Xe’s right you know
Xe’s right you know
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100 years ago these people would've been locked away in some asylum so society wouldn't have to deal with them.
What the FUCK controller is that?
What game are they playing?
the NES one
the author doesn't play games
Where is the LOL though?
I don't understand the comic
the homossex mind does some gymnastics
Wouldn't a proper trans character show no signs of being trans at all? Since the whole point is to look like and be the opposite?
>craving representation
who actually thinks this way, though?
100 years ago we also thought leeches helped drain toxics and handled radioactive material with our bare hands.
i cri erry time
A 100 years ago you would have been dead in World War I and society wouldn't have had to deal with you.
>hey, I'm trans btw
the trans in mass effect andromeda was epic
just bend over holy shit
>characters are supposed to be children
>they don't ever act like children, they're just blatant mouthpieces for the author.
Pretty sure that this girlguything has made comics pointing out the fact that people who think you can spot a trans person by their appearance are transphobic
>being this salty
Yes, but it might come up in conversation if game has a lot of dialog and you see them say more than "Hi"
So wiimote/NES hybrid.
Yeah but she's still assuming every character who doesn't bring it up isn't trans
Same for you desu
Leeches are still useful in modern medicine
Gender dysphoria is just another form of alien hand syndrome and homosexuality isn't much more than a fetish
That was one thing they did right back then.
100 years ago video games didn’t exist user
The funny part is the opposite is true. Transphobic people have the hardest time spotting trannies, which is a big reason why they are so transphobic.
People who grow up in San Francisco, seeing trannies since they were children, can spot them from a mile away.
100 years ago there were nurses smoking unfiltered cigarettes in maternity wards.
Did they just copy and pasta the character?
Leeches did help, it was a very primitive form of dialisis where rather than having a machine clean your blood, you'd drain the contaminated blood and have the body produce fresh, and would legitimately help with things like lead poisoning.
That would be homophilia, which is more akin to what futafags suffer from.
>Meanwhile in here 100 years ago
I think I’ll trust the medical professionals over you. I doubt you have studied gender disphoria for decades like they have.
In what context? People in real life don't just casually mention that they used to have a penis in the middle of talking about work.
Assaid, when ME Andromeda tried it, it came across as being very forced and unnatural.
I'm getting planet of the apes vibes.
When has a video game ever actually been transphobic?
I mean surely there has to be one or two, but nothing made nowadays would even dare
>implying I sympathize with trannies
Just pointing something out, don't get triggered
How can we prove homosexuality is a fetish and not an actual mental illness?
People don't. Transtrenders do
i cant tell if thats edited or not
Psychiatrists are not doctors, they do not take an oath, they will very much sell your interests for a quick profit and there is decades of precedents set for this.
The actual definition of GD given by doctors is literally the same shit as foreign hand syndrome, branded in the same manner shit like "gaming addiction" and other such conditions invented just to sell a new cure.
getting your dick cut off and taking hormones is the new using leeches for bloodletting.
The 59 genders are the new alchemy
video games are transphobic just by not including the incredibly common freaks of nature out of pure malice