what the FUCK am I in for?
What the FUCK am I in for?
Punching the mother FUCK out of demons if you max out STR.
Also it's a game where buffs and debuffs are not only effective, but necessary to win boss fights.
Bosses are just as much a puzzle as they are a battle.
Also to recruit demons to your team you have to have conversations with them and convince them to join you, the dialogue is really good in these negotiations.
leveling up strength and getting fucked over by bosses that are immune to physical attacks
>Bosses are just as much a puzzle as they are a battle.
only the gimmick ones like trumpeter
rest is just buff then kill
is music good or should I just blast a podcast over the game or something?
The OST is fantastic you faggot.
>he fell for the WURLD OF STR meme
Tornado to Glacial Blast to Bolt Storm + Magma Axis for Beelzebub
Well that's why I'm asking you faggot
A great but massively overrated game by a vocally annoying fanbase only rivaled by the faggots that love Strange Journey. Keep fusing your demons, open chests at full moon for best reward, and don't play hard mode starting off.
Weak OST except a few select tracks and music quality, especially conpared to IV, DDS, and Raidou.
>what the FUCK am I in for?
Hee hoo motherfucker
Shitty overrated repetitive gameplay and blurry filters for atmosphere.
This is every SMT game prove me wrong
OST is edgelord as fuck, might as well buy a gunblade irl
SNES games have no blurry filters though
Delete this shit and play persona 3-5
You haven't actually played the game, you just listened to the boss theme in youtube and came here to post this, I can tell.
Relentless enemy encounters.
>finish a battle
>push on stick
>run animation still hasn't finished yet
>battle sequence anyway
This. You'll probably have fun, but it's not the best shit ever
>boss theme
>battle theme
Basically what I'll be listening to for more than half my game time, yes.
Just one more proof that you haven't played the game, the battle theme changes based on what area you are in.
Dante from the devil may cry 2
Get fog breath
Focus on making Demi-fiend into a physical attacker (you can basically shit on everything with phys attacks once you hit end game)
Do not go into the final dungeon before finishing the optional amala labyrinth dungeon
Have one spell of your element of choice in case of phys immune enemies (which are still an issue until you get freikugel and pierce)
i seriously hope you play on hard mode
>time to experience the thrill of death!
Anybody aware of which version is on the PSN store?
I'd rather have Raidou that Dante desu
Raidou was Jap only.
The last good SMT game.
What kind of attack is freikugel even supposed to be?
>shitting on nocturne
>recommends persona 3-5
oh boy
There's a patch that puts the English text into the Raidou version now.
Sorry for linking leddit, but that's where he posted the patch.
Dante from devil may cry(tm)
opinions on Hard Type
Pointless money grind to buy magatama from stores. Play on Normal.
Optic blast.
not that you fucking moron
>Have one spell of your element of choice
Magma axis scales off of STR, just use that one
but it doesn't
>podcasting over a Meguro soundtrack
Some people are simply faggots
Always remember, Daisoujou is your friend and fiend-bro
Every demon that has the capacity to evolve is great