I have a thing for comfy games and survival games and this looks like it might satisfy both those criteria
Anyone played it? thoughts?
I have a thing for comfy games and survival games and this looks like it might satisfy both those criteria
Anyone played it? thoughts?
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I haven't played this yet, but if you're looking for a comfy survival that doesn't outstay its welcome try KONA.
its pretty comfy when you're all stocked up waiting out a blizzard in an abandoned house. not so comfy when you are running from a pack of angry ass wolves with only 1 round left in your rifle and and a hand full of stones, suffering hypothermia and starvation, too far from any shelter.
Comfy, but the story mode is thrown together. Sandbox is good though
>no jump button
>relegated to moving around in slow-ass fashion
>faggots in threads defending it "y u wanna jump bro?"
because I wanna step over the 6 inch ledge which is blocking my path
wish I never gotten this piece of shit
It's a pain to get anywhere in that game. Your character moves slow af and sprinting is basically pointless because it will just bite you in the ass later when you are out of energy and need to sleep at 2pm when it's still nice and warm out. Then your hunger and thirst go down faster as well. So your stuck to walking everywhere, and probably extra slow because you are carrying too much and also wearing a bunch of gear because you never know when a cold storm might hit.
The game really needs a vehicle for moving around.
it's one of the better survial games out there, the story mode is kinda boring though
It's enjoyable and cozy at times, but very frenetic because your character literally starves to death if he hasn't eaten something for more than 10 hours.
I think the problem could be recitified by reducing the amount of deer available so that finding one makes it situation more tense -since you don't know next time you might find one- and reduce the constant need to eat.
You suck at this game.
It's the only survival game that can actually be called a survival game, instead of just another crafting simulator.
If you play on any hard difficulty, you will die. A lot.
You will also develop a hatred towards wolves.