Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf

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once you've lived with a woman you realize it's not worth it

Why would you want a gf? If you can't get a 10/10 there's no reason to bother at all. Just accept that you will die alone

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true love waits, user.
also this

>tfw literally blew my load inside a girl's mouth 15 minutes ago

>tfw you no longer find real women attractive and just jerk off to anime and vidya girls.


your mom doesn't count

You can get a gf, the problem is that you have high standards.

10/10 girls are the worst of all though. no personality and boring in bed. plus they can't cook and won't clean.

>being this jealous

If you had a gf, you wouldn't be able to be on Sup Forums 10 hours a day

>don't really care about it
>fap almost daily

why can't everybody be like me?

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I have literally no standards

because the don't have to

Great wizard, can you grant me the power of unlimited money

>t. virgin

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My buddy told me women are fucking pigs. Is that true?

What vidya does your gf play, anons? Mine likes FTL, Into the Breach, Advanced Wars, Recettear, SM64, LoZ, and Morrowind

>tfw gf I met online
>we're literally perfect for each other
>but we live on separate continents and I have never seen her in person

Hurts so much bros

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Then go talk with an unattractive girl and ask her out. There, gf acquired.

This doesn't work. They just ask you for a quick fucc and then act like they don't know you later.

>tfw you realize even fat ugly chicks want 6'4" Chads and somehow manage to get them

Nah. Internet people are never the same in person.

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>have no desire to father children and raise them to glory
>have no self respect

absolutely pathetic

She's a dude breh

No, she was actually much more hygienic than me. The problem was that she demanded every second of my free time, it was suffocating.

Normies can never know this feel

>3 months to wizard hood

Feels good

fuck off normalfag

Come on over to /r9k/ boys where you can bask in your suffering with other losers it fits better than here on Sup Forums