>The remaster won't have multiplayer
How can they fuck up so badly?
The remaster won't have multiplayer
Nothing of value was lost.
Or gained, really.
Is it confirmed or a rumor?
This upsets the underages
MW2 came out 15 years ago
people dont remember shit like commando pro, or OMA noobtubes
mp was fun but it was far from balanced, good thing they're not including it
Fucking why
Mwr multiplayer is pretty dead
>They had ONE job
>far from balanced
That's why it was so fun
I imagine nobody would give a shit about following games if MW2R had multiplayer
>being upset about CoD
oh lawdy
That's literally one of the reasons why it was the best cod
This. BLOPS4 would barely get any hype or be played. I guess it's to not separate the playerbase.
Came here to say this. The unbalanced arcadey fun of MW2 multiplayer was the height of COD even for the yearly fanboys, no one would give a shit about any other COD if it came out. Fuck I would actually buy this if it did have multiplayer and I haven’t bought a COD game since MW2, it was that good.
Bops always outsells all the other cods
>but there was no hype this year
>muh low pre order numbers
Fucking stop, when will people learn
So, they could dedicate a team to bringing back MW2 and doing some work on it. It'll be better than any shit they're going to put out. CoD is a dead franchise, they may as well just bring back the best (or one of the best) of the series.
Fucking good, the multiplayer was the worst part
MW2 was one of the last multiplayer games that didn’t have balance patch after balance patch that fucked up the game.
It was a singular, definitive vision that they put in and stuck by even when it turned out to be a battle of who could cheese hardest.
I miss that so much. Every game now has fucking WEEKLY balance changes, there’s no creative vision anymore and just letting the game play the way it is and the way it was made.
>inb4 meme level "no Russian" either lowered in violence or removed completely
Hot do you think it will affect the actual situation (USA shootings) in this level?
And don't forget the fucking Akimbo Model 1887(pre patch)