New Uchikoshi game

Spike Chunsoft is doing a GDC stream later today where they're unveiling 4 new games. Thanks to amazon it seems like we already know 3 of them:

>Stiens;Gate Elite (PS4/Switch)
>Fire Pro Wrestling World (PS4)
>428 Shibuya Scramble (PS4)

The 4th one's still a mystery though, but Uchikoshi's next game Pysnc is due for new information any day now. You faggots ready for another wild ride on Uchi's train?

Attached: stream.png (581x351, 86K)

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>wanting to play another game from that hack after ZTD

Fuck that. Where is the Danganronpa news?

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No one cares about Uchi anymore

>not wanting to experience another Uchikoshi trainwreck
There's a chance the game turns out to be fucking fantastic like 999 and VLR too. ZTD only turned out to be shit because of it's failure to finish its continuity, whatever new shit he's working on won't have to worry about that.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon also seems likely now.

am i going to buy steins;gate yet again

Steins gate is such a faggot ass VN, how do they keep rereleasing this turd?

because i personally keep buying it

I wonder how Ushi will repeat the exact same twists from his previous works. Maybe he'll copy remember11 this time and have the game end on one of the dead ends.

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It will be shit

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428 is legit good, one of the better adv games I've played. I wished this series (of game play) would continue but unfortunately it kinda died at Time Travelers.

Sounds promising as long as it's not a series of games with an over arching plot because Uchi clearly can't write like that looking at ZTD and VLR. I'd be fine with a PS4 port of all the Hirameki translated games.

>they're charging full price for steins gate in 2018 LMFAO

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VLR was fantastic. ZTD just didn't deliver on how big of a setup VLR left off on.

>428 and FPW were announced months ago

VLR is good, but it was just a knock-off 999 and 999 was perfect by itself.

>Implying they won't just ripoff another tales subplot.

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Such an obvious cash grab. Plebs will still buy it though.

They're both ports so I guess they qualify as "new".

>yggdrasil came from tales
so it's
PixelJunk Monsters 2, Steins;Gate Elite, Zanki Zero, 428: Shibuya Scramble
what was with the #danganronpa and #zero escape hashtags?

you don't even appreciate the devilry
if you want famicolle adv steins;gate you'll need to buy the 3ds version

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>Shot for shot exact sequence of events with the villain having the same goals, equates to the use of yggdrasil.

But yes, just focus on the tree and ignore everything else that was very obviously lifted from it.

Those announcements might be separate from the GDC stream ones.

They don't get enough love on Sup Forums. FPW is GOTY 2017

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Uchi is a literal hack. Pic related (also actual spoilers). After he ran out of twists to reuse from infinity series in Zero Escape series, he gave us ZTD. He can't write for shit. He also considers R11 to be complete when there's literally no ending to the game and they even talked about a sequel so they could obviously finish the game, but Uchi goes "It's finished, it's fucking perfect, there's nothing to create more :^)" probably because he couldn't even come up with a fucking ending.

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Wasn't ZTD shit because Uchi scrapped almost everything he wrote and let a bunch of newbies take over the project?

If we're going to shit on his actual work we don't need to look further than Punchline.

>The 4th one's still a mystery though, but Uchikoshi's next game Pysnc is due for new information any day now. You faggots ready for another wild ride on Uchi's train?

I think it's this one

They aren't. The announcements were just leaked cause of Amazon Canada before so they're announcing them now.

I'm glad I never touched those anime looking games then, ugly ass clannad bug eye'd looking insects

I remember getting mad over the ending of the anime, how bad was the game?


So no Project Psync news, great.

Robotics;Notes getting localized

it's fucking nothing

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Well I might check out Steins Gate once it comes, the Elite version comes out.

>It's real
Holy shit


Legit unexpected. From day 1 I assumed the MAGEs partnership meant we're getting that garbage cash grab steinsgate elite, but Robotics;notes I'm ecstatic about. I hope Spike have got good translators.

Zanki Zero looks interesting. A new IP from the DR team.

Yeah. I thought I wanted project psync but now that I think about it I don't really want it as it probably will be ZTD-tier disappointment lol

Fourth one is a mystery so it could be that Danganronpa fighting game that Kodaka has been wanting to make.