How did they manage to completely fuck up and fumble the writing in this game? It pales to compare to the deepness and intellectualism of the original. Deus Ex was multi-faceted and presented multiple sides sympathetically in varying shades of grey, while human revolution is boring, black and white horse shit where you're either a retarded luddite or a corporate shill.
Other urls found in this thread:
Modern audiences aren't good at making judgment calls for themselves. They just want the video game equivalent of popcorn movies.
Except the illuminati literally exists in this universe
If that's actually what you took away from the game you're a retard
>It pales to compare to the deepness and intellectualism of the original.
One of the biggest pseuds I've ever seen holy shit
Transhumanism is bad though
>It pales to compare to the deepness and intellectualism of the original.
It's amazing to me how many people take Deus Ex seriously.
There are people who legitimately started following Infowars and meme-right politics after playing the first Deus Ex because of all the "redpills" it drops
Honestly if I could surgically make my arm an emp grenade launcher then who the fuck wouldn't want that?
>enhancing our species and evolving is bad
t. luddite who thinks they can keep human culture static and unchanging in a chaotic universe where this is inevitable
None of that was ever implied in HR or MD. I will admit that Deus Ex has better writing and I prefer it’s art style more, but to say it’s anymore “multifaceted” than they later iterations is dumb.
This. It's altright garbage that should rightfully be laughed at.
Never forget.
>It pales to compare to the deepness and intellectualism of the original.
the original didn't take itself half as seriously as you're taking it. remember the psychic "alien" monkeys? it was intentionally a fun mish-mash of conspiracy theories and corny one-liners.
human revolution is much more self-serious (to the point where it seems a little ashamed of terms like "the illuminati" that the original embraced in all their cheesy glory). neither game is particularly 'deep', but the idea that transhuman technology might be coopted as a means of governmental or corporate control shouldn't sound outlandish to anyone who has seen the way the internet has developed.
>Sup Forums hates HR now
What went wrong?
Well yeah, that's why they invented a stupid fucking reason to make transhumanism "bad": You need to take anti-rejection drugs that behave like they're the lovechild of Walter White's 100% pure crystal meth and krokodil on speed. And also that hand prosthetic has a total brain/free will override with constant 5G/WIFI enabled so the illuminati can upload their "kill everyone" virus into you that bypasses even the most reinforced faraday cage. Even though none of this makes any fucking sense.
It's stupid fucking writing because they can't write a real criticism of the concept. They're hacks.
There's literally an ending basically saying "fuck yeah transhumanism".
>And also that hand prosthetic has a total brain/free will override with constant 5G/WIFI enabled so the illuminati can upload their "kill everyone" virus into you that bypasses even the most reinforced faraday cage. Even though none of this makes any fucking sense.
user have you seriously not heard of IoT?
Humans evolve naturely, we don't need to use technology to do it retard
The game didn't say any of those three things. Its not the game that is too shallow, is your inteligence that is nonexistent, OP.
I have, but people aren't going to accept a IoT cybernetic due to said vulnerability. People don't care if their fucking fridge gets hacked, but they will care if an augmentation does. So will the developers and governments, why would you need an always-online cybernetic leg?
Contrary to popular belief, the original Deus Ex (or Invisible War, for that matter) was never about augmentation. Augmentation was merely a framing device to tell a story about the dangers of economical and political centralization. There was never an 'aug controversy'. Augmentations were only used for military purposes, and mechanically augmented agents were regarded as heroes for undergoing intrusive physical alterations to serve their country. You meet like five augmented people in the first Deus Ex, half of which are your collegues.
While Human Revolution was advertised as a prequel, it's actually a reboot of the franchise, involving significant retconning. You can see this in how its themes are completely different. Despite it being a prequel (meaning things should be LESS advanced, not more), now augmentation is used not just for military purposes, but everyday mundane activities. All strata of society are shown as being heavily invested in and affected by the controversies surrounding augmentation technology. This is taken to the point of absurdity: even lower-class people or bums on the street are seen to have augmentations. You even have augmented hookers. This makes no sense. Why would these people spend millions to have their limbs cut off and spend the rest of their lives paying for an expensive anti-rejection drug? How can they even afford it? The whole thing is impossible to take seriously.
this, people are quick to accept products with glaring security holes. look at all those smart TVs in people's living rooms that stopped getting patches years ago
Are you baiting or just stupid? You're suppose to make your own decisions on what you believe is right. Did you expect the game to think for you, champ?
>in this universe
This thread is a mess on all levels
>Not having the medicine will cause your body to reject its own installed parts, likely killing you
>a single corporation controls the entire supply, and the drug is contraband if they aren't the ones selling it
Its not some kind of "oh there's two sides to this" argument. That medicine represents a gun to the head of every person with augmentations.
The plot of any good conspiracy story relies on the viewer being at least smart enough to understand blackmail as a means of control.
remember when everybody talked shit about the game before it was out and then a demo "leaked"?
Good times
Why would they stop talking shit after playing the demo? If anything, it would have verified their fears about it being shit.
>smart TV can get hacked
>oh no someone can flash goatse to me while I'm watching football
>arm can get hacked
>oh shit, better not get this because it can literally kill me
It was less a critique of transhumanism itself and more a critique of the costs it could bring in terms of medical complciations- especially if they were engineered, the sort of questions already applied to computer ethics now being applied to prosthetics, etc.
Look at the bullshit some governments pull already. Now imagine the government has a backdoor into your robo arm.
nuDX is shit. Refer to this image as to why:
I have a degree in Biomedical Science and a Masters in Medical Device Science.
There are already "smart" medical devices like pacemakers that could be interfered with dude, it's not science fiction anymore.
Good Sarif ending is the best ending.
>Sarif was right about one thing. It's in our Nature to want to rise above our limits. Think about it. We were cold, so we harnessed fire. We were weak, so we invented tools. Every time we met an obstacle, we used creativity and ingenuity to overcome it. The cycle is inevitable... but will the outcome always be good? I guess that will depend on how we approach it.
>In the past, we've had to compensate for weakness, finding quick solutions that only benefit a few. But what if we never need to feel weak or morally conflicted again? What if the path Sarif wants us to take enables us to hold on to higher values with more stability? One thing is obvious. For the first time in history, we have a chance to steal fire from the gods. To turn away from it now - to stop pursuing a future in which technology and biology combine, leading to the promise of a Singularity - would mean to deny the very essence of who we are. No doubt the road to get there will be bumpy, hurting some people on the way. But won't achieving the dream be worth it? We can become the gods we've always been striving to be. We might as well get good at it.
Sarif was literally /ourguy/. Too bad the writers had to fuck him over in order to generate drama for a sequel.
What, don't you want someone to flash goatse while you're jerking off with your shiny, new, smartphone-embedded robot hand?
>The protagonist is literally kept alive by augmentations
I'm not saying the plot is perfect or even equal to the first Deus Ex, but that's some serious misunderstanding of the story.
>but people aren't going to accept a IoT cybernetic due to said vulnerability
what an earth gave you this impression? even cars today are vulnerable to being hacked, most people don't know or care. it's only a small niche of consumers who actually care about this shit until it affects them directly.
>why would you need an always-online cybernetic leg
software updates, collecting data "for a better user experience", etc.
To be fair, HR was a prequel and the first Deus Ex clearly wasn't a transhumanist paradise.
He's a special snowflake who is immune to all the artificial drama made to give downsides to prosthetics. He doesn't need Neuropozyne, he's special so he's immune to the MIND HACC the illuminati do for the most part, and he got the most advanced technology in the world for fucking free.
But thinks ARE less advanced. In the original Deus Ex, augmentation was so developed that it blended perfectly with the human body, to the point it was almost impossible to identity who was augmented or not, because most of the augments were micro chips implanted inside the person. Also, body rejection was completed has been completely surpassed.
In HR on the other hand, augmentation is in such an primitive stage, that in order to be implanted it needs to have inteire limbs cut off and you can spot an augmented person from miles away. Also, body rejection still exists, to the point that they needed to create a new drug to soften its effects.
The fact Jensen is immune to the downsides to prosthetics was an entire plot point that played a huge part in HR's storyline. The way that you put it, its like the writers made Jensen immune just for the sake of "wow, such badass".
Eh, it's a prequel. Deus Ex originally wasn't even a cyberpunk game because all those matters were originally resolved and nanotechnology was marching forward. They took the obvious and easy route for both prequels games with REALLY beating you over the head in Mankind Divided.
I work with medical devices and the idea that people would have immune reactions to a prosthetic that would requite anti rejection drugs is completely silly.
If anything DX was about conspiracy theories being real.
Why are anons always assblasted to oblivion about games that came out a decade ago ?
Like I said many times Invisible War was sadly one of those games where console versions came first and it didn't survive the operation. Too many concessions and restrictions from shitty hardware, but atmosphere and sound design were never one of them. Deadly Shadows is pretty much the same and both fan groups overreacted as fuck.
Sarif had to get fucked because mech augs were ostracized in the original Deus Ex, not because of nano augs (which were a big secret) but because they were rejected by society historically.
Regardless of Adam's choice, things had to swing that way.
They wrote him in there for a reason. He was basically the JC Denton of his era, the only difference being that the tech wasn't so far advanced that he could take the reins of the world directly himself.
>He was made for the purpose of perfect compatibility
>He was augmented for both test purposes and to be used
Human Revolution is camp relax brother
Favorite remixes?
Also, you are playing GMDX, right user?
Someohow I'm supposed to believe that people cutting off their own limbs in favor of robot ones and doomings themselves to a lifetime of rejection drug are a large enough minority to become a societal issue.
I think the main message was convenience comes at a price, which is generally true.
What the unholy fuck are you on about?
>rejection drug
It's a dumb concept anyways. I'm a scientist working in the medical device industry and the way Deus Ex HR paints this as a huge issue is hilarious.
This. Those French-Canadian hipsters at Eidos completely misunderstood what Deus Ex was about. Square being their plublisher probably exarcebated the issue.
Jesus, you're a real live brainlet...
If you think there was anything good about augmentation in the first game you weren't paying attention.
>Modern audiences aren't good at making judgment calls for themselves. They just want the video game equivalent of popcorn movies.
now playing mankind divided and there is a social enhancer aug.. :)))
>muh augmentation
HR was about the real social and security risks that come with the rapid adoption of new technologies.
>displacement by automation
>automation/computerization of everything from lightbulbs to infrastructure
>gaping security vulnerabilities in any and all "smart" devices
>AI directed social engineering
>standard corporate (pharma) schtick
It hits the nail on the head, it just fails to tie into the web of conspiracy theory cause and effect.
I work for big pharma. does that make Sup Forums hate me?
brainlet detected
so, the augternative to this is..
Yeah in the fun videogame story where it belongs. Just because you're politically and historical illiterate doesn't mean you should pretend children's toys are reality
The writing of the newer games can't hold a fucking candle to the original. I'd say the writing of Invisible War is better than HR/MD, even though they turn the Dentons into commies, there's some clever stuff in IW while HR/MD are full of retarded shit.
Here's your (You) grampa
contrarian idiot detected
I'm only 27
t. underage who never played IW
I played it, it was shit, idiot.
>Mankind Divided
>game fell down a shady pre-order scheme, has microtransactions and felt really rushed out and inclomplete by the end so that could sell you the cut chunks later on
rlly makes you thunk
They basically turned augs from special agents, guys who exceed in combat/infiltration into some form of übermensch, augs can do ANYTHING better, they discuss in HR how you gotta get augs cause they totally will make you flip burgers better bro, augs make you smarter, augs make your penis stay erect longer and whatever.
Now in Deus Ex, even the so advanced and bred in a fucking lab JC Denton was bested in arguments more than once. This is why it's hard to relate to the creatures of the newer games, it's like they're not human anymore but part of the borg or something, cause you put some chip in the guys brain and he's basically a x-man now who does just about everything better than a non-aug.
>this thread
We've gotten this far because of technology.
oh yes because humanity has been static ever
enjoy being outdated the second you lose your humanity, because you'll always be a test dummy for the next upgrade that makes you obsolete and like trannies, you'll have to live with your horrible butchered body for the rest of your life, over this so called progress.
What? I thought Deus Ex was a heavily leftist game.
Was it? The game shits all over globalists, the UN, corporatists, and big government.
Meh, I still like it.
Better then 95% of the other crap around
>no arguments at all
no need to describe yourself with your post
>following Infowars after playing the first Deus Ex
Did those people actually play Deus Ex? If they did they should know better than to trust Infowars after their experience with Joe Greene and the Midnight Sun.
After losing the twisted metal tournament he didn’t get his wish and was banished to an alternate reality where he lost more than what he bargained for
why should i argue with a brainlet
Prosthetics that rely on a necessary supply of medicine are bad.
Medical experiment maybe
Giving voice to every point of view allows for a more nuanced story.
>I'm a scientist working in the medical device industry and the way Deus Ex HR paints this as a huge issue is hilarious.
Mind explaining why? I remember that also being a thing in the GitS live-action movie with The Major having to take a drug so her cybernetics wouldn't kill her (except it turned out to be a lie, but whatever). I'm curious.
You're an idiot, go read the definition of cyberpunk. It's supposed to be a high tech future with low quality of life. Why do morons like you feel the need to express themselves?
>Prosthetics that rely on a necessary supply of medicine are bad.
And a stable electrical grid.
And a continuous maintenance cycle.
they didn't want to make a deus ex prequel
the game and the shitty clothing look more futuristic than the original deus ex
Seems very leftist unless your conception of leftism is liberalism
Original deus ex has no "look" though
Its graphics are worst than N64 so you cannot define anything.
the original Deus Ex was somewhat grounded in reality, still looked pretty much the same as today, had helicopters etc.
nu-Deus Ex has flying machines, cities on top of cities, an a disgusting yellow piss filter over everything
Not that user but we've had pacemakers for 60 years, which require anti-rejection drugs. So if we've had anti-rejection drugs for that long why is Neuropyzine the only one?
The way the drug works and is characterized is sort of dumb, but neurological interface "rejection" is a real issue. Any technology we currently have that directly interfaces with neurons and can both read signals and provide direct feedback runs the risk of damaging nearby cells because of its size and abrasive material, which causes a build up of scar tissue around the device until it can no longer operate.
Prosthetics that just read the signals from human neurology are pretty easy to do now, because the sensors can be trained to respond to EDA, which human operators can be trained to produce reliably. But anything that actually provides neurological feedback, like a sense of touch, sight or more crazy things like mathematical coprocessors, requires an actual direct connection.
Pacemakers malfunction = you die
Arm malfunctions = ?
>what is the Bilderberg group
>what is the Seventh Floor
>what is the deep state
Yessss, good goy. There are no mysterious men pulling the strings behind the scenes! You're in complete control!
>muh deep state
You're literally retarded.