>pc gaming is dead
good i bought my 6700k last year
>pc gaming is dead
good i bought my 6700k last year
whatever just give the source
But pre built PCs are selling like water now.
it's a pic of my gf
You fucked up the link faggit
>she's looking up at him
>not down at him
boner ruined
Bahw habanaba a even a i3 of this gen outperform that crappy i7 in vidya
God I love chokers.
skylake was the last good of intel cpus that and their 5920k.
enjoy your housefires :)
>There are people nearly old enough to legally get fucked right in the butt for money who were born after PC gaming is dead.
I still can't get over how FPS is now primarily a console experience. It seemed deranged at the time that people would sacrifice the precision of KB+M for a controller.
They’re hot as fuck
My but my 8400 is based. Not hot and has 6 cores
coffee lake was intel's response to amd
the 6700k was suppose to have 6 cores. there's little difference in single core performance
Pretty much. Even a 4970k is still plenty for gaming. I was upgradinf from the amd fx 6300 which was fucking aids. Every time i bought amd i got burned. Life lessons learned the hard way
post more pics of girls doing it for money and not liking it.
This is an old man fetish, and I like it.
>I am glad I spent money last year because there's no present nor future use for it
what did he mean by this?
>the new idolmaster gothy punk jk girl already spreading to Sup Forums
not surprised
>ram is $200
>mid ranged gpus are $500
yeah definitely nothing different
>thought it was a dude
wow what the fuck happened
According to idiots on the internet PC gaming has been dying for the last 20 years.
>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who bought ryzen cpus
>tfw no nagatoro gf
I'm going to play video games at higher speeds, bitch ass nigga.