First time I've been excited for a Far Cry game, but my god those graphics, that setting, the lore, the open world, fucking flying with a plane, everything I can ask for.

Who here /hype/?

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Far Cry Primal:

Primal has to be the lowest point in Ubishits history of boring turds...

>24 hours to get 100%, but not more then 2-3 hours worth of story related missions.
>get forced into reading subtitles for the slowest speaking language you could possibly come up with
>no artificial Lightning (because of time period) makes the day/night circle and especially the cave exploring the most frustrating and unfun mechanic imaginable.
>you spend the whole game pressing the button for your much needed 15 seconds of batman vision (without it it's impossible to navigate the copy + paste scenery)
>you get the exact same enemies from 3,4 with new textures
>every inch of progress is behind a massive amount of grinding for resources
>not only do you get nothing for hunting down all the collectibles...they even have the audacity to cap the XP gain at around 90%.
>this game eclipses the sheer amount of animal slaughtering from all the other games. Always pushing for unnecessary violence while keeping the auto generated loot stashes as unprofitable as possible. And then the very last cutscene shows us a child becoming friends with an animal....how sincere of you ubishit.
>all the weapons are flimsy trash and even the best upgraded bow is more shitty then the starting bow of the other games.
>the map is overcrowded as fuck with nonsensically spawning enemies that will annoy the shit out of you, and an unbearable amount of utterly useless side-content that gives you no sense of accomplishment.
>the more skills you unlock the more the map becomes filled with irritating crap that never goes away.
>while the map is massive you get no memorable locations at all out of it.
>they have Borderlands 2 like raid bosses in the game that have so much fucking health that you have to fight them for ages.
>the problem of not respawning outposts is still a thing, but this time they're also entirely boring to do (since no real strongholds are to be found in that time period)

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Shill awareness program initialized...

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I'm hyped bro, what platform are you getting it on?

Pre-load is up in the next few hours. Anyone else really /hype/ for this?

The setting is actually very intriguing to me but I'm going to stay cautious and wait until after the release.

I heard the preload is up later today

not me,this game is anti white and anti christian,im atheist but im sick of cucks attacking the root of western civilization.

also primal left a bad taste in my mouth,fucking boring af

I preordered it long time ago on my Xbox One X fellow gamer friend.
The Father Edition of course.

I was floored when after like fifty videos I finally saw a black cultist.

Do shills really think they're subtle?

I see Ubisoft is really vying for that “Most Blatantly Marketed” award on the 2018 Sup ForumsGAs.

Tired of always losing to old Todd?

>Tuesday is my Monday

would pay an extra 20 bucks for an early premium release

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Why do you keep making this thread? It's not even funny nor interesting.
>inb4 you replied faggot

fuck off and die bible belt hick

Shilling should be illegal, sage

Pre-load is up in the next few hours. Anyone else really /hype/ for this?

>after like fifty videos I finally saw a black cultist.
So after 30 seconds into the first official game-play release? Let me guess, you believe the "leakeres" who post stupid shit on Sup Forums

we're talking about 5 so wtf you on about?Im looking forward to this game but really concerned about micro transactions so imma wait to see what angryjoe says lol

It's a video game you cretin.

I agree. The in your face of it too. Imagine if it was Islam and sand people instead of white Christians.

Looks like more of the same desu.

The games plot reads a lot like Angry Birds. Are you sure this is SJW shit? Not even Far Cry 4 was as SJW as people made it out to be

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Why havn't you Pre-loaded yet user?

ugh fuck white people

This. Fuck Sup Forums

it is illegal. Marketing agencies just don't give a shit.

everything I've seen from previews confirms that this game is pure garbage. Literally just Far Cry 3/4 with a different setting. Nothing new here. And the shilling is painful. People can't honestly be hyped for this? How much are you getting paid?

>He hasn't pre-loaded.

game won't be sjw at all, just like asscreed origins isn't

it reminds me of an over the top robert rodriguez-type scenario if anything

>confirms that this game is pure garbage.


How is it illegal?

>he still didn't preorder and preload his game

What is wrong with you?

It is not a japanese game so it is illegal!


>Not even Far Cry 4 was as SJW as people made it out to be
This, honestly FC4's main problem was that you were LITERALLY working with the bad guys and even turbo normie youtube commenters agree Sabaal and Amita were fucking despicable. Pagan even outright tells you that your mom left Kyrat because the Golden Path were a bunch of militaristic fucking psycho terrorists and she killed your dad because he was the leader. The game straight up tells you, congrats you either built up Kyrat as a militaristic drug state or a dangerous society ruled by cult like values in the name of a religion. Far Cry 4 is one of thost game's that's literally unplayable because of the story.

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It's like the 2nd or 3rd day in a row I see this exact same thread on Sup Forums

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Why do you lie?

Welcome to Sup Forums, newfriend. We have marketers spamming threads with the same posts to make money, mentally ill spamming threads with the same posts to try to upset you about an entertainment medium.

FEC regulations in the USA
Consumper protection and anti competitive soandso directive in the EU.

If you advertise a product it has to be clear to the consumer that it is an advertisement.
If you pay influencers, influencers have to make it clear (and not just in a footnote) that they are paid to say what they are saying.

Very clear rules. Nobody gives a shit because it's not really enforced.

Politicians only now are beginning to give a shit because the same methods are used in politics now.

So there's no way around that if you wanted to technically stay above board? Like give 500 bucks to Pajeet and say "gift from ubisoft no strings attached" and hope they get the hint?

Yesterday had about 8-12 of them...it's just aggressive marketing with no regards to the community and no respect for gaming as a hobby. Just a billion dollar industry who invade free forums with propaganda, posted by some homeless nobody's who trade their souls for pennies.

I can't believe anyone is dumb enough to get excited for this disposable garbage that will be completely forgotten in three months max.

fuck off ubishit shill

I've only played Blood Dragon, are any of the other FC games worth playing?

You really think someone would do that, just go on the internet and tell lies?

3 and 4

I refuse to believe there are paid shills on this website, I think it's elaborate trolling to make it appear that there are.

Or, ya know, people actually excited for games.

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>dog bro
>over 9000 trees to explore
>water with interactive fish
>a f*cking plane

These copy paste threads pop up constantly with every new game. same text, same picture, same everything. It's definitely either shills or trolls trying to start shitstorms. Either way the best response is to ignore but people here don't have that much self control.

I can guarantee you that, Sup Forums is being used for marketing purposes, that gook cunt sold out. Company I work for uses a platform that scroll through Sup Forums for marketing purposes and reads comments and people's opinions. There also people that come to shill on here, on most relevant boards, not just Sup Forums.

They should've honestly expanded on the part were you side with Pagan. Maybe mid-game when you learn the truth.

>Far Cry 4 is one of thost game's that's literally unplayable because of the story.

Nigger who gives a shit about story in an open world game.

There's so much shit going on between main story missions that it's difficult to stay invested in the plot anyway.

Game looks cool but the amount of shilling is fucking annoying.

>Nigger who gives a shit about story in an open world game.

Most people since open world has been done to shit and there is nothing really unique about it anymore. If the story is shit why even buy the game? Just get far cry 3 and you get all the same shit.

no. u

Technically the contracts say its the responsibilty of the influencer to disclose so everyone can deny they are responsible and blame the guy who actually did the posting.

Microsoft got caught with a huge influencer campaign on youtube when the xbox one launched. Did anything happen? No, because Microsoft blamed it all on the youtubers.


Pre-ordered this HYPE for the epic own age bois

>Just get far cry 3
Too much water.

>If the story is shit why even buy the game?

I just like the progression aspect, making my dood stronger over the course of a game.

Of course the gameplay and variety needs to be solid too, story doesn't matter that much to me at all and should really not be a driving factor at all.

Like jeez I'm playing Hollow Knight at all which is a God tier game, but the writing is some pretentious as all hell shit, doesn't drag the experience down for me at all though.

Who here /shill/?

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This exact post has been said about every far cry game lol spoiler alert its shit


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I can't wait bros. Who here is buying The Father Edition?

>Mar 4th

come on dude at least try

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Already did, so you can look forward to my unboxing. Unfortunately I slipped up so my dragon dildos wont arrive on the same day so I can't do a proper Sup Forums meme-stream.

pic related, poltards vs Sup Forums on launch day, with the text replaced with some unintelligible amerifat "red pills"

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>even more hilarious

you gotta be subtle

I really want to play the game but I'm not hyped, all of the Far Cry games after the 3 will be mostly the same.

If I really want to play a farcry game I would play farcry 4 or even blood dragon lol

>I refuse to believe there are paid shills on this website

Pretty easy to do here with all the anonymous stuff so you don't get caught with a new account and people can see that you only just posted about 1 game. Only way to track them down is to notice copy paste text and use the archive on images

Why are Americans so thin skinned? Also, the fact that you see having deranged cultists as antagonists as a personal attack on you is pretty telling

That's fair. Different strokes for different folks. do you recommend hollow knight?

>so you don't get caught with a new account



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Americans have this thing where they defend their nation and culture. It's pretty common in most countries outside of Europe.

Good lord man.

God damn. Pretty nice, user. I'm keeping that one.

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Literally the same post from yesterday, word for word.

>Americans have this thing where they defend their nation and culture

So being a deranged cultist is part of your culture. okay


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>43 posters
>78 replies

missed a few but here's the bunch if anyone wants a laff

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Stop being coy, you know what he means. The insult that we're deranged cultists is what he's defending "against". Get it?

I dont even agree, but it's easy to see what he means unless you're intentionally misconstruing what he says to make a funny joke.

Why do you want to suck dicks with your friends user?

Just spend 70 didgeridollars on this. Is there a version of the suicide helpline that tells you how to do it easier because you realised you're mentally unfit to live?

>mfw you've surpassed the 14 day refund deadline and won't get your money back when the game turns out to be shit

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>b-but it will be shit haha!

I'm not a total retard, I've stop buying Ubisoft's shit after AC:Revelations

give up faggot
your shill-fu is weak

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>he didn't play Rogue
>he didn't play Black flag
>he didn't play Origins

lol what a faggot

Hollow Knight is amazing, only thing I don't like is trying to keep track of areas you can't currently access, but will be able to later when you get a new ability and also bosses you've skipped and want to go back to later.

You'll also be re-treading through the same areas frequently to get to the aforementioned areas and making sure you didn't miss anything.

no. u


no. u

Reminder this game likely has several times the total sales of Sup Forums's rape baby KCD in preorders alone

time to make a new thread buddy

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enjoy your buyer's remorse.

no. u

>buying rehashed shit

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