Have you ever been attracted to a non-human video game character?

Have you ever been attracted to a non-human video game character?

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Whether they're men or women, it's better for animal-people to look like normal people with extra ears and tails than to go full furry.

But that is a human with fur and animal mask

Being attracted to a non-human would mean something non-humanoid, since if it is humanoid then you will project human traits onto it

Thanks doc

Mia was ugly tho



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>animal abuse
w e w



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Why would you save this shit on your computer?

thanks doc

Being attracted to fictional characters is for the mentally weak

Do robots count?

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thanks doc

Lots actually since I play a lot of fantasy game where humans are only a fraction of the characters.

At first I was like "I wish she was more humanlike so I could jack off to her" but that feeling erased with time

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Define "non human". Like, do "creatures that look 100% human but actually aren't" count?

How many times have you asked this question?

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yes we all know you're a furfag
no it doesnt make you cool


I refuse treatment by a furry, no thanks doc

dude, she isnt wearing pants

>tfw had my most shameful fap yesterday
>it was furry loli

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Not what I meant.

>Double dose.
Thanks, doc.

>Still next to no game that lets you romance non-human females as a human male outside of super niche, porn games
God dammit, I wanna date the beast grill, is it too much to ask?

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go back to your shit general

You'll get another 1000 year old dragon who looks 100% human and never assumes dragon form, and you'll like it.

Does masturbation imply attraction?

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Thanks Doc

You're small time

Thanks doc

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The Mr. Handy eyes are really fucking cute in this game.

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You might have autism. He said non human. She's clearly not human, body type regardless. Stupid fucker.

Just wait for Animal Crossing X

>>>/hmofa/ (/trash/)

Come home, lad


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Sometimes having xenophilia sucks.


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I'm here to talk about the serious lack of female non-human/beast people romance options in vidya and how there should be more. Games likes Ass Effect and Elder Scrolls can only do so much when the romance is so god damn shallow. Fuck, in Andromeda they finally let you bang a grill Turian, and the romance fucking sucks becuse the writers are fucking awful, and there's not even a sex scene, it just fades to black when they're about to do the dirty.


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Play weeb games

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link pls

Many nuts were busted to them.

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