When will Nintentoddlers finally admit it has a superior library than 3DS?
When will Nintentoddlers finally admit it has a superior library than 3DS?
When it gets one.
When you use childish names like that you only expose yourself as a jealous console warrior. Cry more.
I challenge you to name 10 worthwhile Vita games that:
1. Do not currently exist on another platform (I don't really give a shit about playing a portable version of something already in my steam library/PS4)
2. Are not Visual Novels
Yurocunt here, considering buying one. Which model should I get ?
I can only think of Freedom Wars and Soul Sacrifice.
And what is so amazing about 3DS library exactly? Its 90% lazy Nintendo rehashes and 10% MH and SMT ports as far as anything 3rd party thats worthwhile.
1001 model if you can find one in good condition but the 2000s are fine too and easier to get.
Tales of Heart R
Freedom Wars
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
Little Big Planet
Killzone Mercenary
Dungeon Travelers 2
Demon Gaze
Lumines Electronic Symphony
Nothing honestly, It's a EO machine with Rune Factory 4, nothing else worth giving a fuck about desu
By superior, you mean 90% of games that has been ported to PC or other platforms?
When people buy the thing.
Thanks ! Any game recommendations ? I'm more into action and platforming games. I don't like waifu simulators but I still can enjoy RPGs and adventure games.
Shinobido 2
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Gravity Rush
Tokyo Xanadu
Ys games
Having Style Savvy automatically makes 3DS better. Vita is filled with ironic web garbage.
Good list.
None of these are exclusive except Shino?
Nothing. It's pretty much just an Atlus machine.
Well alot were originally just most Vita stuff has been ported to PS4 now.
Fucking Lumines
Also, its coming to the Switch
The 3DS library is hot garbage, probably the worst first party games nintendo ever released.
I still own a vita just to play Miku Hatsune on the Go, if wasnt for that I would already sold it for a 3ds a few years now.
I never touched my vita after I bought a Switch
Toukiden games are Vita too though they've been ported to PS4/PC now.
someone's a little mad that the Vita was shit
When some /g fellow figures out how to port the ps2 library then yes
Eh, they're about equal if you bother to play more than the recognizable brand name titles.
Oh yeah man, Pokemon XY, Sun and Moon, Mario and Luigi games, 3D Land, Sticker Star, Kid Icarus Uprising, Fire emblem Awakening and Fates weren't totally shit.
It's just me being mad.
>1. Do not currently exist on another platform
Name five good 3DS games
Thats your criteria not mine fagget plus most of those games were Vita exclusives originally and being able to play them portable is already a bonus.
The library was the biggest problem with the Vita. If it actually had one, it wouldn't have flopped like it did.
Soul Sacrifice Delta is pretty fun but I don't see myself beating it. Seems long as fuck and it's pretty repetitive.
i played some psp games once
they were almost all shit
Also eshop on 3DS is fucking shit.
Grand opening, grand closing.
Both mainline Kirby games
Rune Factory 4
Stella Glow
Ever Oasis
CodeName Steam
Ace Combat Horizon Legacy
>inb4 minimal effort shitposting like calling everything a rehash
RF4, SMT and Stella Glow are the only good games you listed.
>most of those games were Vita exclusives originally
I don't give a shit, I'm interested in buying one in 2018.
>muh exclusives
>Vita has no gaems
Vita has a better library than almost any Nintendo system with the SNES being the sole exception.
>proprietary memory card
Your opinion is irrelevant.
Is LBP Vita good? I remember hating the PSP one, but I love 1 and 2.
Motherfucker don't you talk shit about Kid Icarus Uprising.
Honestly don't. Unless you never owned a PSP and find a hackable Vita so you could play PSP games.
You should get the Plus version of ACHL instead, but good list
Nice Delusion.
Maybe grow up and play some mature games.
>playing video games
Pick one and only one you insecure faggot.
Once proper CFW is open and accessible to all, people will stop memeing about it
Aw, did I upset you? Maybe you should go play some kirby to ease your mind, child. :^)
> vita
> mature games
Anime is more mature than Kirby and Zelda.
Go play your wahoos and be delusional though.
Go read your novels and fapbait
Look, I own both, love both, and they both have their strengths.
But in terms of library variety and number of exceptional titles? 3DS all day. That DS backwards compatibility sure doesn't hurt either.
>one has Rhythm Heaven and the other doesn't
pretty easy choice desu
>hating on 3D Land
>hating on Kid Icarus
Complete brainlet detected.
Look like your typical shitty first party nintendo game.
>EXPENSIVE proprietary memory card
>not liking a superb remake of Ace Combat 2
Total faggot found.
KIU has horrible controls.
3D Land is inferior compare to 3D World
>Rhythm Heaven
>typical in any way
Look, we both know you're shitposting, but it is one of the freshest most enjoyable rhythm games ever. A complete delight. You upset me with your bad opinions.
>KIU controls
Lefty or manlet hands, which is it?
>3D Land
There existing a better game doesn't mean that 3D Land isn't still a great game definitely worth playing. Super Mario Bros 3 being better than Super Mario Land 2 doesn't make Super Mario Land 2 not worth playing.
> anime is more mature than having fun
>3DS is still alive and well
>Vita is a dead meme handheld
Name ONE good vita game that is still relevant.
I just don't play games made for children, sorry user.
Most of these are mediocre, often effectively downgrades on PS3/4 games. Demon Gaze, and everything from that dev, is a failure. Little Big Planet isn't technically a port, but it's available better elsewhere, Soul Sacrifice and Freedom Wars are both entertaining for a little but ultimately shallow. The Tales game is surprisingly okay.
Here it seems like we're in slightly better territory, but again Gravity Rush and the Atelier's are available elsewhere, as are most of the Ys games, although I'd much rather play them on Vita than PSP.
>openly saying you've never played a game you're calling shit
that's not how shitposting works, sweetie.
I load up SSDelta every now and then before bed and there's always a handful of lobbies to join.
Good enough for me.
3DS is basically dead because of the Switch.
What are you talking about? Oh man, Luigi Mansion port, the 3DS is so alive.
You play social life simulators for permavirgins, I think that's worse 2bh
>But in terms of library variety
>3DS all day
Both have the exact same holes in the library: first-person shooters (Vita is better solely because of Killzone), air combat games / rail shooters (3DS is better), racing games (Vita is better, but it pales in comparison with the PSP). JRPGs? Tactics? Platformers? Rhythm? Puzzlers? Action? VNs? Both have a sizeable number of games of these genres.
The 3DS is also somewhat weak for 2D fighting games, but it's one the strongest Vita genres.
So you don't play video games at all. Got it
This is Vita. You don't play games, period.
I do, just not nintendo shit.
Vita has anime games though, target for a more mature audience.
Still better than what the 3DS has to offer sadly
Freedom Wars
Soul Sacrifice Delta
Gravity Rush
Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Muramasa Rebirth
Dragon's Crown
Jak and Daxter Collection (fair warning it runs like ass, so only get it if you can't get it on another system)
Not kidding the Vita has a pretty good library. Its main issue is that its got a good library if your into certain genres. Like you aren't going to find a whole lot if you're into western games, but if you're into shit like JRPG's, holy hell is the Vita a lot of fun. Plus there are a few really solid action games on the Vita. Like Freedom Wars for example.
When are retards going to discover that they both are hackable and cost 300$ together.
Just buy both and enjoy unlimited gaming.
then you play games made for kids. End of discussion
"Novels and movies are totally video games you guys!!!!"
>anime games
>target for a more mature audience
Anime has more mature themes, so no not really.
Kirby on the other hand is extremely cringe worthy
>Anime has more mature themes
Still for kiddies, hate to tell you user
The problem is that you can only hack the Vita if its on a certain firmware.
There is someone working on an exploit for more recent firmware versions, and apparently will release it sometime at the end of the year or early next year.
So are you saying JRPG's aren't video games and you only love children 2D platfomers? Got it.
You're a fucking loser
fukken #rekt
Still has more mature themes.
Still more appealing than Nintendo first party games.
>Vita has anime games though, target for a more mature audience.
This but unironically, so glad i learned japanese so i don't have to wait on pic related.
He's waiting for end of life to release it so it doesn't get patched.
Calling someone a loser on Sup Forums, ow my feelings.
You're still playing kids games user, you just don't wanna admit it
Fucking manchild
Nintengaf is back
Sonybros BTFO by first post
>Anime is more mature
Except they make children anime in Japland, all the time in fact.
So how is anime as a whole "mature" if it appeals towards children and teens, and the few "adult" anime are so few in numbers that they are probably not even in the triple digits?
Cool virginity bro.
Wish I still had mine so I was motivated to learn an entire language.