>$60 for anime game
$60 for anime game
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Hope it's not as boring as the first. The only thing that carried that game was 10/10 art.
The first one was really good though. Fuck this guy Was originally disappointed they removed the pokemon stuff, though I'm sure they'll more than make up for it with actually having a combat system that doesn't suck balls
Worth it for some. Not for Ni no Kuni though.
>$60 for a movie
quit your bitching faggot.
>Visually the game is stunning, with the character and environment design equalling the films of Studio Ghibli. Nothing brought this point home for me more than the design of Ni no Kuni II’s female characters, however. The women and girls Evan encounters out in the world, as well as those that join his kingdom and his party, are all dressed in a way that makes sense and are treated as equals for the duration. There’s no arbitrary hot spring scene, there’s no older male character that’s constantly hitting on a younger female character, no ridiculously sexualised outfits and no bizarre story quests involving maid costumes. Ni No Kuni II is above all that. Not once did I roll my eyes or cringe at the treatment of any of its female characters. There was even one side quest in the kingdom of Broadleaf (the most technologically similar to our world) where three weapon-loving women were discussing how hard it is to be heard in the workplace, and how they’ve adopted militaristic language as a way of getting ahead. When compared to other JRPGs and indeed a lot of Japanese games in general, Ni No Kuni II is feminist as hell and I love it.
Japan was immune they said! I seriously hope you're not supporting this virtue signalling bullshit.
you don't have to live in cuckada
>only $80
I bet it's $100 in Australia and 50 billion in South America.
lol I knew this would reposted to hell and back.
Deserve it you fucking leaf
>old reviews: gameplay, graphics, music, story
>new reviews: graphics, feminism, gameplay(?)
>already cracked
It actually costs $0
lol more like Me No Payee
That's the fault of your dumb government. I hope you're enjoying all your "free" healthcare. You know, if you can survive the waiting time.
>old reviews: gameplay, graphics, music, story
>new reviews: diversity, feminism, virtue signaling, graphics if there's time
>$60 for anime game
Congratulations, you just described Japan in a nutshell since time immemorial.
Japan was, is, and will always be the Jews of East Asia.
They are the greediest of all East Asian countries and will continue being so for the foreseeable future.
Living expenses are absurdly high there, and they still continuing down an economic slope as the value of Yen further decreases.
They were primarily to blame for the issues of East Asia to this day, lest everyone forgot about the Pacific War and the country's initial imperial conquest.
Japan is the reason why China became Communist. The Raping of Nanking pushed them into doing so, and it's why the Chinks still hate the Nips to this day.
Japan is the reason why the Koreas split into North and South. Thanks, Pacific War!
Japan is, more or less, the cause of the Vietnam War when you connect all the dots.
Plus, the Nips are, essentially, SJWs when you count the fact that they pull the victim card countless times when WWII and the atom bombings are brought up. They still never truly apologised in full for what the did to the rest of East Asia and the Pacific, but they'll say America was "wrong" for bombing them and whatnot before cucking themselves to win America's trust.
What Japan did to East Asia was like what the Jews did to Jesus.
Fast forward to the present, and Japan is painting themselves to look like the good guys. The nippers were always rats, the lot of them, and they'll continue extorting everyone for a long time. Namco is just one of many Japanese companies that do this. It's tradition, and people will keep falling for the country's Judaism.
this is what you get for releasing your game on PC
I don't know how economics work or what lead to this situation but sure like to pontificate anyway the post
Actually it's because Amerilards are stupid fucking lards who vote in worthless cheeto retards as president while being el goblinos and sucking dick, so the rest of the world suffers.
>Canada's problems are because Americans don't vote for the right people
Or you know, your own corrupt system that keeps the same few French families in power.
>better than FFXV
>better than Xenoblade 2
What went so right, bros?
How do you know it's better if it wasn't even released yet you dumb shill?
Why did they steal the font of nier automata
>game hasn't even been out for 24 hours
>it's better than all other JRPGs!
You must be the guy who has been maling 10+ Ni no Kuni threads a day for the last three months.
You're both wrong. It has a hell of a lot more to do with America buying oil from communists and terrorists instead of us than anything else.
lmao that makes zero sense. Canada suck ass because your leaders love illegal immigrants and sjw cuckholdry
>tfw just paid 95 europesos
Where do you leftists get this crap? I bet you can't even provide sources. You just heard it from someone and think its fact.
Both Canada and the US bought oil from Venesuela and the Middle East. And after OPEC started raising prices, they both switched to domestic oil production. The whole pipeline people are up in arms about in the US was co produced by Canada to get the same oil.
You're an ignorant sheep.
>durr hurr, eastern canada did the same thing therefore it's entirely canadas fault, not half of canada and the us
But east Canada is where your federal government is. And you, as a typical liberal, are defending federal oversight.
you keep coming back to this, you can't accept that I'm a westerner getting fucked by bad decisions made by the entire world plus our feds, and then since you can't actually argue this is my fault you call me a liberal.
NnK 2 doesn't have Miyazaki.
Based retard
>$60 for a Rare game
>60$ for a game, at all
I've paid 40 bucks for some games and even then I can count one one hand games that were actually worth their price.
Ni no Kuni 1 didn't have Miyazaki either. The only connection it has to Ghibli was a few second string artists they hired to do character designs and Joe Hisaishi doing the music. Miyazaki never even looked at the game.
>you can't accept that I'm a westerner getting fucked by bad decisions made by the entire world plus our feds
But this isn't what you said before. You blamed America for all the problems happening in Canada, which is just stupid. I proved that Canada fucked itself up.
i would spend all of my money to protect him
I don't think three fiddy would help him much.
I said it would be more accurate to blame the us and other for buying oil from communists and terrorists than to blame a liberal government that, while certainly doing nothing to fix the situation, wasn't responsible for the economy crashing in 2012
What did you actually expect from a game that tries to be a Ghibli movie?
>I said it would be more accurate to blame the us and other for buying oil from communists and terrorists
Which Canada did as well.
>wasn't responsible for the economy crashing in 2012
Every economy in the world was responsible for the worldwide recession. In order for the US to be the only one who could be responsible, you have to be claiming the US economy is more important than the entire world economy combined. And I doubt you'd be willing to give the evil US that credit.
woah ... that's deep
didn't read actually but nice try
>the evil US
lul, keep straw-manning my dipshit
I called you retarded, like the rest of the world buying oil from communists and terrorists.
lul, keep repeating yourself despite having been disproven. You just make yourself look more like a sheltered liberal.
>keep repeating yourself despite having been disproven
keep telling yourself that
You said games cost 80 dollars because of our liberal government
I said it's because the world at large bought oil from people they shouldn't have bought from, and you tried to spin that as our fault.
>games cost more because we bought oil from the wrong people
Sorry, I can't bring myself up to your level of crazy to even understand how you linked oil to the cost of Japanese games. But even then, you're claiming the Canadian government bought oil from bad governments and it's somehow...not the governments fault?
>2 hours until torrent is finished
I think I finally understand this song
>durr you're wrong cause you couldn't be arsed to type out:
bad oil purchases--->canada's economy crashing and the loonie going with it--->game are too fucking expensive
>bad oil purchases--->canada's economy crashing and the loonie going with it
There is far more going on that oil purchases. Plus, Canada is getting most of its oil domestically so this can't even be used as an excuse anymore. Maybe back in the 1970s, but not now. All the problems with Canada are from dumb decisions in Parliament (which is just a big body of yes men doing what the Prime Minister decrees).
Your government isn't fucked because of oil. It's fucked because of rabid identity politics and corruption. You have a prime minister who is more interested in cracking down on hate speech than fixing the economy or healthcare systems.
our economy crashed under delusional conservatives, the identity politicking liberals just can't fix it, because it is beyond their means and as you said they're more interested in stripping our freedoms, a problem endemic to both parties, they just cite different reasons.
Because Ghibli stuff appeals to kids, not because some purple hair pork planet bitched on Twitter.
Dude are you for real? America would LOVE to buy oil from you, but our liberals (and yours) won't allow it. And let's be honest, you have FAR more liberals (as a percentage) than we do.
I confirm the South America price
Depends on where you are, if Canada was infested with liberals, as you seem to think, the Tories would never get elected again.
the west in a nutshell
>Politics, my favorite vidya game past time.
Pretty sure it was a joint failure between both Conservatives and Liberals. Trudeau Sr was in charge during this period as well. And your country still elected his son, because the Canadian election system is a rigged joke where someone with the lowest support from the people can still be picked by parliament and one unelected guy who is picked by the prime minister himself.
he had *the most* support, it just wasn't 50%, because welcome to representative democracy with more than two parties.
But it still doesn't change that the actual choosing is done by the Governor General. A guy who is picked by the current Prime Minister. This is an obvious conflict of interest because it means you could theoretically have the same political party retain power indefinitely, regardless of who is in power. It would be like if the US had a law that the Supreme Court made the final decision of who the President was. And the President of course gets to choose who's on the Supreme Court. Hmm, stack 7 Democrats on the Supreme Court and look at that, Democrats keep winning the Presidency!
And I know exactly what you're thinking. That's absurdism and it would never happen. Except we have Democrats openly advocating for that exact system right now. And saying they want to be more like Canada/Britain.
Except, no.
I remember a lot of people compared the feeling of the first game to studio Ghibli films but was Ghibli actually involved with it or was it just sort of inspired by them?
Also the Govenor General picks a lot of other prominent people in government, so it's not hard to see why one particular group (LIB) keeps maintaining a majority. When they pick one of their own guys to be the guy who picks everyone else...yeah.
At least its worth 60 dollars unlike sea of soy.
They were involved with the art and chara design, and the Ghibli music guy did the music
just pirate it
what the fuck do you think you're even talking about?
Parliament elects our prime minister after we, the electorate, elect them. The governor general, who is just the queen's representative affirms it in her name.
See Miyazaki was literally asked about the game and said he didn't know anything about it. Takahata was too busy making his 10 year long movie.
>conservatives in power for like 10 years
>liberals win once
I don't even know what's going on
>The governor general, who is just the queen's representative affirms it in her name.
You need to look into it more. He has the power to name anyone, regardless if they won the popular vote or not.
Gamerip (.ogg because I can't convert it to .mp3)
I'll upload FLAC if people want it, but the raw .wav files are out of the question because they're 5.58GB.
So...not reusing the same cliches and characters that have been used for the past 2 decades is virtue signaling?
>game has warriors
>the warriors dress like warriors
>a video game about adventuring doesn't happen to involve hotsprings or maids
I can't believe it. The SJWs won. I just refunded my pre-order, deleted my steam account, and joined Gab. Deus Vult, brothers.
It's better than the new Tomb Raider movie
Politics in a nutshell. It's the opposite in America right now. Democrats have been going on a two year pouting session, literally yelling and rioting in the streets, not to mention blatantly lying about vote rigging, Russia conspiracies and basically any other excuse possible, because they lost a majority the media told them was a sure thing. If your side loses, then you become blind to facts.
>paying for less than air
Just pirate it, pirating will give you a superior version anyways.
>Get home
>Fire up steam
>Unpacking 35 minutes remaining...
Fuck. I should have left my computer on today.
Oh yeah, uploading proof would help:
I haven't checked every file because I don't wanna spoil the music for myself, so I'm not sure if there's any dummy or junk files included.
except that any prime minister requires the confidence of the house of commons. and if a governor general did just appoint some wacko to office parliament would reject them and the governor general would swiftly find themselves out of a job
That implies the house of commons would follow the vote of the people. There can concievably come a time where the house of commons would conspire with the Governor General to keep themselves the majority party. If the Democrats in the US had this option back in 2016, they would have definitely done it. Since they already had rigged their own primary against Bernie. And losing to Trump is the biggest embarrassment in their history next to the Civil War.
Yeah, so you definitely have no idea how the Canadian system work.
First game should have ended with Shadar, no Witch bullshit.
But that "true ending" with the bunny suit guy was great.
Nvidia or AMD?
you have no idea how our system works do you? The house of commons are our elected representatives, like congress, and whenever confidence in the pm is up for discussion they're just gonna vote along party lines, which is essentially the will of the people, at least in their riding.
>The house of commons are our elected representatives, like congress
So...I know exactly how it works?
>and whenever confidence in the pm is up for discussion they're just gonna vote along party lines
Which is exactly why I'm saying there's a huge chance for corruption. Since the Governor General is appointed by the Prime Minster in power. He's obviously going to pick someone who is along his party lines. Do you get it yet?
>which is essentially the will of the people
For now. My whole point is that what if in the next election, the party in power starts to lose support? House of Commons, Prime Minister and Governor General will all be at risk of losing their position. Since they're all the same party.
Do you seriously not see how this can easily be abused to keep one party in power, disregarding the vote of the people? It hasn't happened yet (as far as we know). But it sure could. Especially if the media and voting system is also on the side of the party in power and alter the actual election results.
Our elections come around either every 5 years, or when the sitting PM calls an election, whichever comes first. When that happens the entire house of commons goes back to their riding to campaign for re-election. If an MP doesn't get re-elected they can't conspire to vote for whoever the governor general may decide to sit as pm cause they're not a mp anymore. Get it? The system is no more open to abuse than the British, American, or for that matter, any democracy.
would you help evan out of his predicament?
or would you...
Only if he agrees to wearing a maid uniform for the duration of the adventure
The House of Commons is whoever the people voted for, what you're saying is the GG would go against the House of Commons' pick(aka the people's pick) for PM, which wouldn't happen, because the house would just refuse that choice. The GG has never chosen the PM, the house chooses the PM.
>tfw free
>Our elections come around either every 5 years, or when the sitting PM calls an election
The PM being able to call elections whenever sounds like quite a beneficial thing as well. As he can call elections when his party is at its biggest support. Though it is worth noting Britain recently tried to do this and it backfired on them hard.
>If an MP doesn't get re-elected they can't conspire to vote for whoever the governor general may decide to sit as pm cause they're not a mp anymore.
But if one of the three groups does win, they can rig it so the other two can win as well. At least in theory.
First one was utter garbage. The production values were off the charts, it really looked like you were in some cringey anime but the game itself was awful and the story was even worse.
Are you bitching about the price of something you are not even interested in and could easily ignore?
>game is for kids
>doesn't have suggestive themes
wew lad call kotaku
Even Nioh has the unnecessary "hot spring" scene. Tojos just love that shit. If the game is all dudes the dudes are gonna be in nothing but thongs at some point. No sexism there.