What should be done with the Star Fox franchise?

What should be done with the Star Fox franchise?

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It should be made into Nintendo's Star Wars Battlefront, done right. Have a campaign but the game's selling point would be multiplayer focused on battles on foot, on tracks, and in the air.

Keep Shiggy and Platinum away

Boom, the series is instantly headed for better potential

The "hero" system would be done like the old Battlefront games, and it'd work well since Starfox actually has a pretty big cast.

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Came here to post this

I'm not sure who could be the evil counter to a staff wielder

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Make new games and disregard nostalgiafags.

Take Zero.
Double the number of levels.
No motion control or cockpit view crap.
Bare minimum story.
Ignore/decanonize Adventures.

There, done.

Bump because I'm typing a long winded and thought out response