Mods, do your fucking jobs

Mods, do your fucking jobs

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Just try to turn it into a SCP thread if you want it to get deleted.

why did you bump it from page 9, you retard?

GR8, fuckhead.

To get off

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While you're at it, remove the 15 smash threads

I hate Smashfags with a passion, but they are vidya.
The ones in OP's pic were literally nothing but blogshit

they need a general. every time i refresh i gotta dig through them, but i can't just filter such a common word because it would get rid of many unrelated things

agree. all these fags do is spamming their drem roaster in 10 different threads

>he doesn’t use filters
Blame yourself or God.

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>what are false positives


scp needed to fuck off to /vg/
it was nothing but memes from the get go and people advertising their epic funny youtube vids
i went on a linked Sup Forums server once and all i could hear were literal children spouting memes and calling each other nigger faggots

>3 threads died for manchildren to circlejerk about the good old days

fucking pathetic

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it has nothing to do with the good old days
it's just a blog thread

>i went on a linked Sup Forums server once and all i could hear were literal children spouting memes and calling each other nigger faggots
the more things change the more they stay the same

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>fucking with the comfiest threads

Besides, why do you nerds care so much about SCP? This isn't TVTropes, faggots.

fuck off

It's more about a mod/janitor going apeshit against a videogame.
It's pretty new and FEH threads are still here and on /vg/ (though shared with FE in general) so I fail to see the logic behind this mess.

There is no logic.

There is no clear policy about when a thread belongs on /vg/ and when it doesn't other than some vague bullshit about "don't be a general" (with no definition of what a general is).