If you didn't miss the shot you're a faggot. Discuss

If you didn't miss the shot you're a faggot. Discuss

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Just wanted my bro to feel good about himself.

>custom Shepard

Git gud, Garrus.

>No ones ever handed me shit my entire life.

>Expects me to throw my highly trained and awarded marksmanship out the window for pity's sake

Nah I shot that shit and talked shit to him, like a real bro.

I mean, aren't you being really disingenuous by missing on purpose?

No, i have enough respect for my bro that i don't feel the need to cheat in a friendly competition.

What's the point of spending time on a custom shepard when it turns out worse than default

How is being a better shooter cheating?

It was the highlight of Mass Effect 3 and I unironically stopped playing shortly after this scene

You cheated when you intenionally missed.

Why? Do you think he would like you less if you win?
Do you think Garrus is so fragile that he sulks when he loses?

If i played a game with a buddy and i found out he intentionally let me win i would feel fucking insulted.

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kek, this would have been so much better

Sucks that you couldn't leave it up to chance.

Hate that my SMG math wizard Shepard had to "lose on purpose" to Garrus the marksman.

Well said.

I really dislike the implication that Shepard is the best at everything ever.

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Lol, that's gay. Garrus isn't a kid, he's an adult. I'm not gonna lose the game on purpose.

A real bro hits the shot and talks some shit.

He's not.

t. dancing

It's just anything related to being a successful soldier: Shepard's one of the best.

Spent too much time around krogans. Tought that if i showed weakness he would try to rip my head off and become commander.
Gotta keep them in check.

>sandbagging so you can suck some lizard dick
the absolute state of Sup Forums

A lot of betas here don't understand what pride and competition mean.
Would have been a lot better if you actually had to time your shot to hit it and defend your title.

A real non-beta faggot would be really pissed off if they found on their friend let them win at something.


>Renegade use mainly sniper
Fuck u garrus


>giving Garrus an easy, empty victory instead of making him work to actually earn that win himself and actually get to feel good about it
You're a bad friend and Garrus knows you missed on purpose.

It's finally time to admit that Garrus was an awful character. Literally 'best friend character' that's written to suck your dick no matter what you do.

>be Vanguard Shepard
>shotgun is my best friend
>Garrus gives me a sniper
>the scene implies you're both the best marksmen in the squad
This scene really doesn't make sense unless you're Infiltrator, in which case the rivalry is even enhanced since you two cover basically the same role.

el goblino

This is for OP too.
Giving Garrus the easy win is insulting him and his abilities. A real friend pushes you to improve.

I think Infiltrator is by far the most popular class aside from soldier, they probably just got lazy.

Yeah, this is one of the things your class should have determined. You shouldn't compete with Garrus in a sniping contest when you've never picked up a sniper.

I mean they gave Engineers their own thing in Omega so what the fuck

Improve on what? The galaxy was about to get raped to death by reapers, even the turians were getting pushed back and slaughtered after their first initial victories.

Neither you or garrus could say it out loud, because Shepard had to be a symbol of hope, but deep down many of your companions feared that they were just delaying the inevitable.

Its not like shepard survives the last battle anyway, why deny Garrus that small gesture when you wont be around anymore anyway?

I was playing an infiltrator, like hell am I gonna miss a shot like that.

Really? I thought it would be more about Soldier and Vanguard. I never saw sniping as something with broad appeal.

Soldier is the far lead, with vanguard a distant second going from stats I saw years ago

When I was 16 I played a lot of Halo with my cousin, who is like 5 years older then me and whom i looked up to religiously. He's also a hyper competitive twat who needs to win to feel good about himself. He beat my ass relentlessly in Smash Bros and other games for years but Halo came around and was finally a game that I was waaaaayyy better at then him. So one day we decided to have a 1v1 with sniper rifles on sandtrap, to see who the better sniper was. I knew I would beat him silly and he'd be butthurt about it for weeks so I told my sister and his girlfriend, who were spectating, that I would get a 5 point lead, hold it for the majority of the game and then let him overtake me by one in the last 20 seconds of the match. We played while they watched and I got a 5 point lead, held it for the majority of the game and then allowed him to win it by 1 in the last minute of the round. He was really happy and so I was happy and we all moved on with our lives.

A year later he called me and angrily told me that he got in a fight with his girlfriend and to spite him she told him about how I had let him win. He had called my sister afterwards and she verified it as well. He said that it was scummy and condescending to fake play and that he would never play Halo with me again if he found out that I was holding back to make him feel better.

The point that Im making is... You're damn fucking right I shit on Garrus. Im not letting that nigga win to protect his fee fees just so it can bite me in the ass later.

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I'll never get why would Soldier be so popular in a setting where you can have space magic or exploding tech.

>A year later he called me and angrily told me that he got in a fight with his girlfriend and to spite him she told him about how I had let him win. He had called my sister afterwards and she verified it as well. He said that it was scummy and condescending to fake play and that he would never play Halo with me again if he found out that I was holding back to make him feel better.
You see? Letting someone win is a shitty thing to do.

>and to spite him she told him about how I had let him win

Imagine being 22 years old and using a video game match from a year ago to get your boyfriend angry.

because it's the default one and a lot of players just don't bother with the character creator

I don't see why, default shep is ugly

>giving your competitive best friend a hollow, pointless victory

No, user. You're the faggot. I bet you've never had male role model in your life.

Jesus, what kind of friend lets you win? If you can't trust your bro's to crush you and talk shit to your face who can you trust?

Iron sharpens iron.

Soldiers are also master marksmen.

>Iron sharpens iron
no it doesn't

>play light RPG
>don't make a character
For what purpose?

I prefer to play on reaction, awareness, and freedom. Nothing beats mowing down a bitch turning 180 because I know where my enemies are and then unloading on his bitch ass while throwing a grenade to my right and taking out a squad of nerds then switching ammo and raping the rape machine. 3 made it even funner with on demand fire grenades.

Space magic makes me weak as fuck while I have to wait for everything on cooldown. Tech magic is just space magic with a different name.

I think it's implied by your N7 training that you can handle all forms of weaponry well.

It will have to. I'm on a budget here.

Garrus would know if you missed on purpose faggot, just think he's been coldly calculating during that segment all it would do it irritate him more inside.

something about defeating magical or technological wonders by simply shooting it till it dies is fun.

>Garrus tries to handle me the sniper
>try to grab it, instantly drop it on the ground
>Shepard what are you doing?
>hands it to me again
>I drop it again
>red pop-up comes up
>This weapon is not compatible with your class

Its pretty bitch-made to be so heavily invested in beating your kid cousin at a video game that failing to do can be used as ammunition against you. But its also just so typically female for his gf to know that and then deliberately emasculate him to win an argument. God she was a bitch

I'll give you that, you make it sound fun.

I know not all women are the same, but I've legitimately never been with one that didn't try to pull shit like that on me.

>I know not all women are the same

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It's like letting your younger sibling beat you in Street Fighter.

Figured that Shepard doesn't need to flex on his/her friends and there's nothing wrong with a bit of morale boosting.

>Tons of players would pick soldier by default because they have fantasies of being a classic war hero

>Tons more would pick it because they're either too lazy to switch off default or know that it will be OP as fuck because of the aforementioned.

I like aiming a lot.

>implying I dont always go full alpha mode and never loses anything

If you are the captain of a fleet you need to show why people follow you every chance you get.

Poor leadership skills.

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Yes it literally does you fucking uneducated idiot.

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prove it

Imagine being a grown man who gets angry at your teen cousin for letting you win a game of Halo

It's a fucking proverbs quote you utter moron.

it's bullshit

Insert edgy atheist joke here

your mother

Soldier has all the guns, the specialized classes funnel you down a playstyle of using one weapon + powers, soldier can just pull out the gun most suited for the situation.


I played a Vanguard and had never used a sniper rifle throughout all three games, so I felt that missing was the correct roleplaying choice. In my mind, it was a genuine accidental miss.

Before you ask, yes, I also refrained from taking that one interrupt when you recruit Garrus in 2.

>tfw played through it 5 times
>always missed

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You don't sharpen a blade with a hammer you fucking retard.
A proverb that obviously wasn't coined by anyone remotely familiar with blacksmithing.

Because of the retarded ammo system in ME2.
If you don't pick Soldier or Vanguard you can't clear insanity without good RNG or excessively long fights.

It's funnier if he wins, but I respect him too much to miss the shot

What's the context of this? I never wasted time on ME3.

You and best bro Garrus have a shooting contest and you can choose to miss the shot or not

i did this really close to what felt like the end.
I let him win because i didn't know if sheppard or him would even come back from that shit, givin' my main man Garrus something to hold over me in the end, before going to that Bar in heaven... or hell.

>letting him win
>essentially lying to someone who is supposed to be your friend
You guys are shit friends.

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in my book he deserved to win way more than shep

It's a hollow, undeserved victory if the opponent just forfeits. You're not doing him any favors, you're just patronizing him, even if he doesn't know it.

If Bioware was still a competent developer when they made ME3 the game would have made you only able to choose the "hit" option if your character had sniper training, but unfortunately ME3 was made by nu-Bioware.