Can you please recommend some comfy games with a fantasy setting

Can you please recommend some comfy games with a fantasy setting

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Elder Scrolls

Dark Souls 2

FFXV is very comfy between the parts where you fight monsters and parts where you remember your character is emo

FFXV just looks boring and shallow, like it was built around promoting an urban clothing line and ramen noodles

squeeze my balls and rub my ass

Fallout 4, Skyrim, etc

Rune factory 3
Any souls games
Subnautica is fantasy right

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How is Souls comfy? You're constantly under pressure

Demon's Souls was the only comfy souls game

Dragon Age: Origins and also DA2 and DA:I, though each has issues.

FF IX is what ur looking for. Doesnt get more comfy than that


Two Worlds

Kenshi, its a game with a kinda fantasy setting, its squad based, a mix of age of empires series with mount and blade warband, really good game, its coming out of early acces this year, its a game where you can do lots of things, be a bandit, slaver, build your own base, grow narcotics, become a ninja, and so on, you should take a look on some gameplays on youtubue if suits your style, really comfy game to spend your time building a base and just exploring ancient ruins in search of old knowledge to upgrade your base

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>Ghost Master
Don't know why nobody ever mention it, one of most original and unique rts games I saw, haven't replayed in years though, don't know how well it aged. I remember all ghosts being unique with their own character and role which was really fun.
>Endless Legend
if you consider it fantasy, since it might be called sci-fi as well. It's not so fucking simple in Endless series.
>Dragon Commander
is incredibly comfy, although it's my guilty pleasure, and not a good game in itself.
>Stronghold Legends
Alongside Stronghold 2 gets undeserved hate although it feels like they ran out of money at some point. Beginning of Arthur campaign is good, but each next mission is worse, and all 3 campaigns are too short to tell really comfy and nice story. Ice one starts fine too, but goes bad faster. Evil one is meh. I like mission with werewolfs in last one, though. Voice Acting really makes it comfy. All stronghold games are incredibly comfy though, first series that comes to my mind when i hear this word.
>Vermintide 1, 2
Started playing first one previous summer, your base of operations is comfy in both games and team nice but I'm not sure if you can call rest of game comfy. I really like them though.
>From Dust
Really fun minigame, wish there were better god games. I tried B&W some time ago, it was mediocre too.
Such a disappointment, I find it relaxing though, but maybe it's because of nostalgia
>Gothic, Risen
>Dark Messiah

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Trine 2
Divinity Original Sin & 2

Not necessarily. Some of the areas, especially the hub worlds, are usually quite calm and somber in tone. It's a sad type of comfy.

Got Northgard yesterday, bretty gud but can get stressful if you want to optimize your settlement.

Not comfy at all.
The world looks so bad that it’s stressful af

FFXIV(the mmo) is comfy as hell. Treat it as a single player game because you don’t even have to talk to anyone in order to play through all content and the quests which are the main focus

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Vermintide 2.
After you get all 5 characters to level 10 and decide to never leave the castle.

The Witcher games.

Fantasy Life.

Comfy Defined

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Minecraft with a good texture pack and the Thaumcraft mod. Its fantasy enough. Play with a friend for max comfy building warm houses with little cauldrons, and jars full of magic.

>Witcher 1/2/3
>Gothic 1/2
>Risen 1/3
>TES 3/5
>Warcraft 2/3
>BG 1/2

Best ones.

More like boring.

not op but last time i played there was a problem with playing mods on multi, anything changed? I haven't played in years, though, I stopped near adventure update.
Also what I use to pirate it.

no issues with mods and multi, but I am not sure how to pirate it, I bought it back in 2010.

Chrono cross

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Assasin's Creed: Origins

you'll cum

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Morrowind is the comfiest game I have ever played. I played it for the first time last year around this time and only stopped during August. Surprisingly, I feel nostalgia when I think about it, I genuinely feel a warm feeling in my belly. It was so fucking comfy and immersive.

I'm gay

Same here, i started playing right now.

With Overhaul and Rebirth the game is art.

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Still crying over 97 GOTY 10/10. How sad.

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Never played any of the Elder Scrolls games. How is Skyrim special edition for a starter?

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is always comfy to me. You'd expect a roguelike to be the opposite of comfy but it feels nice to roam the dungeon and amass a sack full of scrolls, potions, wands, and enchanted equipment.

I am keeping myself from playing because I don't want to spend weeks modding it first.
I hate overhaul, it's clunky and outdated, and rebirth conflicted with basically everything.

If I ever get back to it, I will probably install a ton of mods again, and I'll install the latest tamriel rebuilt and go crazy exploring everything.

Also, I am autistic, as I can only play spear argonian.

I only played Daggerfall (first one I tried) but I quit and a few months later tried Morrowind and fell in love. I love the mechanics so much that I refuse to play oblivion and Skyrim, where they cut a lot of them.

There's a lot that it did well but overall it was pretty mind-numbing to play. Hundreds of Apple iDungeons

TES series. Also consider ESO, it's the comfiest MMO on the market.

>Wake up at 6am on a cold morning in the middle of winter
>It's raining outside
>Decide to skip classes that day and just stick inside, wrapped in my bedsheets drinking hot chocolate and playing Animal Crossing Wild World on the DS
It hurts that I'll never be that comfy again. The idea of taking a day off is so alien to my wagecuck life.

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>morrowind/ vanilla or openMW, mods are for complete faggots
>Oblivion maybe
That's all I got, WRPGs suck

fuck off
>what did he mean by this?>what went wrong?>this is ______, say something nice to her!>*blocks your path*>who was in the wrong here?>what the fuck was his problem?>could someone give me a quick rundown?>what are some games where ______?>enemies can open doors>this company is finished>HAHAHAHAHA BTFO">how will they ever recover?>is he, dare i say, /ourguy/?>NEVER EVER>find a flaw; protip: you can't>HE>BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP>here's your controller, bro>THEY CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT>you did buy her game, right?>>buying games>Apologize to him Sup Forums>Explain yourselves>Well?>Defend this>What's his name again?>Why does this trigger Sup Forums so much?>Sup Forums BTFO>Would you?>He did nothing wrong!>Convince me to NOT buy this game>Find a flaw>Now that the dust has settled...>How did we go from THIS?>JUST>Hold me Sup Forumsros>What was his endgame?>What am I in for?>Will this save the gaming industry?>Can we get one of these threads going?>LOL>Keep it vidya>Really makes you think>Don't mind me, just pirating this _______>WE>*breathes in*>*WHIIIIRRRRRRRRRRR*>How do we fix _________?>OH NO NO NO>He/She killed millions.....>Soyboy>Nu-male>E-celeb>Comfy>The absolute state of Sup Forums everybody>Who is bestgirl and why is it ______?>Why is she so perfect bros?>This is your ______ for tonight>Just played this, what did I think of it?>What the fuck were they thinking?>People fell for the ________ meme>Was it kino?>Redpill me on this Sup Forums>Thanks for beta testing consolekeks>.>Choose your character>See this, what do?>Look at this nep!>Name ONE GAME that does this>are you going to buy her game?>daily reminder>S E E T H I N G>Obsessed>El goblino...>if you kill him you'll become just like him>the perfect game doesnt exi->>I love Reisen!>This>...And that's a good thing!/And here'swhy>How do we fix/kill this?>wtf i hate/love ______ now!>Why does Sup Forums hate this thing so much?>DUDE WEED LMAO>This is a man

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Little man thinks he's cute for explicitly omitting Skyrim

and here comes the bitter redditor


Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic

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Rune Factory 2 and 4, Fantasy Life

Stronghold Crusader
Endless Legend
Age of Wonders
Banner Saga

It's a cool experience for the first time, at least it was for me. I enjoyed it the most by doing sidequests and just whatever I felt was interesting. Morrowind is supposed to have more depth though.

>Dark Souls 2

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>Blatant recomendation and frogposting thread stays
>Delicious Pokegirls thread gets deleted
Mods deserve the hate. It's their fault the board is flooded with normalfags and cancer