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why do people play multiplayer games if they dont have fun at all
everybody is just angry all the time and when someone tries to have fun these people get them banned

>or even worse, leave the match altogether.

I remember when this used to be the preferred solution to getting mad at video games.

Now the devs tie you to your chair and say if you don't eat the shit sandwich, you're going to get punished.

Stop buying matchmaking garbage.

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Splatoon's ranking system and complete lack of communication makes it a VASTLY superior competitive mutliplayer experience. Sucks about the 16 tick rate though.

This happens in literally every competitive game. You got players who punch holes in walls or smash their keyboard and shit because they got mad at videogames. People like that have serious issues.

What the fuck happened with multiplayer community?
Ever since Overwatch came out, it's getting more and more pathetic.

I've only played competitive overwatch for the last week(got placed in high plat, in diamond now) and the majority of the people I'm matched with are very pleasant and cooperative and we try to win together. I feel bad for people who get really mad, because they're obviously playing just to escape their real life problems instead of playing because it's an enjoyable activity whether you win or lose.

>or, even worse, leave the match altogether.
How is this worse? Isn't this what a healthy adult would do?
If you're getting mad at a video game, Alt-F4 and step the fuck back until you aren't mad.

Therapy for something that's bound to happen in mp games? Sad.

Dota 2 is the absolute worst at this

>Autist doesn't get the role he wanted, or you pick a hero they don't like
>Feed every 4 minutes to get exp and not get an abondon
>If you leave this game you get 5 lp games which you have to win to count, so it's more like 6-10

I hate valve I hate valve

>thinks this is the first time a competitive gamer needs help with anger management

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If they leave the match and theyre on your side your team gets put at a disadvantaged. Now you might think you could also leave as well but alot of games now have a punishment system in place for leaving games. Also if the person left mid way or late game you essentially just wasted a bunch of time.

In our country, everybody is having fun while playing, you just can't tell with all the screaming and trash talking people do.

That's why multiplayer just doesn't work.

I used to play a lot of ow comp. I did yesterday. You chase the wins, the climb, but it never happens and you end up feeling like shit. I need to uninstall this game asap

every day you pathetic blizzard employees astroturf pretending to be ow players and posting shitty threads

and every day your thread 404s with less than 100 replies.

faggots american and their constant obsession with therapy and drugs no wonder they are all fucked in the head

M-make soyplatoon an e-sports pls

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>Play overwatch
>Needs therapy to recover

Sound about right

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Me and my friends dropped this game before doomfist came out.

We're all hopping back in, but with a forced "Only positivity in this voice channel".

It actually helps. I don't think we win any more than usual but we spill a lot less salt

I have literally never seen a more soylent playerbase than this.

Competitive Fps games are fuckin silly, you see in driving games (and racing IRL) getting angry or fustraited is like a passive debuff. Its not a game mechanic, its all in the mind. It effects preformance and makes the driver more prone to making mistakes. You aint got time to be angry, so the driver needs to take steps to calm themselves down.

FPS games dont play into the human condidtion and should not be taken seriously.

The problems with the matchmaking, all business all the time model of multiplayer are all coming to a head since this is the first time console players are being exposed to the "wonderful" world of being forced to play a game to completion regardless of team quality, mood, or any other number of factors.

It's not really Overwatch's fault so much as it is the fact that matchmaking has never been a conducive environment for great teamwork. There are too many factors that pressure the player into staying in low quality games.

have you thanked your support players today, Sup Forums? You should since they're the backbone of the team and help make everyone play better!

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Why the fuck would I want it to be e-sports, it's just not fucking frustrating to play 90% of the time because players can't shittalk or whine or bitch or come up with reasons why it wasn't their fault.

>report the autist
>he goes to lp
>you move on with your life

>Multiplayer games just don't work!

Then explain Unreal, Quake, Counter-Strike, Halo, Team Fortress, etc being so successful.

The problem isn't the game, it's the fucking community and idiots running the title into the ground.

If you personally are having a consistent issue with literally all multiplayer games, the issue has to be you, because millions of others can cooperate just fine.

Anybody liking Brigitte? I played one Arcade match yesterday with her and I found her fun.

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Well they can't swear anymore, they should honestly kill themselves so nobody is left to play this awful game. Blizzard ruined the whole genre with this garbage, in the same way they ruined the mmorpg one with wow.

Negativity is contagious and it makes everyone play worse

they do have fun, but competition also causes frustration, and losing agitates their insecurities
team games also provide people with scapegoats for their own failure
some people lack the maturity to accept that there are a bundle of emotions that come from competitive play

It's almost like Dota 2 is filled with comebacks through drafts and good play, which doesn't happen in some other games.

because winning = fun you fucking retard, why do you think there are so many hackers around?

Adding to this, the fact that matches are 5 minutes long at their absolute max is a great reason why it isn't shit to play, because you don't have to feel like you wasted 40 minutes of your life only to lose at the very end. All of this is immaterial because Salmon Run is the best mode by the way.

I fucking DARE anyone to look up “Super Mario Cereal Unboxing” or taste test. I'd do it but I'm too scared of the cringe

>the cringe

and that's beautiful

If you treat "toxicity" like it's a big deal then people will start believing that it is a big deal. The best course of action is to drop all this phooey.