People would rather have a fucking goomba with a hat and a spear in Smash 5 than Shantae

>people would rather have a fucking goomba with a hat and a spear in Smash 5 than Shantae

Attached: shanty13.jpg (518x646, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Waddle Dee is from a real nintendo series not C-list shit

>people would rather have a fucking goomba with a hat and a spear in Smash 5 than WALUIGI

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Kirby is fucking shit and we both know that.

>Literal who blob with a stick vs delicious brown Genie with various transformations and magic attacks
Why are kirby fags so fucking delusional? Waddle who will be a trophy at best, maybe even an assist if you're lucky.

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Why does Nintendo continue to use the term goomba? Don't they know it's derogatory?

I want both


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Because she plays and looks like crap in Crusade. Meanwhile Bandana Dee is at least somewhat relevant as of late.

One wastes one of the ~4 3rd party slots.
The other uses up one of the plentiful 10 1st party slots.
Dee is the lesser evil.

>Marx in Star Allies now.
Friendship ended with Dee, now Marx is my new best friend.

Because you keep spamming these threads daily. People are tired of Shantae now. Good job.

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half genie hero was the worst game in the franchise

Maybe not everyone thinks with their dick like you.

they would rather we be tired of seeing it than having never seen it at all

I know the feeling

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>Being tired of Shantae

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>people would rather have a fucking goomba with a hat and a spear in Smash 5 than this magnificent master of Shovelry

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And Shantae won't make it in.

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The only Indie rep I'm willing to accept.

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Why not Reimu?

Only if Curly is and alt. And even then I'd rather have Shantae or Shovel Knight.

Attached: Curly.png (373x489, 183K)

Honestly if any indie reps get in it will most likely be a Touhou. I'd rather Marissa over Reimu if thats the case tho.

Or Minecraft Steve

>Shovel Knight's undeserving ass over the old king of indie games

You are swine sir...

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Because in Islam harlots are not allowed.

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That’s not delicious brown...

Her games suck and she's not fun to play as.

because shantae's never really been successful or popular enough to be in smash. not enough people care.

Isn't Zun against letting big companies use his characters?

He used to be. Then people tried to screw with his trademark rights.
It's hard to tell whether or not he'd see it as a big opportunity or if he would still be reluctant.
If I were to guess though I think he would actually really much appreciate it.


>Super Smash Flash 2 has a chance to let him shine with whatever goofy shit they could feasibly come up with
>does exactly what critics of the entire idea of Bandana Dee in smash say would happen and it's just a moveset cobbled together out of Spear and Parasol moves

Stop posting that shitskin already for fucking sake

Shantae and Shovel Knight are just more popular; Shantae for the waifu potential and Shovel Knight for the more recent hype and exposure. Undeserved or not, just more people know who they are, while not as many know Quote and Curly- they may recognize them but I see people asking what their actually names are more often than not. Granted that may be simply my experience but you can't deny Shantae and particularly Shovel Knight's greater impact and more importantly, Marketability, on the whole.

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>equating flash devs making a small game in their free time to sakurai and the entirity of smash's dev team, working on a game for a professional salary

I'm sure that sakurai can come up with a few interesting moves for bandana dee. hell, he already has a moveset from kirby star allies, he can just use that.
I don't even want him in, you're just being stupid.

the only reason his moveset is unique in star allies is because spear isn't available for kirby to copy

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I've never got tired of this cute genie

I like Shantae's design a lot but does she even have any good games aside from Pirate's Curse? I thought the GBC game was trash and most people don't seem very fond of the other two.

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While there are far better characters to draw from than bandana dee I'm just glad they're using the old Fang configuration for the squids, the new 'buck teeth' just looks fucking dumb

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That's true both franchises are obviously getting continued support with Shantae's sequels and Shovel Knights DLC campaigns. While I'm sure marketability/popularity is a factor in making character picks (3rd party ones at least), I also do personally think that history and staying power is also a factor as Sakurai has basically described smash as a vessel for gaming as a whole. Which opens up the door to almost anyone with a sort of legacy.

When it comes to an Indie rep in smash its definitely up in the air, hell we might even go another smash game with out one in. There's so many weird and iconic choices that could be made. With Touhous popularity in the East we could see one of them, with Minecraft's immense memetic significance we could see Steve getting in, with undertale's rabid fanbase on both sides of the world and a port coming to switch Frisk or Sans isn't all that unlikely.

And that's only touching the surface since Commander video already got representation in a way. Meatboy, Isaac, Hyper Light Drifter, Hollow Knight. The skies the limit and anything can happen.

But at the end of the day it's Sakurai's decision and it's hard to ever put his thinking in a box cause he's always up to have some crazy decisions and ideas in his head.

If we get Steve, add Robloxian for rivalry reasons and the indie rep so we don't get trash like sans, shantae or shovel knight.

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What's wrong with having spear, beam and parasol moves anyway. Shouldn't he be a representative for all the Dees and Doos from the series anyway since DDD only throws Gordos now.

Besides if kirby gets a 4th rep it should be Gooey or Marx

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Why is Shovel Knight so goddamn overrated? I beat the fucking game and it wasn't that good at all

I wish people wouldn't stare at my girlfriend, Shantae so lasciviously!

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Aren’t genies considered good in Islam?

let's be real here, her games are mediocre at best, and her entire character can be summarized as "sexy belly dancer"

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Why not both?

He's cool with people using his characters (Reimu and Marisa show up in a lot of Rhythm games for example), he just didn't want his series under any big names.

Pic very related, it's from a Taiko game.

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She’s more of a PlayStation character now anyway imo, why do people want multiplats and such in Smash anyway?

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i like both shantae and shovel knight

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Sup Forums is one person once again

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How is she more of PS character? Most of her games came out on ninty consoles first


I think I'll stare at her a little longer, just for you.

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Somebody should ask him on twitter or something how he thinks about Smash, I REALLY want to know his opinion.

>someone actually drew this

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I really can't see anything from Undertale getting in hoenstly. It was big for a time sure but it's popularity has dropped -Significantly- since then. Kind of a one and done and I doubt will have that much of a legacy. It honestly always struck me as an over hyped meme and way to dividing. Cave Story, Shantae and Shovel Knight are more generally liked overall with not really a lot of haters.

And at least they have applicable game play, I mean how would you even translate the moving a heart around a box and a single slashing animation into an entire moveset?

I'm afraid you're in the minority in that opinion. Yeah it's not the best game ever but it's a solid platformer (certainly one of the better indie ones out there) with a charming style and invitingly simple gameplay without sacrificing challenge. Overrated? Perhaps, but it's an objectively solid game.

This image is so cursed I think I need to exorcise my computer.

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Wait, isn't that pic from a Chinese rip-off game?

Sells well on PS4. She is certainly a multiplat in anycase

>Gooey or Marx
>Forgetting to name the one Anime swordsman that matters
Not to say those other choices are bad, far from it.
And now watch as some posts the *autistic screeching* post to argue against me.

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They're neutral. Some take on angelic roles, some demonic, some tricksters.

>indiefags hoping their shit characters have a chance to be in a kid's party game
o lel

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The are called Jinn and it's not that they are good or bad. They are kinda half in, half out of the spirit world. Like they are living their life, but could fuck with yours if they wanted. So you leave them alone and hope they leave you alone.

This. I don't know why you guys acting like one newcomer is allowed per game or like anyone here has any real power in deciding the starting roster. People are going want who they're going to want. If there favorite gets, good for them, if not, too bad.

this is the only reptile that matters

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What, Waddle Dee with a spear? He's legitimately probably more well known than Shantae.

Still would fuck

not really, kirby's already got plenty of mascots just between the titular character, dedede and meta knight if you ask me. bandana dee getting in would be probably the absolute peak of hal deciding to push the character, though he'd have it going for him that he'd be the first spearfighter. he's just really not an interesting choice, like at all

>hey you see this hot girl? you know what it needs? a penis
t. /d/ mods

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I think it's more about how obscure the character's are to eachother. Bandana Dee is kind of the little brother character without any identity or real notoriety of his own, with no particular impacte on gaming to become iconic like so many of the other characters on the roster; or at least compared to characters that actually the stars of and carry their own franchises. Granted those indie franchises could be considered obscure themselves but with the recent influx of Indie Games to consoles, Shovel Knight and Shantae making a notable impact among them, I'd say they're still legit options. Hell Shovel Knight even has an official amibo.

You're right that if both get in then great! But if only one gets in then it might feel like "They wasted their time giving us this random fuck when we could have gotten [insert 'better' character here]?"

I don't know... if you never played with a second player (and even then) for most (note I said Most) of the games he's basically a just recolored mook. While people who never played Shantae may still recognise her, people who haven't played Kirby will look at the waddle dee and think 'who the fuck is this?" Hell I had that reaction to Lucas when I first saw him, and good portion of the Fire Emblem characters- but at least they're were main characters.

Also This.


>people don't want another starfox newcommer
>people would rather have a gen 7 rep than blastoise
>people still want Lyndis
>people would rather have a loli witch than Mona
>people would rather have another Sonic character than Simon Belmont

At least it's not Bayonetta.

We already have a water starter rep. If we get another Pokemon rep which we undoubtedly will, it'll either be Gen 7 or skip straight to Gen 8 to advertise Pokemon Switch.

Past that we should def get Simon Belmont or Bomberman as a Konami rep replacement for Snake.

>people atill equating bandana dee to a goomba
Name one time a goomba has been useful, helpful or based as bandana dee

>We already have a water starter rep.
Then bring back Squirttle and have it's final smash skip straight to Mega Blastoise. I don't care if a Pokemon has to be in it's final stage to go mega. This is the same series that gave us Falcon punch, Giga Bowser, and whatever Luigi's final smash use to be.

Paper Mario.

GBC game is great if dated. The other two are alright but not as good as PC.

Captain Goomba in Minion Quest.

Attached: 200px-Goombella2.jpg (200x200, 13K)

guaranteed replies
I don't understand why people give a shit about dicks so much

because not everyone is a faggot.

I just noticed her tits have an odd bounce to them. The proportions change a lot.

Flash animation is a bit limited.

I know, right? It feels like the is just a little less light in the world.

This shit happens daily in the middle east, yet it took a drawing to hit you?

I just remember getting stuck in the ice dungeon for using keys in the wrong order, pissed me off and kinda ruined the experience for me.

Bishop is fucked, they've drawn some weird shit

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not really. Pirate's Curse is far and away the best one. 1/2 Genie Hero was unfortunately a mess of development problems that resulted in a mediocre game which should have been amazing. That's what you get with Kickstarter.

>that chris-chan one

Wow. You took that WAY too personally.

It's a shame, if he were willing to sell at least a little he could open that brewery he's always wanted.

I hate bothe Shantaefags and Kirbyfags. So it's nice seeing you guys tear each other apart.

Innocent girls being killed in a barbaric fashion while feminists praise Islamic culture hits me personally, yes.

please don't reply to bait, he's just trying to stir up trouble

>C-list tier indie shit in Smash Bros

Oh yeah then who do you want to get in tough guy.

No fucking kidding.
Does this guy know how to party or what?