Don't mind me; just posting the best controller

Don't mind me; just posting the best controller.

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Other urls found in this thread: adapter usb



>bluetooth only
Fuck off.

>Connect charging cable
Oh hey autistim averted

right analog too high. Below the buttons and it'd be perfect

It only charges. It doesn't actually connect with the USB cable. To use it on PC you need to use Bluetooth, which is unacceptable.

>longer battery life than Switch Pro Controller.
>cost less than Switch Pro Controller.
Makes you think.

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>can't use it with my Switch
Thanks Nintendo

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Still havent got mine. Preordered xeno 2 edition, when it was out of stock on amazon and still havent been restocked.

Too light for my tastes and it takes some time for you to get used to the face buttons placements with your right thumb

*blocks your path*

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The analogue sticks are atrocious and the d-pad is far too close to the casing.
is the objectively best controller.

Wii U d-pad actually works.

Top sticks are underrated

>hasn't actually used the switch pro controller

The d-pad isn't any more shallow than any other modern controller

>malfunctional d-pad
>best anything

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>best controller can only be used with the Wii U
Fuck my life

There's nothing wrong with the dpad

I'm sorry, you were saying?

Attached: sony-dualshock-4.jpg (1600x1067, 205K)

The d pad is fucked. Fuck off

>shitty analog stick material
>stupid touchpad moving the Start/Select buttons sorry, Options/Share to awkward positions
>horrible battery life from the light and the touchpad
no way fag

>someone told me the xenoblade 2 switch pro controller fixed the d-pad issue
>nope still doesn't work perfectly

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>3 hour battery life

Both these controllers are worst then both Xbone and PS4. You faggots only like it because its nintendo licensed thus makes nintendo money. Kill yourselves.

Also Wii U controller feels flimsy as fuck and Switch controller has a fucked D pad and buttons stiff.

meant to quote


>someone told me
I bet you're one of the people who fall for ridiculous fake news on twitter or facebook.

Nothing will ever top this masterpiece of a controller

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Told me as in YouTube videos. Too bad those fags never test it with blaster master.

4 camera buttons lmao

>digital triggers
>bluetooth only


>worst then
Go back to school you fucking nigger.

>bluetooth only
As opposed to some proprietary connection you need to buy a dongle for?

try an actual argument next time.

>Using it on my Pc
>dont remember last time I charged it

Shit is a beast

That piece of shit doesn't have a headphone jack.

>As opposed to some proprietary connection you need to buy a dongle for?
That's kinda what "bluetooth only" is

How about being able to plug it in through USB?

Bluetooth is not proprietary and any console, computer, or device manufactured in the last decade has it.

Hello retard

360 controller is easily the best besides the D-pad. Xbone taking a step back after with its shit bumpers baffles me

I like the stick placements are the battery life.

Weird, my PC doesn't have it

I don't have huge hands but holy shit, DS are made for fucking manlets with tiny hands.

Here you go
> adapter usb

>no rumble
>no gyro

For me, it is the SN30Pro®, the best chinese controller

Attached: 71eeqzk3XVL._AC_.jpg (1468x656, 192K)

hows the comfort when using analog stick+buttons?

Any latency issues?

Best d-pad right here

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it's fine.
i have fucked up spider hands though
not that i've noticed

Go fuck yourselves

Attached: 1200px-GameCube_controller.png (1200x933, 1M)

I love this controller. Bought a white one a few years ago for about $15.

Or I could use any other controller, those work with USB and also work better

I don't see how those buttons are in a weird position.
I also don't get why people get pissy about renaming them to share/options though the touchpad is often used as a select substitute while options is still start

I don't think the DS3 is much smaller than the WiiU Pro.
DS4 is a bit bigger too but I don't see how people have issues with DS3, or rather controllers in general

It's only good for GC games.
Also only one shoulder button for whatever reason.

The sticks and trigger are great though

Best PC controller.

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God, Nintendicksuckers are braindamaged beyond good and evil.

I ordered one custom colored from colorware and have no problems with the d pad

DS4 has more functions and the X1 isn't as simple to setup as the 360 controller (plug in and play) on anything other than W10.

Except if Steam added driver support to it like they did with the DS4

Monsterpiece more like

Not with that garbage Dpad.

That's what you get for believing Nintendo shills on Sup Forums.

>best controller
>cant use because most games are made for the gamepad screen bullshit

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Attached: original-xbox-controller-470x310@2x[1].jpg (530x349, 19K)

Is this any different from the white and Pikachu versions?

>symmetrical thumbsticks
lol fuck off

They fixed the bumpers in later revisions of the Xbone controller. Can confirm the original bumpers were shit though.

Also has a functioning d-pad

>there are drones who think "being a snowflake = being innovative"

>NSMBU needs a patch so that the Pro controller works proving that Nintendo actually wanted to continue the bullshit wiimote
>games like TMS#FE are playable with the pro controller but you need the gamepad too because the map is only displayed on the gamepad and you need to use the touchscreen whenever you get textmessages from characters
>even when you don't have to use the gamepad it still runs wasting energy

What a mess

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absolutely the best battery life ever
solid build, good materials

digital only triggers (bad for emulated games requiring analog triggers)
no wired mode, it only charges
requires mini usb cable when micro usb is more common
stick placement can be uncomfortable for people with big hands (personally i always bump in the right stick when pressing x)
usable only on a dead console and requires a bluetooth receiver for the pc

imho not really worth it

What controller has the best d-pad?

What functions does the DS4 have over the XB1 controller that I should actually care about when playing a game? I own a PS4, been using it regularly since the release of Bloodborne and I've never used the touch pad or found the light bar to be anything more than a stupid gimmick. In fact I think if these things were taken away the shit battery life would be a lot better.

for what?
For fighting games i can tell you from personal experience that the wii u dpad is too stiff and it's hard on your thumb, ds4 is really soft and precise

dpad is completely unusable besides spamming taunts in smash

Having a bit of mouse control thanks to the touchpad is neat.
Wish more games would make proper use of it.
Light bar can be turned off on PC and some games use it as a gimmick


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Pokken controller.