I'm playing through the first one right now, and the combat is bare bones as fuck. Does it get better at all? The worlds have also been boring, Tarzan and Alice especially.
Can Sup Forums sell me on Kingdom Hearts?
>no Indiana Jones world
KH1 is just what you play trough before you play KH2. Kh2 is the only good game in the series and one of the best games ever made
Every fucking thread with your autism
It’s like shitty Deviantart fanfiction but with great gameplay, an amazing soundtrack, surprisingly good voice acting (besides Aerith), and graphics that hold up pretty well today.
it does get better. just keep playing, you wont regret it
every heard of the phrase "you had to be there"? playing a game from 2002 in 2018 is obviously going to have its lackluster moments. thats 16 years of advancements that the game does not have. play through it all and get into it as much as you can because its definitely a franchise worth your time.
You have irredemiable shit taste. Don't bother playing any KH, or any good game for that matter
OP here, the combat is barebones though, and the worlds so far aren't good. Now i haven't played all of the game but that's why you gotta sell it to me since you seem to like it so much.
It’s also know as nostalgia goggles and the games just simply aren’t good.
>the combat is barebones though
Are you using magic, summons, dodge rolls, gliding? Or are you running up behind things and spamming basic attack?
There are options and just swinging the keyblade at shit won't get you past some enemies, especially the fights vs Maleficent.
The Disney worlds are fairly lackluster because they just reiterate the movie plots. But there are bits of story bits here and there, and the original worlds are very good.
No. The first game is fucking shit in terms of gameplay. And not only the combat, the platforming, minigames, etc, they are all awful.
Don't listen to retarded fanboys nostalgia cucks like this faggot.
The game is shit, therefore if you like it you are the one with shit taste, retard.
Not him, but you're a fucking dumb fucking idiot. KH1 and KH2 are amazing games with great gameplay. You have the shittiest fucking taste in existence so you should just kill yourself, idiot.
Getting through Chain of Memories is a pain in the ass. And I have to beat it twice. It's so fucking unfun to me. The worlds do seem pretty short though, so hopefully it won't take to long to finish.
The first game melee wise isn't very good. I have way more fun slinging magic in that game. As for world quality, Tarzan is the worst world in the entire series and Alice isn't much better.
if you don't like it, you don't like it
no reason to shit on it.
I like blocking and rolling way more in the first game, controls are very tight, end game fights are very fun but a tad easy, espcially ansem and riku.
You kidding me bitch? Slapshot after Sliding Dash is fun as ballsack.
>Finally getting around to playing KH3D
>Keyblade combos actually fucking work compared to BBS
>Dodge roll isnt retarded
>Reality shifts are a great idea and basically act as a substitute for reaction commands except you cant mash them at random
>Dream eater party management is a way better progression system than just fusing commands
>Flowmotion is...ok? It's really neat to fly around levels as a means of transport, but as a combat mechanic it doesnt really work right a lot of the time and you can easily get clipped and die very fast doing flowmotion attacks on higher difficulties
>Dives suck, I get that they wanted two simultaneous stories but arbitrarily forcing me to switch based on a timer is a shitty compromise
overall its good but still nowhere close to kh2 in the gameplay department
also the plot is the most retarded thing in the entire franchise and i think haley joel osment has completely forgotten how to voice sora
3D is my favorite entry.
You unlock abilities through levelling so of course it starts barebones. As you level up, you gain new techniques that open up combat.
>literally Deviantart: the game
>wonder why it's shit
hey, but at least, you mash some action buttons.
You probably haven't played KH1 since you were 8yo, it fucking sucks. KH2 on the other hand does have good gameplay. Play the games again and get some taste, faggot.
The game is objectively shit, OP has all the right to express his objective opinion, faggot.
>opinions are objective
No, faggot. His opinion may be correct, but it is still subjective.
based Indy poster
No. I can't speak for the others but the first game certainly doesn't get any better. Oh, and if you want to have a chance of understanding the story you have to play through the shitty spin off games too.
>noooo stop saying mean things about my kingdom hearts!
A game having flaws is reason enough to criticise it.
I did play them again you stupid ass nigger faggot. I played KH1 on the newest collection like a fucking year ago on PS4 and it is still good.
I played it for the first time a couple of years ago, and while it's not bad I don't think it ever hits a stride and does anything exceptionally well.
Aeris faggot
more so "you have to be a child"
Combat, bosses, AI.
I thought Donald being useless was a huge meme? And I certainly don't remember the combat being great.
In the second game he was. And why not? You have tons of attacks and magic that work really well in a 3D environment.
It's been a while but I remember controls being a little stiff, at least when it came to platforming. Maybe combat was great, but like I said it's been a while.
Okay first is worst in series in terms of game play you just gotta gritt your teeth and get through it
Doesn't he also have to grit his teeth to get through that GBA game if he wants to understand the story?
KH2 is a lot better than KH1, people only play KH1 for story and stuff
that being said kh2 starts with like a 3 hour tutorial which is mostly cutscenes but they're worth watching, they game me insane nostalgia but they might not have the same effect on you, and the game takes forever to start but when it does it's worth it
No, the game is objectively shit, is not an opinion, if you think the game is good then that is a subjective opinion of a nostalgiacuck with shit taste.
>just play through a 20 hour game
>then a 10 hour gba game
>then a 3 hour tutorial
Wow, I love Kingdom Hearts now!
Shitty damage sponges that kill you with one hit
??? average, like seriously get some damn taste nigger.
this is even worst than using literally wrong
kh2 is still good, i watched cutscenes for chain of memories and 358/2 days, the story and stuff may be childish but there is a lot of good moments in there, but honestly if you were to only play kh2 and completely skip over the beginning you'd still have fun
Only people I see like this game are weebs, disney fags, or manchildren who can't take off their nostalgia glasses and see that the games were mediocre at best.
Why are you people so fucking stupid? If you hate KH, the only objectively good games from a non fan point of view are KH1 and KH2. That's because they have a combat system that is balanced and works fucking good.
KH1 has perfect bosses. How do they kill you in one hit and how are you getting hit in the first place unless you are just a braindead retarded 10 year old? You're supposed to be using your arsenal to your advantage. You have lots of attacks that change how Sora approaches enemies, and it all depends on what you choose in the beginning. The bosses are objectively good. The AI is pretty damn good for an ARPG.
I mean I don't think there's a problem with liking Disney or having a strong sense of nostalgia for something, but they shouldn't try and pass that shit off as good.
You only see people with good taste liking these games because they are good, objectively.
And 5 year olds.
I really like the magic system the game has. I like being rewarded more MP for playing offensively. Because you could increase your MP cap (which also boosted magic damage and I think aero/stop's duration) AND the fact that smaller spells would only use a small chunk of orange instead of a full pip you could throw WAY more magic than in any KH game. KH2 feels more restrictive in that way, with the only ways to restore MP are to 1.Get hit with MP rage on 2.spend all your MP then wait for the meter to recharge or 3.use an Item. KH1 also has a better magic selection, in my opinion. I like blizzard functioning as a shotgun more than an enemy piercer, Gravity and Thunder were indispensable for clearing out encounters quickly and Stop and Aero were amazing utility spells. I do like KH2's Fire, Magnet and Reflect though and I recognize that Aero was busted as hell in KH1 however.
Those 5 year olds seem to have great taste.
Ok nostalgiacuck, keep crying, deep down you know your childhood game is shit. And again stop putting KH1 and 2 at the same level, KH1 is fucking shit in every single way, KH2 has good gameplay, just play the games again, stop denying the reality, retard.
Or they just like seeing renditions of the Disney films they watched. And no problem with that, Disney films are cool.
again, posted the thread just so you could post this and get (you)s. Truly pathetic. re-evaluate your life.
I played both. KH2 is damn good, but KH1 is still pretty good, and you know it's true. Who cares about my childhood. Every single game I've played since childhood is still good to this day. Super Mario Bros 3 is still the best platformer ever made and I played it when I was 2.
Nobody plays KH for Disney.
Just skip to KH2FM and watch the fun begin.
every difficulty is easy besides level 1 critical
Donald is broken in th first one.
Please elaborate. I played the first one and I had to force myself to continue on, realized it wasn't worth it and dropped the game all together. Do the later games change literally everything about the combat? Make at the very least slightly less retarded AI companions? Do the stories actually become compelling?
Not that user, but I would definitely recommend you play Kingdom Hearts 2. The story doesn't necessarily get more compelling (more convoluted if anything), but the gameplay vastly improves on itself and, dare I say it, becomes fun.
Unfortunately the rest of the games in the series don't really live up to Kingdom Hearts 2's gameplay, but if there's any game you should play, it's definitely that one.
I was actually watching a podcast last week where a guy was talking about how an old girlfriend played them because she was into Disney.
The stories do get more compelling and needlessly (but fun) complicated. KH2 is the only other game that changes the combat in an objectively superior way. The rest of the games are mixed. The AI get's more retarded. The AI is only good in KH1. I don't know what you are talking about. Donald casting Aeroga on you and using gravity on enemies at every moment while Goofy actually does damage is pretty helpful. I can't see how you dislike it.
The AI companions are even worse in 2, but the combat does see some very nice improvements. Mostly an increase of how fast you attacks come out, how flashy they are and some neat extra options including launchers you can do mid combos with square presses. You also get access to drive forms which are timed buffs that do all sorts of things, such as move and cast magic at the same time, do stronger combos with multiple keyblades that have larger aoes and unlock specific things sora can do outside of them, such as the dodge roll, an aerial evade and the high jump.
>KH1 is still pretty good, and you know it's true.
This is the level of delusion of KH fanboys KEK, they just refuse to accept the reality, they do mental gymnastics to convince themselves that their game is good. Listen faggot, your childhood game is SHIT, and it will always be SHIT, there's nothing you can do about it, you delusional cuck with shit tastes.
It's the soylent equivalent in video game software.
This is the reality, Kingdom Hearts 1 is a great game and always will be. You know you are just shitposting.
Explain how KH1 is bad without using buzzwords.
Don't listen to those whiny fanboys, KH1 is awful. I'd recommend KH2 and that's it, the rest of the games are mediocre as fuck, just watch a Youtube video that explains the story which is also awful anyway.
KH1 isn't awful. It's one of the best action RPGs there is.
>NO NOOO this CANNOT be true, he can't think the game is shit even though everyone agrees, it's my childhood game and it's perfect this has to be shitposting NOOOO
The second game is clearly superior in regards to combat but how was the combat in the first game bad. You're given a wide range of evasive/defensive moves, and can edit your combo to be as short or as long as you want as well as add combo finishers that better suit your style.
On top of that, you have magic, summons, and techniques. Hitting enemies are satisfying, bosses have long combos and can tank enough abuse that you are given the opportunity to fully use the moves you are given and it feels rewarding to evade/block through a combo and counter with a combo of your own.
All I see in this thread is
but no actual analysis of the combat. It wasn't KH2 combat but it was still good and the game has plenty of bosses to use the combat system with.
No it's not, fanboy.
I've been here long enough boy. I don't act like you anymore. I have great taste in video games and I know KH1 is great just by playing it and knowing how it is. I bet you would even deny Persona 5 being the greatest game in existence.
Yes it is.
Jesus fucking Christ stop having shit taste. it's painful. You should have played like 3 games in your entire life, the first one being KH.
>King Triton has a 2200% damage modifier
>Can boost that more with a 200% skill bonus
>And a 260% modifier from Spirit slot
>And bonuses from stat up/downs and +% bonus modifiers
>And the Power/Magic/Speed type ring
I'm gonna fucking drown all of Daybreak Town with this fucking nutty-ass power.
You should have told me your taste was this abysmal from the start. What a waste of my time..
The combat gets pretty good later on, you get more moves,combos,aerial combos a block move.You get more magic and summons and the bosses get more complex.
This thread seems pretty DARKNESS themed
The controls of this game are just terrible. I forced myself to complete it and ended up hating it more because of that. Just drop it before you end up like me and play the second game instead.
>just drop it before you end up as a pathetic retard like myself who can never get used to a game's simple controls
>Choose +sword -shield because I figure that I'm gonna be hitting monsters with my Keyblade the most often, and should get good enough over the course of the game to dodge instead of block
>Choose to start at dawn so I can get all the abilities early
>Everything is going swell, fight Ice Titan in the Coliseum
>Can barely hit him, no limits, just dodging and like two standard hits every so often
>Finally beat him after like an hour of this
It was painful.
>Play on Critical0 mode
>Keyblade attacks do absolutely fuckall
>Balloons fuck everything up
>Absolutely nonsensical clusterfuck of a story
3D was a mistake.
I just started playing KH1 for the first time though I've played 2 before. Is it just me or are the controls really sluggish in 1 compared to 2? Is it something I just have to get used to?
>he sucks so much at games he couldn't beat the game without resorting to fucking balloons instead of awesome commands
I bet you didn't even beat Julius legit.
Julius hitbox and super armor is fucked up though.
>Bubsy 3d is a masterpiece! You just have to get used to the controls
Such a poor excuse...
I hope you can get used, the controls and camera are just terrible in my opinion.
I thought they were fine?
>I suck at games, thanks!
You're welcome buddy.
>I have great taste in video games
PFFTTHAHAHAHA neck yourself retard.
Imagine if you took some of those weird tumbler blogs that have bizarre disney x final fantasy cross over art and used that to model the art and story of the game. Now take that game and give it horrible pacing, a cringe self insert protagonist, an edgy sasuke clone and a bunch of music stolen from your favorite disney movies and you have kingdom hearts. Truly the official fan fiction abomination of our time.
>surprisingly good voice acting
Disney hired a very impressive team of Hollywood actors for the first game, and some of them reprised their roles. Not like big A listers, but much better than the typical anime/video game VAs you usually get.
I enjoyed it and I played the entire game twice. I didn't bother with the secret shit though and I missed some side rooms.
> I have no arguments so I just type the first shit I come up with
You are sad.
What argument? You're terrible, clearly.
>i bet you would even deny Persona 5 being the greatest game in existence
How old are you?
Donald is broken in the first game because he gets all the spells you can get and MP regeneration is super quick with the right Abilities and equipment, plus Goofy's MP Gift.