Here's your new alien race from the andromeda galaxy bro

Here's your new alien race from the andromeda galaxy bro.

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Someone greenlit this

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Such a mediocre game. At least jumping around on that low gravity asteroid on my not-mako was fun for a few minutes.

For all the times it shit the bed, Mass Effect did have some pretty okay alien designs.

Now compare the design of a Geth to these dog faced abortions.

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What is wrong with this?

Where's knuckles?

Is this the best they came up with?

>ywn go back to when Andromeda was released and experience the prime shitposting

Reminds me of that Star Wars race with the tentacles on the right and left on their heads

Which of the 16 or so who fit that description are you referring to?


Because it's yet another bipedal humanoid alien. Besides they look like twileks from star wars.

Twi'lek obviously

Do they know the way?

they look like 80s cartoon toys

Woah, so this is an alien body.....................

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>twileks from star wars.
except not at all sexy, probably because feminism.

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They look fine

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Twileks are actually hot though

This was Bioware at some point in time.

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Here's your villain bro.

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>he didn't creampie alien puss and get his dicks sucked by these DSL

why is Sup Forums so pleb?

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this is a joke, right? that isn't the actual motion capture?

Those tubes are for milk collecting right?

>diversity hires

The entire game was awful. How it got past the preproduction phase will forever baffle me.

>penis forehead

which one is supposed to be the female?

The attractive one

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>Complain about how many Bipedal aliums there are.
>10 Years later.
>Still can't get it right.

What the fuck.

>random black dude doing awful motion capture
I know it's probably a joke but I don't know anymore with modern bioware

The villain was decent, probably had least to do with this train wreck of a game

pretty clear it's a joke. Those animation bugs I'm assuming are related to how they set up their animation blending system (example of animation blending: mixing the walk and an aiming pose to save time).

What in the fuck

They ____literally____ don't

Please don't tell me you fucked that.

Pretty obvious since it's a joke because if it wasn't then that would imply that black guy had a job

la creatura

>he hasn't heard of affirmative action

It's obviously a joke user, just some guy fucking around.


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real best girl coming through

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>slap her ass
>need stitches
i don't see the appeal


Looking at the rest of the cast, I'd fuck a rock too

>any girl being the best girl in that trainwreck of a game

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What the fuck is going on with the outfit? Why do they look like a retarded kid who decided to dress themselves?


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Hello person from a year ago

I'm gonna fix this character design, you ready?
Give the females tits, make their heads smaller and fix the dudes chests so that it looks like the concept version

You're welcome, now pay me in Angara porn

>game is called Andromeda
>thanks to lore limitations, you don't actually get to explore all of Andromeda, just a small cluster, and from that cluster, only a few planets
>there's only 3 sentient alien species in that cluster, one that's actually bio engineered by one of the 3, the other is not really a new race but the first species altered by goons of an unknown and unseen enemy that's perhaps-maybe another race, and is doing the same thing The Combine does on HL2, and the third one is dead, but sorta lives on through the bio engineered alien race.So there's only really 1 alien race dressed up differently for the whole game/cluster
>same animals end up in different planets regardless of the conditions.

Nothing. It's bland. And that's what's wrong with it. They could've done anything and they gave us the most generic bullshit ever. And even that would've been okay if there were at least five alien species so we could have the "normal" one contrasting with the weird. But instead we just got the bland ally aliens and the bland enemy aliens.

watch this video
they actually thought that the final kett design was better over the other concept designs.
all because it's easier to animate

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The left?

Twileks are just like asari

Only instead of all females there are male twileks that are ugly as fuck

Thanks doc!

>The villain was decent

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How was the villain decent? It was the most generic shit ever, coupled with le generic villain music starts playing when they were first revealed in the game.

that's what happens when you create a race that's better and more interesting than the other races, literally garrus with bobs but still better than the other characters.
Only species that can almost match up to them are the Krogan

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are the the 56% of Andromeda?

Quick, Sup Forums. Youre in charge of the designing the next alien race in the ME universe.
Try to make it not just a humanoid with a weird head shape and skin color

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>Game is all about going to an entire new galaxy full of new species

>You aren't even the first one to arrive there, the species have already been contacted, and it's half full with old-galaxy species anyways

Someone needs to make a ugandan knuckles mod for unpatched Andromeda.

>only a few species are bipedal and actually look anything like us

EVERYTHING is humans with different heads

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Tentacle waifus.

>cast Natalie Dormer
>give her generic alien face
>don't allow as a romance

why did they even bother

> Besides they look like twileks from star wars.

I fucking wish. But we already have the Asari in there. And the purple human race that is the Quarians.

Now you made me hope for a Mass Effect game set during the first contact war, which will obviously never happen.

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Human-sized snakes that use biotics to manipulate their surroundings because they evolved on a planet with an unusually high amount of element zero and didn't develop limbs.
One advantage with this is that the animators don't have to waste time fucking up limb placement and walk cycles for them.
Bonus level available where you go to their planet and practically every enemy uses biotic attacks and melee instead of ranged firearms.

Vetra was the only good thing that came from the game but then they removed her sex scene because they made get bi at the last minute.

actually wait no, sometimes they actually make aliens that aren't just humanoids, and then theyre always the villains

There's enough races. Make interesting characters

>Vetra was the only good thing that came from the game but then they removed her sex scene because they made get bi at the last minute.

You serious?
Man fuck Bioware, I already wanted Anthem to bomb so they could get fucked, but now that's another reason.

It fades to black and you hear a bit of smooching.

Think bugs but instead of hard exoskeletons they are squishy and soft

put furry noses on them and you've got shit that looks like it comes straight out of Ken Penders' Portfolio.

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>you're a pathfinder!
>you're supposed to find a home for milky way natives. Golden worlds!
>people already found a home by the time you wake up, they set up shop, have rules, factions and leaders, an economy, trading, etc
>uhh im dah pathfinder listen two mi! I do tings but robot actually do everything
"I'm only autistic after all, don't put the blame on me"

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she's the only character I wanted to romance but couldn't, settled for garrus 2

There's actually a pretty solid scientific hypothesis that any intelligent species capable of space flight would have to be bipedal and vaguely reminiscent of humans due to convergent evolution and selection that would enable all those skills.

Rip the viscous plant people right out from that sci-fi terraria knock off. They'd be the old boring humanoid addition but as far as those go it would be pretty unique.

>game flopped so hard it not only caused the entire ME franchise to be put on indefinite limbo but it didn't get DLC
>a modern EA game did not get DLC

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this one thinks they could've included other non space flight races that don't look like humans with weird heads and less fingers and toes.

all those dead faces

maybe not dlc buy it did get mtx, EA seal is still there.

>nobody can be a pathfinder until they have pathfound something


too hard to animate for the tumbler hires.
they rather focused on jaal's ass

yeah the quarian dlc got canned and instead turned into a comic or novel

They look more like the Iktotchi than Twi'leks.

Meh, I don't think the human body format is the only one capable of having delicate manipulators like hands and smart minds

Krogans are good
Salarians are underrated
Asari are overrated slutty twileks

Whats the deal?
They clearly just wanted another race that a human can romance.
If they created another bubble like race there would be no sex scene with it.
Is the game even worth playing? I'm pondering pirating just to see how bad it is.

Aquatic Race, fishlike or maybe crablike

Give them strong ass exosuits with their fish tanks in the center of the body

Also redesign the Kett so that instead of generic rock monsters they look like generic crystal monsters