funny how the saturn aged the best
Funny how the saturn aged the best
It spells 'NOP'
why is my pee pee hard
the few 2D games on the N64 aged best desu
Saturn and PS have more 2D games so you have naively believe that
#D games sucked ass for the 3 except if you play on a CRT or plasma
yeah because sega had the right idea, it was way too fucking early to have 3D gaming. 5th gen should have been a hybrid of 2D & 3D gaming and then 6th gen should have been 3D gaming. it would make for a more natural transition and we could have had way more games that didnt age like dogshit
It ain't easy.
The Saturn is such a meme console. Nobody who says this shit knows what their talking about.
sega's 3D saturn games have aged better than everything on the playstation and N64 combined
Only good for the two Zeldas and HM64.
Omly good for imports.
2nd greatest library in gaming after PS2.
we get it, you've never played a saturn game
Saturn has many near arcade perfect ports. It deserves it spot at the top.
i didnt know sega made games for the atari 2600
Wow that's gorgeous
wanna know how I know you're a weeb?
Its the original no games machine. Most of its high profile titles got ported to PSX and usually ran better.
>It's a console war thread
Arcade perfects ports were not really a big selling point anymore by the time Saturn rolled around. That was really what caused most of its library to be overlooked not to mention straight up lack of games in the west.
Saturn has aged the poorest because its library was mainly arcade ports, which are easier to emulate than the saturn itself
that looks like shit compared to N64 launch titles
pick any
wave race completely destroys it
that's literally not true though. 90% of the PSX's good games were either never exclusive to begin with, or were later ported to PC, dreamcast, etc.
While we're on topic, requesting a webm of Panzer Dragoon 2 gameplay
made me laugh desu
Because I have a Madoka daki?
I can record one later. Real hardware or emulation? The former will be good for comparing composite and s-video, and the latter will be good for eye candy.
saturn is a shit console and it killed sega
I think you've got the Saturn and the Playstation backwards.
I got you.
saturn doesn't has SF alpha 3 tho
only zero 3
Kill yourself fag
standards age
I love all 3 systems and unironically love the low poly aesthetic of 3D games of the time.
any webm for 2D N64 games?
modern standards are shit though
>Blue Resort was sort of garbage
>We'll never get a new Waverace game
Darkest timeline
imagine old standards then
It's hard for games to age if they don't exist
>Blue Storm
and we acxchually have
pic related: spiritual sucessor
forgot pic
>one of the greatest games of all time that still gets content made by fans entirely free out of love of the game itself over 20 years later
Yeah imagine having standards like that again.
The one that has the superior image quality, that game is absolutely stunning and it deserves good treatment.
It was a dig at the N64 port you imbecile
ignoring that fast paced action because of muh graphics
The N64 port looks like GLquake on a Voodoo 1 but with colored lighting and lower res textures. Its not a bad looking or running port. Its missing a few levels and some are altered though.
OP is a faggot.
>that dithering
No, these graphics are awful.
>looks like GLquake
"no". also, the saturn version has infinitely better colored lighting
the game is good tho
Pics pls
Probably, I've never played it.
You mom might know.
it was made specifically to compare video quality between cable types
you're missing out
you can get a XBLA (japanese only) version if you can't get a saturn
don't need a jap console, just a jap account
The Saturn port doesn't have colored lighting and the screenshots you've been posting have been shitty emulation shots that are not representative of how the game actually looks.
>aged the best
it actually has dynamic lighting too
"im redfeild"
Dynamic lighting when firing your weapon or around key pickups isn't the same as static colored lighting in the level itself.
holy shit. i'm retarded, but i just realized that the playstation logo is a p, with a sideways S on the ground. i can't believe i never realized this. i've always seen it as a 2d image. that's fucking crazy.
you are very stupid
>shows an example of non colored lighting
>that affine warping
the webm is meant to show off saturn quad distortion
To say this looks better than the N64 is beyond delusional.
it does, every level in the N64 version looks like piss
Every level in the Saturn version is too low res and dark to actually see anything.
>moving the goalposts this hard
Moving them how exactly?
Yes, funny but also not true.
first you were saying that quake 64 looks like it's running on a voodoo 1, then you said that the saturn version of quake did not have colored lighting, then you said that it only had dynamic lighting, then you said it looked plain bad, and now you're saying the game is too dark.
man that guy playing burning rangers sucks
>1 second loop
>wew guyz!
>saturn quake
The Saturn version is too dark and has barely any colored light sources to the point where even though I've played through that version fully once and played it casually plenty of times since, I didn't even remember it had them. They stick out in the N64 port since every map uses them extensively.
works on my machine
stop arguing about which Quake version is better faggots
both suck dick
Duek is the best FPS of that era
this isn't even a competition, the saturn version is superior
How the fuck did you manage this.
Arguing which 5th gen console aged the best is like arguing which perishable aged the best. They all go rancid and make you sick.
>2nd greatest library in gaming after PS2.
THE most underrated game of all time.
>left: Hastily made barbie-doll looking shit with plain textures
>right: stylized model with good textures that actually looks like the character
kek, good luck trying to get N64 kids to admit that their childhood choice was the 3RD best console of that gen. This place is Nintendo central.
>When it's the console that got the best game of all time
who knows
The N64 didn't have FF7 though.
FF7 isn't even the best FF game.
Mario 64 isn't the best Mario game
Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask aren't the best Zelda game
But F-Zero X is the best F-Zero game.
What is F-Zero GX
Mechanically inferior.