Forget Smash Bros, tell me about your dream roster for the next Mario Party for the Switch?
Forget Smash Bros, tell me about your dream roster for the next Mario Party for the Switch?
Other urls found in this thread:
Base: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, Yoshi, Toad, Wario, Waluigi, Donkey Kong, Bowser
Unlockables: Rosalina, Pauline, Boo, Bowser Jr.
Ahem, are you forgetting someones?
Thought about it, but they're basically filler (See: Mario Kart 8) and can be achieved with just Bowser Jr., really.
>Caring about the roster in Mario Party/sports games
No retarded car. That's all I want.
What he said and maybe other Nintendo characters for shits and giggles.
But I'm more interested if they can get back to the pre-MP 9 gameplay
The gameplay is gonna decide if this game is shit or not. They could literally remaster 1-3 as a single game and it would be better than several past titles.
Same situation as smash tbqh
if hudson isnt resurrected just to make the next mario party i dont care