Are arcade sticks a meme controller? Post yours champ

are arcade sticks a meme controller? Post yours champ.

Attached: Namco_Arcade_Stick_(1996).jpg (400x295, 53K)


the only stick you need

Attached: image-thumb22.png (554x416, 458K)

it's a rap2

Attached: N3SA1.jpg (1500x829, 264K)

Who /hayabusa/ here?

oh boy I can post this again. Made something for the poorfags who want a stick. used comic sans to piss off the /gd/ anons out there.

Attached: CheapFightstickGuide.jpg (2750x3500, 1.4M)

Nothing special but I finally swapped out the godawful Crown buttons for Sanwa ones. I'm now a full time stick player.

Attached: stick.jpg (750x563, 38K)

>Mad Catz Pro
>$50 - $100
I have never seen it go for that much

Attached: stick.jpg (1824x1368, 267K)

I've seen it on ebay plenty of times be listed at $100 or lower.

this one. shame mad catz kiked everyone outside japan out of the shadow artwork.

Attached: P4U89480_1.jpg (1429x1051, 524K)

Nice. My omnis coming in on Monday, decided to get one after being frustrated with my crown 309mj joystick in my obsidian

Also madcatz tes+ is on sale for 120 at Newegg right now for anyone looking for a stick

Frustrated how?

Yes. Even MainManSWE says you can play on pad so long as you actually git gud. The stick won’t magically make you not shit.

Attached: 1C7A69B6-9A8C-45C2-A6DA-EADDDE4971EA.jpg (640x357, 277K)

i hope (((mad catz))) gets back into sticks so there's an easily moddable switch stick

only niggers buy these

Don’t fall for the Qanba meme

Doesn’t seem like hard artwork to make to be honest.

they put up a psd of it but it's got the localized game logo for some reason

Play a Mishima on pad for an hour and your thumb will fall off.

hayabusa stick, not buttons