How long until people realize this game wasn't really all that good?
How long until people realize this game wasn't really all that good?
45 days
Tick tock
Never, it is actually a good game
Can't wait
i totally forgot about that game, would buy it if it was cheaper. i really enjoyed the first one.
has anyone tried the EE version? i heard the redid the ending and was curious if it was good
Obsidian drones are SEETHING
Took me about a week. Didn't really like the lesser focus on story, 4 co-op made content feel really random and disconnected to allow for freedom between 4 players. Hated the physical/magical armour shit, and the asterisk dialogues. Loved 1, shame.
Is DOS1 better than this?
II is the better game. A lot more content, customization, and options, despite some of its flaws.
You left out writing so bad it makes weeb anime look like classic literature by comparison.
reminder that it's same retard starting divinity threads and then shitting on it.
I thought it was garbage ever since I played it
EE of the first game is, all around, better than the original. I'd highly suggest playing it.
It's really good though.
Since the first was a work of art? Come on ref.
not really surprising, i heard the added a TON of voices to the dialogue, remade the ending and i think they did something with the skills.
is this true and did they do something else that is significant?
The worst part was they removed some skills from the game. But that it was basically all the shit ones anyway.
Hated the enhanced edition. So much that I couldn't force myself to keep playing after I heard how they butchered the voice acting for the "halibut... sheep's cheese.... tomay-ohs...." NPC.
It may have still been great but I just couldn't deal with the new voices.
Why did they have to ruin it?
sorry obsiditards
ok, did they change how the weapon skills work? i seem to remember normal weapon skills being useless after that one material is available
It's one of the most enjoyable game experiences I've had in a while. Until I got off the second zone. The other zones (while maybe not as small as they appear initially) just seem unfinished or rushed after such a great first half of the game.
Also quest rewards were weak compared to randomized vendor stuff. Finishing a quest line didn't feel as awesome when the sword you get would have be an 'ok' sword two levels ago.
Larian is incompetent
Second act was the best part of the game IMO.
>Black Pits derrick
>sunken demon cave (whatever it was called)
>death island
>The cows and the witch
>that shattered blight region with the succubus
The only bad thing was the armor system, people who bitch about the writing probably never liked larian games to begin with. They made these games for their already established fanbase, not secondaries.
>people who bitch about the writing probably never liked larian games to begin with
Might have to do with how they have always been bad at writing.
Within the scope of the genre, why do you think it's bad? Just because it isn't afraid to be a little lighthearted doesn't make it bad.
give it a rest OP
? Not sure what you're talking about
I only just started playing it today and it's perfectly fine
what's your deal?
He's to busy waiting for PoE2
how is it bad again?
i really love how their writing, sort of reminds me of pratchett's work
yeah i don't remember what the material was, but back in the old days, all points you had in weapon skills were made useless by tenebrium.
It's cringe
You can list off buzzwords all day but unless you explain yourself they are meaningless.
how? explain it.
this, so much this.
it's rather sad that a person like him has others define his opinions. he doesn't seem to know why he is supposed to hate it
as soon as you get off the first island it kind of falls apart.
Don't play in 4 player coop then ya dingus. Two at most, solo is fine.
>How long until people realize this game wasn't really all that good?
Fuck you nigger, I never once enjoyed rogue-style until I played this game.
It's embarrassingly bad. Having self-awareness and knowing that you're being silly on purpose doesn't make it any less unfunny and shameful. In fact, it might make it more so instead of less. The forum RP dialogue choices are awful and the old man narrating sex scenes out while you look at two models staring at each other is the apex of RPG gone wrong.
>This so much this
Speaking of cringe... Straight outta reddit. No wonder you like D:OS 2.
>Original Sin
>rogue style
this is a classic of Sup Forums, don't know if reddit has adapted it but if it has then i suppose it is also straight outta reddit on top of being a Sup Forums classic.
i never said i liked d:os:2, never even played it.
btw you didn't say much about the writing, lots of words, not that much content.
what makes the writing bad?
so you disliked the choices, which choices to be more exact?
never saw old man narrating sex scenes.
ps you were saying that larian has always been bad at writing and im obviously referring to d:os since that's the game i've played.
They've always been bad, but Original Sin 2 is the worst it's ever been for them. They added some bad edge on top of it.
>Having self-awareness and knowing that you're being silly on purpose doesn't make it any less unfunny and shameful. In fact, it might make it more so instead of less.
Not everything HAS to be super grimdark serious all the time like every other WRPG in existence, why is it such an unforgivable sin to do something different?
>old man narrating sex scenes out while you look at two models staring at each other
If it's part of the story then it should be narrated, yes? Though I admit most romance options in games have very little justification for being there in the first place and merely serve as player wish fulfillment of sorts
You're talking to a very dedicated troll. You realize this.
>tfw barricaded myself in a room inside doctors house
>had a fierce battle of attrition and eventually prevailed
literally no other RPG lets you do that. Positioning and environment matter more than levels and gear
after the second act
I also agree that the second was best. That's why the latter part of the game was a bit of a letdown.
i do, i'm just waiting for my food so why not waste my time here?
>worse writing than D:OS
I see we are fond of lying.
Infinitely more edgy
So, both games? Congrats user.
EE was not that good honestly, it improved a lot of things and tactician mode was a welcome challenge but so many things got worse.
More voice-acting but most of it is bad and you hear the bad shit a lot, many skills have been gutted removing certain fun spells for no real reason, but it also cut back on some bloat. New ending was fairly trash imo, drags on for too long with characters and events that don't really matter to the overall story that much.
It, overall, was more of an improvement than a drag, by far. Almost all the removed spells were right shit to begin with.
No, the writing is objectively worse, both in prose, consistency, pacing and content. Many plot points are raised and forgotten or raised and solved in a matter of minutes, world changing events occur and.... nothing happens. Overall so much shit was poorly done, half-finished or outright broken that only someone with a mental handicap would give this any sort of praise. It's servicable at best, promising maybe, but the actual reality of it is just a damn mess.
Still petter than PoE, but not by much.
>its the forced competition meme
You fail to present any examples, and therefore you argument is pretty meaningless.
Your summary could be used to describe most of gamings "stories".
ìf only the whole game was as solid as the first 13 levels
The worst example in my mind was how they handled the mother tree. If you play as Sebille it literally comes out of nowhere, forces a choice onto you with no way to evaluate it, and after all is said and done nothing really happens, the other NPC's involved drop a line in the last act about how they're "saved" if you kill the tree. You have little reason or understanding about the whole process as the character for whom this is a central plot point, and for other characters it makes even less sense.
It just comes across as terribly unfinished, especially with examples in the "kill malady" scenario and shit like how the back door into the demon's manor requires a lot of prep work with absolutely zero payoff.
The entire act has information about the tree user. There are hints dropped prior to that as well. Which made it all pretty obvious the tree, itself, was corrupt.
The elves in Act 2 make this pretty clear.
op=pillarsofshit daily spammer
report and hide
>How long until people realize this game wasn't really all that good?
It is one of the best RPGs ever made.Stop sucking Obsidians cock.
I love DOS:2, no amount of retards shitting on it on Sup Forums is gonna change that. Also will I be disappointed if I play the first one after the second?
Shit game, shit series.
>The elves make this pretty clear
They do not, at all, there is the implication that there is something wrong, but you find actual corrupt trees around which try to kill you, and are an unreliable source AT BEST.
That also does not match the story Sebile herself recounts, and how the choice is presented to you, being mainly about Sebile having to choose between duty, repentance and freedom. Which is another example of poorly handled/bad writing, because making the tree objectively evil (and it isn't, unless you decide it is and kill it, based on very little evidence) the morality of the tree itself takes away from the choice Sebile has to make, to the point where it outright renders it pointless and moot. (which is a running theme in DivOS2 mind you, most of the things you do end up being that way, especially with the ending being what it is)
I've fapped to that video so much.
It was a good game and you kids whining about the writing doesn't change that.
2 is objectively better in every way
It's okay user. You were to wrapped up in your waifu to notice anything else.
Sounds like you're the one throwing a tanrum there kiddo.
>People discuss what's bad about a game
>"N-no it's a good game shut up you doodieheads!"
I mean really now lad, stop and think,
It was pretty good. Acts 1 and 2 were great last act was kinda meh.
Wasn't a perfect game but it was pretty good 7/10 above average.
Bitch please, I played through the second act at least six times now due to honor mode bullshit and bugs, come up with some real arguments or accept the fact that you're full of shit and the writing sucks.
>honor mode bullshit
>six times
Shitters don't get to have opinions user.
i can't fucking find this, link?
Currently in act 2 so is the last act so bad that it makes people dislike the game?
>Play through the game 3 times and died 3 times to shit like getting oneshot by cheap bullshit
>Faggot who didn't even play on tactician and is so mentally deficient he can't see the huge flaws in writing tries to talk shit
My fucking sides lad. Let me know how your solo no-lonewolf playthrough goes.
>trying to play honor mode
>doesn't know where the hard fights are and where to position
>doesnt have an escape plan, ever
I posted about as much actual solid evidence as the rest of the thread. That is to say none. Calling me kiddo after I already called you a kid is weak btw.
Last two acts are terrible honestly. The island just throws endless heaps of random garbage at you and barely anything you did in act 1 and 2 matter in act 3, the game could have literally started in this act and little would change.
Act 4 has similar issues, you just did something earth-shatteringly huge in act 3 but that entire act might as well have been cut out completely as nothing you did is really mentioned, nor does it actually matter.
But worst of all is the fucking ending, which essentially negates everything you've done up to that point and makes literally everyone involved look like complete and utter morons, and the last choice you make is completely disconnected from the rest of the game. The final boss is a literal "what the fuck is this shit" and nothing really gets solved.
>Literally playing honor mode with a guide or prior experience guiding him through
>Thinking escape plans stop you getting oneshot by cheap bullshit or killed due to a bug
user please, your attempt at trash talk is pathetic, like a little shrimp at the gym who can't even lift his own weight laughing at the dude struggling to lift twice his for his 100th rep.
>N-nuh uh I called you a kid first!
Doesn't really matter buddy, you act like a child you get called a child.
>I posted as much as I thought everyone else did because I'm retarded and can't read
That explains a lot, carry on lad.
Nope. DOS1 is very cookie cutter, a lot of tedious bullshit and literally not fun unless you play with someone else. DOS2 is fantastic in its own right - single or multiplayer. Way better writing, script, and story. The only thing I don't like about it is the learning curve was lowered significantly but can't really complain about that.
>with a guide
>he has to think others need guides since he's struggling along and blaming bugs for his failures
I assume you have zero rez-idols? I assume you don't use pyramids at all? You aren't triggering obvious boss battles with single individuals?
It's like you've never played the game before.
dude seriously stop making these threads you are not fooling anyone anymore
I had fun_
So how much do you get paid?
Damn that’s disappointing man loving it so far. Oh well definitely going to finish it
Don't think you spent very much time looking. I found it immediately.
Game is tremendously dumbed down what the fuck are you talking about?
>Elemental interactions extremely simplified, most are now also completely unviable
>Surfaces are a bother, not a threat
>Spell effects are far more limited than ever before, partly due to surface interactions being so gimped, making just about every spell a straight projectile spell with damage+debuff
>Summoning is a bad joke since you are ALWAYS limited to just one summon which will always just be a shit version of the class it tries to mimic
>Debuff avoidance is dumbed down to "just stack armor bruh" no more setting yourself on fire to avoid getting frozen etc.
>Necrofire is fucking everywhere and ruins everything
>Many quests are bugged and broken, giving completely wrong outcomes that are literally the opposite of what you actually did, quest lines end abruptly or have some extremely obscure end condition (withermoore's quest requiring you to approach a lever with no source points left, when there's a pool of it right outside and no reason to spend it prior to getting at the lever)
Don't fucking kid yourself.
>dumbed down
>D:OS combat
Making it not just "use poison and fire, win game" is infinitely less dumbed down than the first.
Pray for RNG combat is not good combat.
It's fun. That doesn't mean it's good, but it's a video game so that's more important than being good.
I don't understand why PoE gets brought up in every Divinity thread and vice versa. The games are absolutely nothing a like. The only thing they have in common is that they're RPGs. The gameplay is completely different. The art style is completely different. The two just aren't comparable, yet I see idiots comparing them in every single thread.
>Single individuals
What part of "solo" do you not understand you lemming
Yup, that thing is great, once you get to it. Won't save you from some of the bullshit encounters due to their very nature, and since it saves when they're used you'll be fucked regardless
Why even suggest something so retarded? Did you seriously think you were somehow clever for thinking of this? This is so fucking banal it does my fucking head in.
>Blaming bugs for his failures
Where bugs are involved, yes, like my entire turn getting eaten by character dialogue such as in the ship battle.
Tbh I just stack magical armor and spam necro fire plus teleport with my two mages, drops everything.
>Pray for RNG
This doesn't happen unless you stat poorly user.
>Just use poison and fire
Varied resistances fuck that shit right up, and encounters are diverse enough for that not to fly. We can generalize all we want but "just hit it with a sword" works on everything in DivOS2, and due to the armor system the discrepancy is actually far worse.
Meanwhile, DivOS2 also gutted the stat system, no longer do you have the choice to make a legit glass cannon or tank based on stats, speed is gone, initiative is completely useless, CON is just straight up bonus health which is completely useless.