Hey you crusty old men! What cool games are you going to play this weekend?
25+ weekend thread
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>Boss! user is on Sup Forums again!
might finally man up and kms this weekend wish me luck bros
turning 30 in 2 weeks, gl man
not even any wizard powers to look forward to, wasnt worth giving em up
Monster Hunter World
I had a weird dream though so I don't feel like playing even though I just defeated Pink Rathian
alcohol and youtube
*enters your thread at 19 years of age*
>tfw turning 26 on sunday
Read the blogposts and learn from mistakes like not getting professional help in time
good luck user, what method you thinking of?
*takes a long hard drag on my cigar*
*looks at you with the force of one thousand sons*
*unsheathes katana*
I don't want any trouble, do YOU?
I wanna play Fortnite but the amount of glitches and shitty as fuck gunplay puts me off.
So I guess I'll just chill with Minecraft or Stardew Valley.
I guess being 29 qualifies to you kids, so Freedom Force. I was in one of those "first game you played threads" and people were either lying or holy fuck you're old or Brazilian. Bringing up shit on the Atari or the Commodore.
I'll be 27 in two months.
I can't play video games for longer than a week at best before they simply can't hold my attention. Even something like Darkest Dungeon, which I thoroughly enjoyed but haven't even finished, can't keep me gripped. I think I've reached the end of the line.
>tfw have a backlog of 30 or so games only half finished
>can never be arsed going back to them
This is even more suffering than my backlog of 50 games I've yet to touch.
Nothing like playing dota with my friends from highschool.
I'm turning 29 on tuesday, fuck
34 here. Tackling Attack on Titan 2 and some Metal Gear Survive. Sea of Thieves is ass and BARELY fun with friends. Might play some MonHun World to see if I can beat Nergigante finally. GT is MagnanimousMike if anyone has either and wants to grind it out.
I have a game that would hold my attention - EVE Online. But none of my friends play it and playing it solo sucks.
Why are these threads sllowed
Very similar situation for me, but Darkest Dungeon was a godsend for me. I wish there were more games like it that aren't XCOM.
ESO has a free week but I'm not sure if I would like it.
I do love TES games but there's something about ESO, I dunno. Combat seems clunky.
I can't play them at all. I found Terraria frustrating and stupid but I still made a huge tree house and then those stupid fucking flying eyeballs started screwing with me. Goddammit go away.
Leave before its too late young one.
Because most Sup Forums are barely legal "adults" that know nothing about being adults.
Part of the fun of these threads is how utterly pissed you get to the point that you can't resist posting in them
Combat is always clunky in TES games. The real problem is that after a week you would have pay for it if you didn't want your effort to be wasted.
Fellow wizards, assemble!
I really like combat in Skyrim.
In 2 years user.
These threads depress me, its sad as fuck realize you don't want to play games when you get close to your 30s, and it's not like you don't want to play, you just get bored 500% faster.
so play 5% as much
fuck, it's not hard to be a grown ass man
This is probably going to get moved to /r9k/, but 25+ bros, do you ever feel you've already grown old and have achieved absolutely nothing you can say you're proud of? Shit hit me yesterday and I cried.
A Way Out looks like a great couch co-op game, might try it
Probably going for Monkey Island 3, since it has a re-release and found a win10 patch, so I can play the original I own. Hope it works.
Never understood how people manage to get to 30 without getting laid.
It's not that you get bored, it's just that you realize how fucking shit most games are.
Why? It's terrible.The only thing you can do if you're going to get hit is block with a shield, which forces a very specific character build if you want to take on higher level enemies and not get anally fucked.
Sorry, I fucked and I'm still fucking. I got the relationshit thing right. Or is it wrong?
Most of us fucked off to /ck/ or something around 2013. God knows that silly bitch doesn't know how to cook.
>you just get bored 500% faster.
Yeah, it just feels like my autism is being sapped from me. Put about 200 days game time into runescape from 2005-2012, and about 30 days since. I just can't stomach it for longer than a month at a time, and end up quitting it for half a year.
This also is why this happens, what with getting bored of a game half-way through and then trying something else. never to return.
Gonna be cycling between Bloodborne, Attack on Titan 2 and maybe Cyber Sleuth Hacker's Memory. Any fellow FROMdrones gonna be on BB? I wouldn't mind doing some PVP or co-op with my fellow anons.
22 here
get out of this evil circle while you can, im already lost
Sod off yah cunts
Oi lads! Should I get Survive Mars????
So, basically a blogposting thread.
Maybe I should write about my dream, it's not long but I'm not sure if it's going help when it's a depressed kissless virgin circlejerk
good luck bro, thinking about doing the same.
Because it's sort of realistic. I fucking hate WoW style gameplay with 15 different skills and glowing effects and what not.
Breath of the Wild and Tales of Vesperia
get some speedruns on Shadow Tactics
some MGSurvive
replay COMI
>im already lost
You aren't
Working through my backlog, currently playing Bioshock 2
Every day, though I tried my hardest I'm just too fucked up to do anything good enough
got devil may cry 1/2/3/4 and DMC for playstation 3 for less than 20 pounds on ebay, I'll be fine for a while
The feeling of wishing I could start my 20s again is with me nearly all the time. What kind of stuff do you imagine you would be able to say you accomplished if things went right for you?
All my friends are having kids and completely disappearing from my life, used to be so easy to hang out, drink beer and play video games.
Nigger, I work and study and I still rather spend my time idling on Sup Forums or watch netflix instead of playing that game I've been thinking of playing all day when at work.
We're old and we don't care. Life experience is a motherfucker and it's nice to pretend that somebody is listening.
Just report them and move on, the last 25+ thread was deleted. I'm 27 and I think these threads are pointless too.
I've played Bloodborne, Monster Hunter World, Rainbow Six Siege, Breath of the Wild, Metal Gear Solid, Bayonetta 2 and Persona 5 in the last week. Games don't just stop being fun once you get older.
anyone else having trouble learning new games? i have no problems playing games that i've been playing for 10-15 years, but every time i try starting a completely new game i feel overwhelmed by the controls and rules. it sucks all the enjoyment out of the games.
currently trying to get myself to play nier automata and south park the fractured but whole. both games have been sitting in my library since release, but i keep going back to tf2, since i already know everything about that game. i feel like every new game i buy is wasted money, yet i can't stop myself from buying them.
i wish i was 15 again, when i could get into new games easily
Do what you're doing now, and keep doing it until you're 30. Congrats on wizzarddom
ni no kuni looks cool,but idk i dont feel like playing weeb shit right now
Oddly enough I can still put autism level hours into games of my childhood. Snes and N64 especially so, I can keep going endlessly. Newer games however even if they hit my likes perfectly just don't hold my attention for long.
Do something else.
It's kinda like masturbating too often.
Or maybe you're just depressed
I doubt it but whatever
>weird dream about some girl inviting me for lunch or whatever
>it's some kind of weird show where she decides who will go on a date with her and some dude is talking non-stop
>they seem to have fun so I don't butt in also partly because I don't even know what to do and trying to desperately say something would just be pathetic
>whatever just eat my food but feel a bit out of place but that's how I always feel when hanging out in RL
>she chooses the other guy for the date thing
>we're suddenly alone and she asks why I didn't say barely anything
>sperg out and say how it seemed like they had fun, I didn't want to bother and how it's kinda weird. It's not like I wouldn't mind dating her but either she likes me or she doesn't. Or something along the line
>she gets closer, start kissing her cheek, as soon as I kiss her lips my mind goes "what the fuck, no way she's enjoying this, you idiot." Wake up immediately and think about blogposting all day
Now, remember when you were younger and you would get so angry at them for not having a single fucking clue about how to use a computer? Well, welcome to their world, because this is how it all starts.
>tfw so very shit at using touchscreens and nothing seems intuitive about them
I burned out on New Vegas in my Black Isle/Obsidian Fallout marathon a couple of weeks ago, so I've been on a Kingdom Hearts kick since then. Working my way through BBS on Critical right now.
As humans we go through something called synaptic pruning. My understanding is that we have more direct routes to parts of the brain but have trouble creating new pathways, i.e. learning new games feels much more difficult while we remain skilled at our favorite ones. I think it is how we avoid being masters of nothing.
However if you really bruteforce trying to learn a new game and soldier through it, you will eventually enjoy it. It just takes way more discipline than before.
I have a friend that's about seven years older than me. I went to his house and he tried to teach me how to play ARK. I ended up watching him play the fucking thing and drinking beer. I don't give a fuck, it's just frustrating and stupid. Bitch I don't want to build up from punching trees to making a flare gun, this shit is just stupid as hell. I want to play the game right now so when the fuck does it start?
>Not having at least two girlfriends in a polyamorous relationship while working on getting a third gf.
I'm not even that handsome--just charming and smart.
More coffee.
>What kind of stuff do you imagine you would be able to say you accomplished if things went right for you?
Knowing a useful craft like cooking. Speaking another language like Japanese. Learning an instrument. Maybe some other form of creative artform like drawing? Hell, I'd settle for something like amateur chess. Literally anything besides sitting on my ass all day playing shitty games that will become irrelevant in the near future.
I'm 28 and at this rate I will hit 40 and will have nothing to show how long I've lived.
Get them to make out or you're not doing it right.
They should at least include a dodge roll so I can dual wield magic without getting facefucked by the drougr.
at least i'm not alone.
26 here, I only play League of Legends and Fortnite.
I built my Computer in 2012, still using a gtx 660 Ti because why upgrade when It still plays my main games at 1080p.
I don't get it.
Also, I'm 31.
i really miss watching sc2 good streams.
Reminder you belong on /r9k/ and have to go back.
Isn't there a frost ward kind of skill you can use to block?
Not in skyrim that I know of.
SC2 is still >alive and Tastosis are still casting
>What cool games are you going to play this weekend?
xenoblade 2 and r6siege
24, turning 25 next week
the only vidya I played for the past few months was r6siege and l4d2. started getting real burnt out, until I got the switch a few weeks back. switch is pretty cool.playing vidya in bed with it is top tier comfy.
Yeah there is, here's the skill in use: youtu.be
Just playing wow getting mounts and shit, maybe I'll do other run in Nier Automata and just waiting news from a juicy rpg
Good luck, there's no vidya in hell though.
I always tell myself if I ever become truly suicidal I'll just become a bitcoin mercenary or something. That's a lot more cool and fun than putting a Ziploc on my head and whimpering to death.
Fear of death prevents so many people from doing so many things.
Almost 28 here, work as a pharmacist and spend all day hiding my power level. My girlfriend yells at me whenever I kick back and try to "stay gud" at DBFZ and SFV. She says "user you should be working more! How are you ready to be a father when you play all these games!"
I play difficult vidya to keep my mind and reflexes sharp. I figure that m as long as I can still trounce most teenagers and 20 year olds in competitive games it won't be time for me to go out to pasture just yet.
If Alex Valle and Daigo Umehara are any correlation then the shelf life of a pro player is waaaayyy longer than the shelf life of traditional athletes.
Good luck nigga, see you on the other side
Well at least you have good taste.
He is. I've been here since I was 17. I took a three year break starting when I was 23.
But the abyss called me back. Now I'm 29. One stray link. That's all it takes.
I can see myself playing tekken and maybe other fightan till I'm 30
It's not too late.
I'd say if you didn't get your shit together by 25 you're fucked. You're just doing damage control if you unfuck your shit at that point
How well does SotC run on the base PS4? Thinking of picking it up
I more meant still being on Sup Forums. There's successful people here.
I'm a failure, but that literally happened because of something that happened when I wasn't using Sup Forums.
morrowind and demon's souls
>I still rather spend my time idling on Sup Forums or watch netflix instead of playing that game I've been thinking of playing all day when at work.
Same what the fuck. I waited all week to play Witcher 3 and now I can't be arsed
Let us know if you succeed.
fortnite is pretty fun, even though it's a disgusting normie game.
i got factorio a few months ago and i like it and all, but just cant bring myself to play it, or any of the other games in my library. i literally only play games with my very few irl friends any more. nothing is really engaging
me too on Tuesday dude
Don't ever talk to me or my one thousand sons again
Digimon World
>do not look it up