Is the PC version of this any good? I want the best way to play this game, I only have a PC and nothing else

Is the PC version of this any good? I want the best way to play this game, I only have a PC and nothing else.

Attached: download.jpg (220x210, 10K)

Just get a PS1 emulator

I think you should emulate, the pc version isn't bad at all but emulating is far easier than trying to run the pc version on modern hardware.

Emualte it through Mednafen

Gamecube is the definitive version
if you don't have one, the N64 is bretty good

is PCSXR any good for it?

N64 version is inferior to the PS version. Just emulate it OP

Emulate the Playstation version.

Not the OP, but is there a decent PS1 emulator which is up-to-date? EPSXE plugins are like decade old.

Holy fuck, how can one person be such a batshit insane Nintendicksucker?

>this person is lying on the internet

N64 is way better than ps version. period.

Played the game recently. There was a guy mentionned in a note that got caught by a cop skulking in the sewer iirc and upon escaping he left a few C4s. Who was it?


I have a fucking problem in my ps1 emulator, when i play something, has no background music and no sound effects, how i can fixed this?

Makes sense.
I haven't unlocked his scenario but I don't really want to play the game twice again to get the rank necessary for it. Is there a reason why this character is so revered by fans when, correct me if I'm wrong, his only appearance is in an unlockable in one game?

pc is the definitive version

Try using mednafen psx emu instead

Same reason Boba Fett is popular. Autism.

Emulate the GameCube version. It's the PSX version but runs on a more stable emulator without the unstable polygons

sourcenext version

PC has nightmare mode so that's an incentive. I'm playing the sourcenext version w/ the English patch.The only downside is the less gorey you died screen.

>gamecube is the PSX version
I've never played it but that can't be right
Why wouldn't it be the N64 version?

I tried emulating it, but the screen shakes every time I fire my gun.

Because the Nintendo 64 version is gimped by cartridges and shitty hardware. With the GameCube version you get the higher resolution cutscenes and such that the N64 lacked. It's easy to tell because you can't change the color of blood on Gamecube

This should help you decide OP. I personally use the Gamecube version on Dolphin with a HD texture pack some guy made for it

Attached: 1400950490980.png (1326x2260, 1.05M)

I finished REmake and Im playing through this now for the first time
I love how Leon controls and runs fast as fuck
Artstyle kicks fucking ass, Im worried how it will be handled in REmake 2

Nemesis controls even better.

alright looking forward to it