Is this unironically the best character created in modern video games history?
Is this unironically the best character created in modern video games history?
I want to smash his boipucci
ss fags plz leave
He's definitely up there.
Do you want to cuddle with him and diddle his pinky dicky?
He's certainly fantastic.
I don't understand why people don't like him. The only reason I can think of is that they are sad faggots that are mad because they can't look at panties.
He was a cool ass dude who had a real shit life. He wasn't even whiney about his shit life. He got mad about something, and instead of whining, he went out and decided to kill EVERYTHING that had to do with it. Dude was badass. Don't fuck with 9s.
Automata got waifufaggot attention prior to the release thanks to 2B. Then Taro proceeded to shit on those people by not only making 9S the true main character but making the entire 2B's personality and history revolving around him.
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing assmad waifufaggots.
He would smash yours
>motivation for everything he does is that he wants to plow one of the blandest girls in the universe
Best character development out of any Yoko Taro character, fight me
there's that word again.
actual brainlet
>people tell me that game goes to shit after 2B playthrough because you play the rest as a whinny little brat
>you actually play the rest as a GOAT protagonist
i should stop listening to people
>an overemotional twink manlet
Yeah no. This is
brainlets are the ones who think automata has a 2deep story and award winning characters. the first game did both better.
Unfortunately 2B attracted the autistic waifu crowd to this game who are genuinely braindead
Actually he wanted to kill her.
>great character
if generic anime tropes are up your alley, sure
>moralfag with daughter issues
Yeah no.
I ain't clicking that shit
In terms of writing quality, absolutely.
Geralt is a book character.
Unironically the best character of his own game and definitely high on the list of protagonists and villains in the last few years imho. Damn shame he's held back by his shota design and being put in the shadow of the waifupandering that came with this game's publicity.
I imagine people liked him in routes A, B, and early C/D, but when he snapped that's when people liked him less.
MGS2 Raiden was a piece of shit, as a rookie thrown into the hell 9S is vastly superior.
Which means older 9S will be better than Revengeance Raiden as well.
oh shit did people actually like 2B?
>10/10 based japs
Fuck off
The breaking point was so well-done and absolutely believable you need to have an awful taste to dislike it. He alone made route C an insane ride and it always felt like A2 is just tagging along his psychotic crusade.
His waifu murdered him repeatedly across the span of hundreds of years and he has very complex emotions about it.
>best at anything
LMAO crackers have low IQ, small dicks and get cucked by their women
This. If he didn't look like such a twink manlet then I would like him much more. His voice actor did a good job, also his fighting style is awful
He has one weapon and hacking sucks dick
The snap is what makes him a good character. A likeable character isn't a good character.
>nier rising revengeance never
>learns his purpose in life is null and void because humanity ceased to exist long ago
>learns that his future is nonexistent because YoRHa is an involuntary suicide pact intended to wipe out all of its members as a cover-up
>learns that he has been murdered repeatedly in the past to avoid the truth spilling out
>oh well, at least I've got my waifu
>waifu is dead but she was also the assassin who had to kill him all this time when he learned the truth
>don't know whether or not to kill her or fuck her but A2 took away both options
Whoa. Holy shit. It's almost like day after day of more and more punches building up turns you into a colossal, irrational edgelord who wants to die but go out swinging.
They've been together for 3 years.
Majority of his incarnations understood what's going on with her so he an hero'd himself repeatedly or didn't resist so she wouldn't suffer as much.
He doesn't have complex emotions about it, he always ended up loving her to such an extent he's ready to sacrifice his life for her. And 2B would long commit suicide from her own duty if it wasn't for 9S forcing her to promise that she will continue her duty so they could be together.
Nigga has more balls than vast majority of JRPG protagonists.
Nuclear 9S was the only good protagonist in the game.
A2 is basically the straight man (or woman) in a world of insanity. You got a crazy android ready to slaughter everything in his sight, you got N2/Red Girl who is obsessed with him and she also hates (emphasis on hate) his gf, you got the same twins from the original Nier, and here A2 is just trying not to snap herself.
I'm not denying that he's a great character by the way.
I like him and A2 more than 2B.
A2 had even less going on than 2B, she was just kind of there.
9S deserves to worship my BWC every day.
2B is fantastic when you piece together her full story.
I had to look in side materials to learn more about A2. That's probably the biggest pain in the ass about her character.
People who think anything about Automata's characters are anything special sincerely need to stop talking. Automata had a good narrative and shit everything else.
That's the biggest pain in the ass about this entire game.
>is frog poster
>is also dumb
like pottery
the inclusion of devola/popola made no sense because nothing prior to automata hinted at there being more than 1 pair of twin androids
the only Nier fanservice that made sense was Emil, and his final bossfight was satisfying conclusion to his story
9S is the biggest pleb filter in all of Taroshit.
That's the problem with a lot of Taro games. They have great stories but in terms of gameplay and combat, it swings from average, to good, to bad.
Oh shit, I almost forgot about Emil.
>gets obsessed over bido gamy character
>I'm SO smart guys, look I understand this so well, you only wish you could comprehend this game on same level as I do
Maybe try picking up a book for once fucking retard
>nothing prior to automata hinted at there being more than 1 pair of twin androids
Devola and Popola are called Observers 21 and 22 in the original Nier.
I'm so sorry for your brain damage, user.
>being capable of thought makes you a retard
>understanding what's going on in a story you're enjoying makes you obsessed
>telling anybody else to pick up a book
Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, meet pot. You're both black, so that's some good common ground.
Nah mate. 9S was great because you learn almost every major plot detail through his route and by the point he snaps you cant help but think everything he's doing is totally justified.
He's asian tho
>some Resistance member asks 9S to find his missing comrades
>quest ends with one of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the whole game and it's unknown what exactly 9S wants to do until you get to the field of flowers
fucking Taro
No shit. But people probably won't like him as much when he went insane. Some excluded of course.
I'll be with you before long
pretty sure that's also a line in the first nier, or very similar at least
spoilers but the shadowlord says something similar in the fight after his yonah dies
A pleb filter?
Best and cutest
Hack artist.
in your opinion
This 2B looks pretty cute
Me on the right
Filters out the plebs
I want to **** 9S while he goes "glory to mankind"
great artist
I want to **** Kainé's feminine dick
No but he is a cute shota I want to do lewd things to
What do you have against her?
Not that user but their style is really boring. It's fine if you want a print on your wall, but compile their work side by side and it's the same fucking glam shot each time.
Do they have talent? Yes. Is it interesting? Not really once you've seen it 50 times.
Not her fault people pay her too much
hey fuck you I might be a neet but I don't wear my pants like that, I'm not a nigger
If all you've ever touched in your life are videogames - as in you never read a book or watched a movie - then... no, not even then.
>video game history
No, user, it is you who never learnt to read
I never understood this argument. If you want to discuss books or movies there are other boards dedicated to that type of media on this very website.
What makes him so good though? I don't hate him but seeing you claiming he's some masterfully written character makes me understand why people call Automata pretentious.
A beta bitch sperglord that is the direct cause of all his own suffering and goes on an ineffectual autistic rampage for illogical reasons?
Absolutely. He's perfect.
>make two meh characters with great combat
>make one good character that is absolute bore to play
What did Taro mean by this?
If the author claims to like girls so much then why didn't he make 9S a loli. Game would have been 10/10.
The whole artificial conflict between 9S and A2 was my least favourite part of the game. She never bothered to explain even though she obviously didn't want to fight him, and he never bothered to find out even though curiosity is his primary motivator.
Source on the girl?
His motivation was explained in a book as "since i kept losing my memory she might know more about 2b than me so she has to die".
>Edgy the character
Lol, no.
>retards still think he didn't understood why she did it
>curiosity is his primary motivator.
After 2B got killed, his main motivator changed to hatred
This. 9S is the greatest protagonist ever. His meltdown was the most kino I've ever seen in video games. It was like something out of a famous, respectable movie.
>always shiny as fuck
>samey (just swap the heads or just the hair, no one will notice lol)
>not enough focus on actual drawing, too much on rendering
At least she's good at giving retards what they want and taking their money.
no, it was actually because she killed 2B
figuring out that she knows more about 2B only added to his anger
him snap made me like him even more.