Why come all of the "villains" in warcraft 3 had compelling reasons and motivations for doing what they did and ended...

Why come all of the "villains" in warcraft 3 had compelling reasons and motivations for doing what they did and ended up paying for their mistakes
but all of the supposed good guys like Malfurion and Tyrande were basically Mary Sues with latent godlike powers through no merit other than the fact that they were 'the chosen ones' and on top of that are never punished for their fuck ups.

Attached: arthas7.jpg (900x900, 48K)

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bad writing

Pretty much bad writting.

substandard writting

low quality writing

cheap pasta

below average writing

muh corruption

blizzard just didn't have good enough writers onboard for the project.

Arthas literally did nothing wrong though

If he actually tried to explain things to uther and jaina instead of chimping out things probably would've been avoided

I fucking hate Tyrande so much holy fuck

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He had to chimp out there was no time to spoonfeed these retards

night elves are terrible

Glad you could make it, but I though Anons prided themselves on their punctuality

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Honestly, it kinda makes no sense to kill them while they're alive. He could've waited for them to turn and THEN kill them.

>human campaign is great
>undead campaign is great
>orc campaign is great
>night elf campaign is absolutely terrible
What did they mean by this?

They would've been stronger, he couldn't risk them fighting back as the undead

>kills your king

I mean, Illidan pleaded with Malfurion and look what ended up happening to him I doubt Arthas would have fared any better.


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You run unnecessary risk by waiting for them to turn. Besides, no one knew the rate of transformation and if the game is anything to go by, waiting for them to turn would have had the same results of the city falling.
Arthas just should have explained himself better. If he had time to say how be would raze everything to the ground, he had time to explain why it was so important to purge the city

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I think at this point tyrande and malfurion are the most hated characters in warcraft history.

>Quest through Val'Sharah
>Make the decision to never make any alts ever

>Why come

>all of the "villains" in warcraft 3 had compelling reasons
>i killed my father and destroyed his kingdom because i picked up a blade and turned evil

What was his problem with tha naga anyway?
hurr durr the scourge are fucking our shit up everything is in chaos but hol up let's not take allies where we can find them.

you forgot:
>in order to defend muh people
which seems to be the most common cause in all of warcraft lore

Blade was certainly compelling him to do it.

It is the most common cause. It's not competing at all when everyone and their mother does it

> Just about to finally reclaim the kingdom from undead horrors
> scum elves show up with snake monsters with evil voices
> oh yeah sure should totally trust them

your trailer trash subreddit is there

I don't mind Malfurion so much, but Tyrande's definitely agitating. Maybe if she wasn't so pissy and stubborn the Nightborne and Blood Elves might've joined the Alliance (though in that case it didn't help that Alleria accidentally brought the fucking Void to the Sunwell like an idiot).

Uther and Jaina are the real villains.

Didn't he explain that it was the grain and that they are already doomed since they ate it and Uther was like "guess we can't do anything but stand by and let them turn undead, lol" this faggot and Jaina were quick to judge, but what was their genius alternative? Nothing that's what, Arthas did what had to be done, some of his later decisions are worse in my opinion, like sinking the ships and killing the mercenaries who helped him sink them.

Because WoW lore is hot garbage

>but what was their genius alternative?
Arthas literally didn't give them a chance to come up with one. They learned about it as soon as he did, except they didn't come to a knee-jerk decision to purge. Even if they decided to come up with an alternative, Arthas would continue to purge away while they tried to think of something.

Mainly though the reason they didn't have an alternative was because the writers didn't want them to.

He only fucked Jaina twice that's what he did wrong.

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Bad writing. Though Maiev wanted to cage Tyrande for freeing Illidan. On the other hand pity nobody called out Furion/Malfurion for telling Illidan to fuck off after the second to last mission. He would've been perfect with his Metamorphosis in the final mission...and with the Chimeras the devs never added to the final mission.

He did. He picked Frostmourne. And earlier he didn't calmed down and tried to fix his country, and instead skedaddled to Northend.

Night Elves are useless.

They're given immortality and what do they do with it? Sleep in holes and fuck panthers for 10,000 years.

Reminder that Kael'thas was always pining after that human puss puss and Arthas cucked him.

>Sleep in holes and fuck panthers for 10,000 years.
After Mages tried to summon fucking Satan you'd probably be paranoid towards the Arcane and stick to being au naturel too.

>Sleep in holes and fuck panthers for 10,000 years.


pretty sure it's implied that Jaina Malf and Tyrande also made a lot of mistakes, Jaina with Arthas and her father and Malf and Tyrande with Illidan and the response to the orc and human forces within their forest.

>He did. He picked Frostmourne.
It bewitched him. Shouldn't have happened if not for the desert of Uther.

>And earlier he didn't calmed down and tried to fix his country, and instead skedaddled to Northend.
He fixed Stratholme and by that eradicated more suffering before it could even occur. He also learned more about the cause.

>skedaddled to Northend
Wise people fix problems at the roots. Merely trying to fix the symptoms won't do anything in the long term.

Was he a big guy?

Attached: sdfdsfdsfads.png (614x408, 450K)

> He fixed Stratholme
Yeah, great job there.

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Jaina? sure.
but Furion and Tyrande never get shit on for what they done, maybe Battle for Azeroth, we can only hope.


Yeah. That would be worse by >9k and scourged Azeroth even more by a lot. You are welcome.

t. 1337king

>razed Stratholme to the ground
>city still engulfed in flames years later
>crawling with undead


regardless of what they did they also happened to save the world

I haven't really payed attention to WoW lore past war 3 but I felt their characters were fine. At least it was clear they felt sharp regret for what they had done.

>Uther: There must be some other way!
>Arthas: Damnit Uther! As your future king I order you to purge this city!

yeah Arthas fucked up by not listening at least

>why is WoW lore shit

Because it's shit. It has always been shit and always will be.

fuck you, m8
t. lorefag

>Didn't he explain that it was the grain and that they are already doomed since they ate it
In the meme cutscene arthas starts to say to uther that "there's something about the plague you should know", which implies strongly that somehow there was no offscreen moment where he told uther "it turned people into zombies" in the last mission (I guess uther charged off to strathholm asap?)

He also fucked Sylvanas.

No he didn't.

the overall aliance quest chain in vanillia was good, going from "help these kobolds are hanging out in the local mine" and having that connect all the way up to "a fucking dragon is the power behind the throne, decapitate her ass" over dozens of levels is the sort of storytelling an MMO is made for

Time is convoluted in Stratholme.

He did.

>t. lorelet

The only reason Azeroth didn't get overrun is entirely because Sylvannas' Forsaken broke free of the Lich King's control. Otherwise the Scourge would've spread beyond Lordaeron easily. You do know that as soon as Arthas came back from Northrend he aided the Scourge in destroying Lordaeron, thus making the purge fucking pointless, right?

Malfurion and Tyrande have to "sell" the newly introduced Night Elves. You can't start out with antagonists like maiev and illidan because people are going to think of them as the representation of Night Elven culture.

Well yeah, considering the Scourge just took over again once Arthas came back from Northrend of course they'd be around.

Now the fire still burning on the other hand is completely valid.

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>entirely because Sylvannas' Forsaken broke free of the Lich King's control.
Because good guy Illidan weakened Ner'zhul.

>You do know that as soon as Arthas came back from Northrend he aided the Scourge in destroying Lordaeron, thus making the purge fucking pointless, right?
Not Arthas himself, but a soulless bewitched one. Ner'zhul had it easy since Uther and Jaina abandoned him.

>thus making the purge fucking pointless
Plague lands are full of scourge undead. Would be even more full if not for Arthas and his 20 good men.
Besides Sylvanas and the forsaken are evil themselves.

I barely remember Warcraft lore, last game I played about it was Frozen Throne and I was like in 3rd grade at that time.
Why did Humans and Night Elves formed the Alliance while Orcs and the Undead formed the Horde? I thought those 4 different factions hate each other?

Humans, Elves and Orcs all worked together to stop Archimonde in Warcraft 3.

Humans ever hated undead for they are the incarnation of the scourge and must be purged. They are the leftover of lordaeron and thus became "forsaken". Sylvanas rallied them all under her banner against Arthas, and Alliance.
Orcs are the original horde led by Thrall that left the eastern kingdoms to flee the scourge. Trolls were already amongs them. Then Tauren joined. I guess as Sylvanas couldnt join humans for reasons I stated earlier she joined the horde by default

Because Blizzard developed an MMO, which was supposed to have two opposing factions.
So it went like this
>me orc. me cut down NE forest
>WTF we love orc hating alliance now. t. NE

>Be gone scourge forsaken abominations. Deus Vult! :DD t. hubans
>WTF we horde nouw boyz. t. UD

>Because good guy Illidan weakened Ner'zhul.
Okay, wasn't arguing that, but okay.

> Not Arthas himself, but a soulless bewitched one.
Yeah, because Arthas himself chose to go after Frostmourne like an idiot.

> Ner'zhul had it easy since Uther and Jaina abandoned him.
Arthas literally told them to fuck off.

> Plaguelands are full of scourge undead. Would be even more full if not for Arthas and his 20 good men.
Full's full sonny, shit still invalidates the purge.

> Besides Sylvanas and the forsaken are evil themselves.
Wasn't arguing that either bucko. Just saying that Illidan weakening Ner'zhul allowed the Forsaken to happen and thus stop the Scourge from spreading past Lordaeron.


>Orcs are the original horde led by Thrall that left the eastern kingdoms to flee the scourge.

I thought it was because they were fleeing the humans who were going to genocide them?

I still can't believe how Blizzard got away with it... it sure was a different time huh?

That webm is older than you are.

iirc medivh saw the demons and shit happening and told thrall to btfo. He then went to lordaeron to tell humans the say and they told him to fuck off, dooming themselves.

Okay, but who was in the wrong between The Alliance and The Horde?
The Horde literally looks like subhuman savages to me.

medivh was like

>get the boats nigga and get the fuck out of here

and then he went to humans and was like

>get the boats nigga and
>get the fuck out of here

They were all just trying to save their lives. They even unite for a short while defending against the demons.

>replaying through the NE campaign
>oh man this music is still fucking great but i can't really remember what i had to do...
>Tyrande: kill those fucks who are just minding their own bussiness
>jesus fuck wtf
>Tyrande: let's help the furbolg
>oh nice she has a heart
>come the fuck on
>Tyrande: hey let's free this convict from his 1000 year old sentence
>what's wrong with you

She is just so, fucking, unlikeable

Weren't undeads just fucked with everyone, Humans, NE, and Orcs alike?

You mean aside from walking right in to the most obvious trap in the history of fiction. Blizzard has really bad writers.

>Yeah, because Arthas himself chose to go after Frostmourne like an idiot.
Because he decided to see what all the fuzz was about, which his dwarf lads talked about. They were after a magic weapon to defeat an imposing evil. Everything for his people. Once they were at the cave he was already bewitched by Ner'zhul, which the sorrow caused by Uther and Jaina gave way to.

>Arthas literally told them to fuck off.
Damn it. As his future king, he ordered Uther to purge this city!
Arthas: "Jaina?;_;"

>Full's full sonny, shit still invalidates the purge.
At the least it gave the remaining forces and people of Lordaeron room to breathe and reformate instead of being slaughtered.

New altered timeline the writers had her befriend Broxigar just to write a situation in which they can make Illidan out to be a dick, a complete 180° to how she was in warcraft 3, mistrustful of other races and pretty bloodthirsty towards the orcs because they chopped down muh trees.

Arthas was an actual hothead who doesn't think things through. He was too busy getting high on his hate for the scourge that he couldn't be bothered with feeling regret for having to murder a bunch of civilians.

Given that the Horde has its Warchief Chimp out on the reg and the Scourge is secretly plotting to kill fucking everybody, the Alliance is de facto right.

But they're supposed to be equally right and wrong.

>in which they can make Illidan out to be a dick

>the only way illidan can be seen as a dick is if the writers make it so

Illidan truly did nothing wrong... except ally with Kiljaden i guess

Arthas singlehandedly saved his kingdom at the time. As a king one has got to decide one tragedy over another, bigger one at times. As a heir to the throne he did his kingly duty. It was mutiny by Uther and his Paladins where it went wrong.

spotted a new fag

It was babby's first RTS and babbys thought it was well written.

>which the sorrow caused by Uther and Jaina gave way to
Oh like hell it did, there was never indication of that.

> Damn it. As his future king, he ordered Uther to purge this city!
> Arthas: "Jaina?;_;"
I can quote too. "Those with the courage to 'save' this land, come with me. Everyone else...get out of my sight!"
> Jaina proceeds to get out of his sight

> At the least it gave the remaining forces and people of Lordaeron room to breathe and reform instead of being slaughtered.
Oh sure, they got to reform and breathe...for however long it was until Arthas came back and killed them all that is.

every blizzard rts was babby's first rts for the time it came out.

arthas being a by any means guy to the point of it backfiring really isn't that bad of a story imo

Sometimes it's not the actions you take, but how you take them and what emotions you're going through at the time. Arthas didn't try to explain shit to Uther. When he was murdering future zombies, he didn't become filled with regret and remorse about what had to be done, he let himself be filled with rage at Mal'ganis and rage at Uther, until it consumed him. That's how he fucked up.


Arthas explained exactly what was going on and why they had to purge the city, Uther just didn't want to do it.


The later race traitor and kinslayer indeed publicly abandoned her lover and future king at a most crucial time. Both breaking his heart and lowering the morale of the soldiers. Leaving him with a mere 20 good men.
The psychological wound caused by both the betrayal of his mentor, lover and lack of someone emotionally close to him being willing or present to share the burden of making the sacrifice of Stratholme for the people of Lordaeron made him far more vulnerable to Ner'zhul's power, who was at his peak compared to forsakenlets after good guy Illidan saved the day.

>for however long it was until Arthas came back and killed them all that is.
Not Arthas himself, but a soulless bewitched shell of his former self. All thanks to the desert and betrayal.