Consolefag here

Consolefag here.

How can PC gamers stand using a keyboard? It seems barbaric.

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Keyboard is objectively better for FPS and other precision games. Controller is fine for most other things.


>Keyboard is objectively better for FPS and other precision games.

Wrong. mouse is, not the keyboard

Bait thread. But Keyboard is legitamitely better for some games like FPS, RTS, Simulation and generally anything that needs to be precise. Controllers are better for other games like scrollers, fighters, action games, etc.

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This, I'm an idort and a keyboard and mouse is objectively superior for any game that requires the ability to aim quickly. It's worth picking up a mechanical keyboard if you're serious about playing on the PC, I prefer cherry brown switches because red is too loud for my tastes.

Call me when controllers have 120 buttons

console pleb can't handle keyboard lmao. literally a pleb LOL pleb

so this is what darius players desks look like

Mouse and keyboard are more efficient and precise. Controllers are more comfortable. There are exceptions for both of these, but it's mostly the case.

Lmao call me when mmorpgs are relevant again

Analog stick is superior for everything other than pointy shoots games

which fps do you play that needs 120 buttons?

im a mouse and keyboard guy, but i will at least give it to controllers that they allow analogue movement and enough buttons to support most games. aimwise its mouse or get the fuck out though.

>he plays soy fps games where you have a low weapon limit
i bet you scroll through all your weapons like a retard

I dont play fps.

but PC gamers can choose. I usually use a controller for third person games and KB+M for shooters, RTS, sims etc.

still waiting for a name, 1-9 isnt 120 buttons

no, you are wrong. KB is the best for fast paced fps games and some other genres that require quick reactions.

Attached: analog stick vs keyboard and d-pad.png (954x760, 31K)

infact tell you what, ill let you move the goalposts from "fps" to "fps games with high weapon limits" and ill even cut the number of buttons you need in half from 120 to 60

just gimmie a name.

Mount and blade
Strategy games

You're thinking of a mouse. Keyboard is worse for movement than an analog stick.

Its not that you need 120 buttons retard
its that having a bunch of buttons around your movement keys lets you quick switch to any weapon you want at any time
no gamepad as 10 free buttons that can be used for instantly switching to weapons or items

i dont buy this argument, you can move from left to right in about the same time frame as lifting one finger and pressing the other.

nice reading albert

Here good user, have your (You)

Oh, didn't notice that word. Thanks, Muhammad.

Tribes 2 had shitload of commands that would take up a good deal of the keyboard. That was a completely different era though.

>what is null-canceling
with a keyboard you can press the key for 'right' while having the key for 'left' still pressed. the movement is instant, you don't need to wait for your finger being lifted.

with an analog stick or d-pad you can only have one direction pressed at once, meaning you do have to wait for your finger to move.

go ahead, download team fortress 2, connect your gamepad and use it to move around (in tf2 you can use a controller and the mouse simultaneously - move with the stick, aim with the mouse). you'll get destroyed by any semi-competent player. i tried it myself and i have over 4000 hours in that game. the second i started using an analog stick for movement, i got completely wrecked. it's just too slow

As people have noted: depends on the game. Sacrificing movement range with WASD is acceptable when you aim with the mouse and thus are able to modify your movement based on where you're looking much more easily. Also good for strategy games or anything which necessitates lots of hotkeys while navigation is done with a mouse and cursor.

For anything else though? Like platformers or general action games? Yeah, it is pretty barbaric. PC friends, don't be stubborn. Just use a wired controller, save yourself the pain.

thats not generally how people play though, usually you are changing direction in reaction to something, not predicting you will need to change direction

id say the time it takes to change a stick from right to left is far faster than the average humans reaction time anyway, its a fucking moot point.

try it in tf2 if you don't believe me

Attached: (You).gif (640x480, 787K)

>PC friends, don't be stubborn. Just use a wired controller
we do when it suits the game, thats why PCs are the master race.

>has letters

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He is right, though. Take a guess why professional fps players, people who make their fucking living playing these games, use a keyboard over something like the splitfish.

Also take a guess why the hitbox arcade 'stick', which is basically just a fancy specialized keyboard, is banned from most fighting game tournaments.

Attached: splitfish-fragfx-20070625042852350-000.jpg (460x310, 110K)

Analogy = better movement control

On keyboard you need to press another key for slow walk or sprint lol

i still dont buy your "null cancelling" bullshit because i dont think thats how most players play with a keyboard in 99% of situations

you are holding D, you see something on your screen that makes you want to change direction, tick tick tick your brain accepts the signal and then sends one to your fingers, then your fingers change and you release D and press A, the release and press takes about the same time as flicking your thumb from right to left, the more important factor in 99% of situations is your brains response time.

If you could integrate the precision of mouse and keyboard with the comfort of a controller, you would have the million dollar answer.

>soy = better soy control
>on soy you need to soy another soy for slow soy or soy lol

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I find keyboards more comfortable though user

Anyone else not have fun when using a mouse and keyboard? I don’t care if it’s better for competitive play with more precise aiming and button mapping. It’s just not fun to use...

sure, that's the benefit of analog sticks. but why would you ever want to walk slow in a fast paced fps game like quake or ut? walking slow makes you easier to hit.
for sportsgames or racing games i'd take an analog stick over the keyboard any time of the day.

>and you release D and press A
no, you press A before you release D. because it's a fraction of a second faster. like in my original example.
you don't seem to play a lot of fps games, otherwise you'd know this. i've been playing fps games for almost 20 years and every time i change directions i press 'left' before i release 'right'. again, try it in tf2 or some other game that supports mouse+controller and see for yourself.

Then use a controller
You opinion is valid user, fuck anyone who says different, I'll give them the old lickaroo for you


top fucking kek

That is how you play, even reactionary presses work like that, it's not prediction, it's just how transition between key presses work on a keyboard while playing.

>not having an analog mechanical keyboard
what are you, poor?

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Nice input

Cause there are non-dead fps games like counter strike or Squad

Keyboards main flaw is the wasd keys which don't have full 360 movement and can only move in 4 blocky directions. Keyboards need a mini joystick.

yeah bro, i really hate it when my peripherals have support in games

Idort here. Do you have any learning disabilities?

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I grew up playing on consoles so I understand how you feel, seems foolish to dedicate 3 fingers to movement in game, so I've been using the g13 for years now, it's not ideal and I have to place my hand off center to utilize the analog stick. I always hoped to see someone come out with a keypad that improved on this concept but g13 is literally the best thing out there.

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It's good for strategy games where you need many buttons

>game doesn't support xbox 360 controller/directinput
name 10

I think you are literally retarded you baiting piece of shit.

get good pleb

I use a controller for most of my PC games.

Nope if you aren't one or two steps ahead of your enemy you're actually two steps behind, this is why I can destroy my friends while playing on touchpad since my aim is where their head will appear not where it is now and the rest is just pressing a button.
I only use controller for fighting games, most action games actually work better with mouse and keyboard or just keyboard.

Nigga at that point just use a controller. I can't imagine that's better than sticks or triggers.
t. M+KB advocate

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Mechanical keyboards are for artists stuck in the 90s. I was glad to get rid of mine back in the early 2000s.
yeah so much worse user you're right, it's probably not because you haven't used one

>stand using a keyboard?
Just because we're not on the couch doesn't mean we're not sitting down, retard.

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What's thaat Logitech shit on your desk

>Also take a guess why the hitbox arcade 'stick', which is basically just a fancy specialized keyboard, is banned from most fighting game tournaments.
you're a moron

Call me when a gamepad has 15+ easily accessible button just for your left hand.

If you can't see what's good about a keyboard, I can only assume you grew up on shallow games with cancerous context-sensitive control schemes.

>a keyboard has too many buttons
t. consolefag

I fully implied I had never used one. That's what the word imagine means. I also didn't say it's "so much worse," just that I wouldn't think it would be better. But good job on the defensive overreaction. And I'm not sure what you were trying to prove with that video, because now I think it's functionally about the same AND a pain in the dick to set up.

you probably don't like the steam controller

This really only makes a difference in arena shooters, I do just fine I battlefield games, r6, and all other first person games. I'm the g13 guy.

Z4 speakers and mouse too

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Simultaneously using controller to move and mouse to aim masterrace

Considering that 95% of games don't even use 95% of the buttons

>functionally about the same
Same as what? Regular keyboards are on/off walk/run. Gamepads don't use the majority of your fingers.

>a pain in the dick to set up.
Rebinding keys is not hard user.

I use controller and mouse for fps games.

>consolefag never played strategy games
is this the result of sucking one company


Eventually the carpal tunnel gets so bad you won't feel the discomfort of using kb+m because the constant pain will cover it up.

I play on pc but this genre looks so boring

playing on kbm for 13 years now and there is nothing wrong with my wrist in any way.

Controllers are worse for your hands than kb+m but really that's irrelevant because everybody's hands are going to be fucked up from phones.

keyboard? get with the time gramps.

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you only start pressing the direction you want once your brain gets the signal, the time it takes to press a key and the time it takes to flick your thumb is negligible.

you arent persistantly holding down A and D and "null cancelling" every time you want to strafe

The real question is how console gamers can stand playing FPS games with a directional input method like a thumbstick. Now that is truly brutal.

nice meme user. are you missing a pinky by any chance?

>no nostromo n52 with analog switches
mite b cool

Attached: Analog Keyboard.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

>I’m bad with a controller


yes perfect, nice slow gradual movement, just the exact thing you need to take a bullet to the face easily.

pubg is probably the last game you need analogue movement in because generally the less you are spazzing around like a retard, the easier a target you are

not that guy but seriously dude, playing an FPS with a controller is like fucking a girl with a flaccid cock

way to ruin a perfectly good keyboard

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It's already been proven that carpal tunnel is genetic, not from overuse. I've been using kbm for almost 20 yrs now, at least 12 hrs a day with nothing at all wrong with my hands.

my bad

how so

Attached: Analog actuation point.webm (630x354, 2.86M)

>Also take a guess why the hitbox arcade 'stick', which is basically just a fancy specialized keyboard, is banned from most fighting game tournaments.

The hitbox was banned from maybe one or two tournaments. And not because it was some "optimal god way" to play, but because in a few games (That were patched), the game allowed you to block both left and right if you could hold both directions down, because the developer never thought you'd be able to do that on a standard controller.

Holy shit get your facts straight before you spout stupid shit. The only thing bad about the Hitbox is the retards who make it.

Name one big fighting game tournament that's been won by someone using a hitbox, it's not some magic cure all.

there are five columns of keys, plenty of room for a pinky.


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Yeah, because everyone knows that all those keys are ONLY to play videogames

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I'm also bad at driving a car with a dingo carcass in place of the steering wheel.

Yes I am.

in the context of a discussion about video game controllers thats all thats relevant.

>block left and right at the same time
Great code, I'm guessing Mortal Kombat.

how do you walk in a straight line?

There are some games that are legitimately better to play with a controller. But PC is better for games that demand more than just control of a single individual character at a time, or for games that require very precise aiming, or involve controlling complex vehicles [space combat? Mech games?]

Playing something like arma requires all those keys because it's i/o is bloated as fuck.