25+ year old club, continuation thread edition.
What video games do you have lined up for this weekend?
25+ year old club, continuation thread edition.
What video games do you have lined up for this weekend?
You guys are all gay.
Stop woorying so much about life my niggas
I'm going to play some more Thief 1
It's a very good game, though the attack animations make me giggle
Monster Hunter World
Endless Space 2
Dark Souls 3
this, stay boolin
>Endless Space 2
I've come so close to buying this about a dozen times, but every time I nearly press buy I remember how 4X games drop off in fun the moment you've finished learning the systems. Is ES2 exempt from this?
can we start talking about the good things in life?
>tfw women start losing their power over man when they reach 25-30
Playing a bit of Grim Dawn since I picked it up on sale. I've never played Diablo or any of these kinds of games before so it's pretty fun so far.
Why do you think young women always had older boyfriends? There isn't any power there to begin with. Men just hit their prime later.
More RE4
Finally on spring break from med school. Probably gonna play a shit ton of MHW, OSRS, and SoT while I have my game pass free trial still active
Ain't no worries, only games
>man have a huge as fuck suicide rate
why don't we enjoy life bros?
Just played some sea of thieves, had a whole crew working together and it was a lot of fun
So many games but I'm not in the mood. How do you get excited again
>tfw stopped dating women and learned how to love myself
Who would have known that I was drinking and smoking pot so much because I was putting up with women. Literally all of it cleared up after I got older and stopped being so interested in sex.
32 y/o user here. I feel like beating the Dark Souls and Silent Hill trilogy.
thread theme
Because masculinity is harmful and needs to be destroyed
We know the afterlife's where the fun really begins.
I miss the surge of dhmis posting
playing the witcher 3 for the first time with all the DLC and shit. I find it hilarious that bioware had the shit eating nerve to come prancing out with andromeda after something like that came out before it. what a joke.
No it's pretty boring and AI is garbage like most other 4X.
we cant cheat life, get pregnant to collect $$$ or find a sugar daddy.
>lets destroy masculinity!
>go after white males, the most notoriously un-masculine males there are
oh lawd i'm laffin
decent job
fab to anime
MHW hr 101
too comfy , I'm felling it's somehow very wrong
i honestly just want to blog about my shit life because i have no friends
who else is like this?
a game of embarrassing myself in a local pub (my town is too small to have proper nightclubs in it) in order to attract female attention as I'm still too much of a sperg to just approach them myself as a 28yo.
After that I will probably finish Banner Saga 2 as I just finished the first one and found the story, art and setting to great. Gameplay not so much, but I pirated it anyway, so I'll forgive it.
That's why Andromeda has never been posted about here or anywhere else past the first month.
Play SH2 on PC, recent fixes make it hands down the best version. Shit looks gorgeous.
Gonna probably play PUBG, Stellaris and War Thunder.
These threads are starting to become generals.
I love 4x games but ES2 is honestly just boring. Everything you do is boring in this game.
Just grab the OST
you very much CAN get a sugar momma. Gotta work out constantly and eat only yogurt and chicken. I been there, it's great. I can see why a lot of women do this.
Playing Gwent, I dont know why I still play it tb.h.
I've never played any of the DMC games. Is the PC port that bad?
no one is as entitled and privileged as white males
a white male literally suicide bombed texas and still got described as a disturbed kid sympathy pls instead of a terrorist.
>a game of embarrassing myself in a local pub (my town is too small to have proper nightclubs in
I'm literally in the same position. Except I used to not sperg out and used to not only know but also enjoy coming on to women. Then had a gf for two years, then broke up and now I find myself lacking all those qualities I used to have. Its like someone loaded a wrong save file of my life.
To top it, I will probably be going out alone tonight. I don't even care at this point, I just enjoy the pub ambiance compared to my lonely apartment.
>Have for real autism and not just funny internet autism
>Apparently my average life expectancy is 36
>Just turned 30
blogs are gay but i'll be your friend, user
>Gotta work out constantly
What! I might as well just get a job at this point. I'm taking my toys and leaving.
The thing is the women are either ugly or old.
i fucking HATE that fans always do a better job at HD remasters
god damn it
can't trust these stupid devs to do anything right
I agree with you about the media, and privilege. It's a real problem and needs to be addressed, but what does it have to do with masculinity? Did the bombs commit rape?
28 here nothing gonna shitpost here and on Sup Forums with frogs.
go to fetlife.com and look for the Mommy section.
There you go.
don't forget to play on the highest difficulty and turn off all the UI, vastly improves the experience. Do play Gwent.
I think I found the board for (You)
nigga, after 30 years you can do whatever you want, you made it, it doesn't mater if you start balding or dying.
I'm proud of you user.
What compels you to share your story? What are you expecting from it?
depends on if my computer is shitting itself (I'm hopeful and confident it'll be k)
but stellaris
Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII~X translated into english on steam never ever
I thought it just made you a sperg retard. Since when does it shorten your lifespan?
and why shouldnt they have that privilege?
unwarranted self importance
im practically a woman
Anyone of you anons play the new MTG game, is it good?
How do you even find anything in this game without the UI.
>laws university
>like 80% of the students here are girls
why do we suck so much when it comes to studying bros?
nothin, i play nothing
26 here, no clue what to play. My backlog has somehow managed to turn into a monster in the closet. Think I'll just let rng decide. There probably still won't be enough time to fully enjoy it though.
Suicide rate I'd imagine. There are a lot of functioning autists who still have a hard time fitting into society and end up killing themselves instead.
Don't worry about backlog. It's just entertainment. Play whatever you want at any given time.
Lookin about, talking to people, just go witch
>unwarranted self importance
No such thing.
>meet old classmate while talking a walk
>he is only 23 and already have a kid, I'm 25 and have no plans to change my lifestyle
>simple job and plenty of time for my hobbies
to keep it vidya, enjoying the AoE2 campaign again, HD version is solid.
Finishing Rance X.
S-ranking Cuphead.
Slow but steady. The shmup levels are fucking lousy.
your job stable? will it last as long as you will? if so then power to you, living the dream.
>31 years old
>Sex drive is finally starting to decline
It's nice to be able to choose to fap instead of HAVING TO fap. It's also nice to feel satiated after doing it. When I was a teenager, even while I was cumming I wished I had a second dick so I could jerk off while doing it. It was an itch that could never be scratched.
>your friends are getting married, having kids, furthering their careers
>you're still deciding on what videogame to buy this month
it's a certain kind of feel
Vermintide 2
sex drive also controls your mind, this is why I fap before taking important decisions.
I got tired of letting grills play with me.
>furthering their careers
only 5% of them
Enjoying it but in Jekk Jekk Tar and holy shit I hate single character combat.
>fap 3-5 times a day
nothing wrong with me
Do any of you anons tune down the difficulty in games since you work nowadays? I usually find it hard to justify playing a game on hard mode even though I want to.
Receding hairline is more terrifying than death.
Probably going to continue playing Bravely Default.
something's got to give
about to turn 27
>no face
been buying vr games, subnautica, recently renewed wow sub just because i'm bored
haven't played through so many games lately
too much work
too little time
plus there's a girl on the side
god damn
sometimes i miss 2006-2010
just gaming, going to school, hanging out with buddies
mang.... growing up sucks salty balls
I'm 26 next month. I'm worried my sex drive will decline before I've ever had sex.
you can do the same
Old games yes
New games so many of them hard mode is the only half decent difficulty
>was just an autistic skinny fuck most of my life, largely ignored except by girls who thought I was 'cute'
>beefed up a little, learned how to talk to people, even women
>women I have no interest in flock to me
>just want a 18-20 year old nice girl to date, not roasties
I plan on doing some DMC3 and .hack//Last Recode. Might play some Half-Life and Bloodborne while I'm at it.
I'm late 20s dating a girl in her early 20s. They never had power you were just stupid when you were young.
I have several games I just Cheat Engined all the way thru to see what the story was about.
No. I play on high difficulties because modern games are too easy. Western ones at least
i can do the same what exactly user?
It's hard to put up with a 18yo if you're 26. Go for someone your age or older. Women only develop personalities after they turn 40.
Depends on the game. If its shit like Nier were the combat is just button mashing with unlimited healing items I play on normal because the combat is just there to pad the games length.
If its X-Com I play on Commander, the first missions on Legendary are too autistic for me
>call bullshit
>some studies are saying between 39-50
I've got diagnosed Asperger's, I'll be extremely surprised if I make it to 40 without blowing my brains out. It was only very recently at 26 that I actually learned how to function to the point I felt like I'd even make it to 30.
I feel bad for the ones that are smart enough to be fully self-aware of their situation, but too autistic to do anything substantial about it.
>father commited suicide 3 years ago
>feel like I will end up like him someday
Is there no escape from mental illness?
>too much work
find new job
>>just want a 18-20 year old nice girl to date, not roasties
>met girl off of Sup Forums
>second one was /fit/ af
>goddamn sweet heart
>but somewhat borderline
>would've given her my heart and soul
>got fucked up emotionally in the end
here i am with 26 playing battlefield hardline of all bf games now
> 27
> Skinny Asian with meh looks
> Finally stable financially with free time
> Can't play games with bros because gfs work schedule
What do I do? We've been dating for years now but since I've finally started being "successful" her flaws are very evident and shes gained a lot of weight.
I'm too lazy to date again and emotionally she isn't bad but damn she makes nothing compared to me and has a lot of issues.
She's fine with my weird fetishes though...
i can't be fucked to play on hard modes anymore. i just don't give a shit like i used to. i've got nothin to prove. a game has to be pretty boring/piss easy for me to bother changing the setting.
>sad old autismo and just want to die
Gotten to a stage where I've decided that people like myself don't really have a place on this Earth.
>just want a 18-20 year old nice girl to date, not roasties
I feel really bad dating these girls.
Fuck her mom works every time
>ruining thread with your shitty tf no gf and other bioproblems