If Persona 5 was made by Americans

>If Persona 5 was made by Americans

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Fucking Drumpf

>Hey, why don't we just steal Donald Trump's desires?

It may as well be considering they changed the villain to be Trump at the last minute

Its writing would be good and believable

>social link with the weird kid that ends up with you convincing him to not shoot up the school

>Go to school
>5 hours of cinematic introductions of every character and some scenes where they were a total badass in the past
>First boss is school shooter
Sounds about right for the average length of a burger game

It would actually be worth playing

>things you can say to your waifu but not to your girlfriend

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Ah yes, American writing, especially in vidya, is well known for being "good and believable" :^)

What a fucking clown.

>western rpgs

She's only wearing one shirt here.

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"I love you"

That outfit looks shitty on you, let me find something better.

>I love you from the depths of my heart and forever will. Thank you for being there for me when I need you.

>pic related

shit my bad

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Ann is now dark-haired because she's half-japanese

56% more diverse cast.

Close your eyes and pretend be dead meanwhile I blow your belly :3

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>school shootings
>teen pregnancy
>ethnic diversity

sounds fun as fuck

Compared to Japanese games, western games are Shakespearean


You mean Ryuji?

Western, sure, with the exception of American drivel being the lowest tier shlock.

But don't kid yourself, prominence of video game media in weebland means that better talent is drawn to the scene, and you'll find the best vidya writing comes from there. Burgers in the meantime do shit on a budget and skimp out on writing because all that matters is pretty pixels and action set-pieces. In the rest of the world game development is very much a niche thing so it allows for the creative types to do their thing, so you'll see some quality (and a lot of shit) from there as well.

But Yusuke is the autistic and weird kid.

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The spend the whole game watching football on the couch