Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend

Make monsters and watch them fight! Sign-ups will be happening at 4 PM and 6 PM (EST).

Attached: flyball new.png (1002x531, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: THEMOSTPOWERFUL.png (1063x361, 15K)

pink best team

Post a new mins, and post opinions on them!

Attached: mr mats saving girly from a rapist.gif (500x375, 1.61M)

I probably overdid the amount of references on this guy.

Attached: Culpascelus.png (2953x2126, 159K)

Is D13 alright with summons in his system?

R8 my new vermin.

Also, friend that said you'll post him, be sure to say that the host can find the clean stages on the booru to keep him animated in the tourney.

Attached: d654c50520e159ae3ccaa7abddd3871f6ec3ea4f.gif (1840x2252, 215K)


I love that effect