I can't stop playing this. I haven't played any other game seriously since 2013. Send help.
I can't stop playing this. I haven't played any other game seriously since 2013. Send help
Ok but why tho?
At least you picked a good game.
No need for help.
You're in good hands.
play bloodborne, it's better
post hours fag
What is the most fun build you've done?
Extra points for low SL
Pathetic ass shilling and samefagging for this series is gross.
I’m excited to play it for the first time on Switch, but the games fan base online reminds me of le leddit faggotry
I remember playing it for a week straight. And then on my 4th playthrough righter after I killed OnS I was like, "Wait! What the fuck am I doing?" Uninstalled immediately
You sound like a cool guy OP. I'm a shitter who never finished the game. I beat O&S and felt like I had my fill.
I'll get it again when the remaster comes out, I think it's a great game and I'm long overdue actually finishing it.
What build do you recommend for a fuck like me?
I don't understand soulfag addiction. Its a great game but not something I'd play over and over back to back. I'm convinced some people think they are actually "hardcore" for playing this game and get a rush from the label then actually just playing the game.
You quit the game just as it got good. Idk I would say do pure strength or a quality build for your first time back. You can mow through most shit.
What sort of gimmicks do you add to keep your playthroughs interesting? After a couple base level estus skip standard weapon runs I ran out of ideas and stopped playing.
These days I mostly just use DSCM and PVP in Darkroot. A few days ago my friend and I put on full Silver Knight armor and stood on the steps in Darkroot with Gough's Greatbow and Dragonslayer arrows doing kind of a Anor Londo archer cosplay. It was suprisingly effective and were absolutely crushing every single invader.
It was the most fun I've had in a while. My buddy and I were in discord laughing uncontrollably.
I can't wait for the remaster.
git gud
isn't even up to snuff can be insanely laggy/unfair because the loser has summons with him. Is it fun casually? sure. Something I could do all day seriously? Nah.
I doubt it's because of the reputation or build variety, but simply that they love the game so much initially that it doesn't wear off for several playthroughs. If you only find these games modestly fun, you won't get much more by playing them again.
>muh lag
Shitter. Play against anyone who's actually good, see if in a billion match lag ever works into your favor. Of course not, you're just gonna get chain-BS'd over and over again.
I gave up on Dark Souls after I got locked in a prison with those snake guys. I made it to the boss it was like w crystal thing that insta killed me. This was in like 2012 or something. I wanted to finish it because I actually thought the game was phenomenal but before I came back my PS3 stopped working. I think I was close to the end too.
Remaster is going to be fun.
Duke's Archives are my least favorite part of the game....
Is that where I left off? How far is that in the game? I wasn't a big fan of the area either which is why I took a break.
>Lag doesn't make the game bad you just suck at it
You must've never played a fighter in your life evidently.
I kind of consider beating S&O the halfway point of the game not considering all the optional areas like Painted world and the DLC, so I'd say you are a little more than halfway through what you actually need to do to beat the game.
After S&O its:
>Duke's Archives (where the Snake prison is)
>Tomb of the Giants
>Lost Izalith
>New Londo/The Abyss
Once you've beaten the bosses in all those areas you can go fight Gwyn.
Does anyone ever really fight this boss?
Wait until you get to Blighttown, pleb.
You'll know how shitty this game really is.
It sucks the first time until you figure out your path and then it's fucking easy.
The sea of AIDS never stops being annoying as fuck.
Yeah its annoying but just have moss clumps and you good.
if by "fight" you mean one-sidedly stomp it then yes. all the time.
if by "fight" you mean struggle against it with a risk of failure then no. never.
the only really annoying thing about blighttown is the poison sfx
Ah nice. I'm afraid to play again when remastered comes out. I've gotten too used to BB and DaS3. Original dark souls has less iframes on rolls than subsequent entries so I know I'm going to get fucked
>switch owner
you ARE the leddit faggotry fanbase
But you'll git gud
just embrace it, it's good