i know for a fact that andre cuck from gamexplain is autistic enough to shill and make fake 10/10 reviews for nintendo games (there is proof)
What's the proof
>A Pokémon spin-off(PMD2 is considered the best one by far by everyone and it has 54)
>Kirby(83 is the highest score it has gotten)
Why not mention Bayonetta? Is it because it ruins your narrative? metacritic.com
Bayonetta is a literal port though
How is that not a port
Bayonetta is a Wii U port.
oh no no no
I would love to see this proof
Can you not read you idiot? Talking about non ports
>not a port
Game from 2010/2014.
LMAO, stay easy to bait
Put me in the screencap
>the absolute state of nintenbros
Hurrr Hurdurrr look at me ughhh im trolling
But user clearly nobody else has told you that Bayonetta is a port!
nintendo blew their load last year
wait till next year for more good games
>splatoon 2
>xenoblade 2
>Mario odyssey
What a load it was
Of shit
A solid C. Not bad. Not great, but not bad.
If every single game launched isn't a 99 ill kill myself
>User score is only 2 points higher
>Ignore that score, its obviously fake
>Mario Rabbids
>Zelda botw
>Fire emblem warriors
Nintendo Shitch is a failing meme.
>hoped on games success
>even making a movie
>gets a 71 and probably lower as time goes on
talk about a fuck up
But Kirby just came out
lets be real detective Pikachu would be a MC 50 if it didnt have the pokemon label
>BING BING x Minions
>Zelda breath of the ass
>literal whos: the game
This, it just doesn't look engaging. I thought it was pretty telling how most if not all the trailers were just cutscenes from the game.
>nu-Sup Forums consolewars shitposting:the post
I didn't list those because they're garbage
Has there even been a single good exclusive for xbox or playstation the last 3 months?
At least Kirby is selling decently: 222036 copies sold in japan in something like two days.
Pickachu will sell as well for sure.
>single good exclusive for xbox or playstation
But you see, you have 3rd party game on them, you have nothing on switch besides mario games.
Where monster hunter, where ninokuni, where yakuza?
Everyone got Monster Hunter except the shunned child Switch
So you have nothing?
Because I'm going to play ni no kuni 2 and monster hunter world on pc.
Where the games nintendo
>only having ONE console
Please, stop lying. Nintentards never playing on pc, even if by some miracle they have a decent one.
A GREAT Tennis game !
Monster hunter XX to be fair, is a nintendo exclusive and is on switch. I hope they localize it.
You sound pretty stupid. What makes you think people only have one console and nothing else?
Nintendo knows their audience won't buy anything that doesn't have BING BING or zelda in it. That's why 3rd parties always get lore-unfriendly mario hats and master swords shoehorned in
God fucking dammit, when will toddlers stop hiding behind us whenever they are about to be BTFO?
Uh oh you forgot to put the 2!!!!
You're the one falseflagging.
What are you talking about?`I have a switch, 3ds, ps3 and ps1. And of course a pc as well.
If you weren't retarded with your console, you'd only need one. Switch is a secondary system.
>Detective Pikachu
>Nintendo game
lol retard
How many non-port games Switch even has at this moment? Mario, Zelda, Arms, what else? Switch is 1 year old this year and looking at the amount of new titles that console has is sad. Ports, remasters are the worst part of current generation of consoles.
PC for multiplats. Are you retarded?
you mean wait until the next console
Show me your steam games.
It's widely known in the industry that most Nintendo fans only have Nintendo consoles and only play Bing Bing / Zelda / Pikachu rehashes. There's a reason why 3rd party developers shun Nintendo platforms. Bayonetta 2 Switch literally fucking bombed disgracefully because Kamiya didn't shoehorn Mario into the game to appease the fans. Meanwhile, thanks to the "Nintendo's Seal of Quality", the widely panned 1-2-Switch managed to sell more than 1M units.
The Switch is pretty useless now. Maybe in 2020. But then we also get new consoles that will play games native 4K 60 fps while Switch will be still stuck on 30 fps 600p.
Why are so many posts being deleted? The moment someone says something bad about Switch it gets deleted. That user was right. Switch IS a secondary system, not a primary one. PC, PS4 and even Xbone to some extent are primary systems. Switch isn't.
But Bayonetta 1 did weak on multiplat too though.
Sold better than on wiiu.
Here you go.
>I-I was only pretending, g-guys... haha
This. Nintendo fans only buy Nintendo's games leaving everyone else to rot.