What did she mean by this?

Attached: xiang-sc2fix.jpg (1200x1200, 383K)

Other urls found in this thread:

5 more days until best girl is revealed.

Attached: best girl.png (660x484, 613K)

->yfw it's Natsu

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>set during 16th century
>no priest fighter

Attached: martin-luther-9389283-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 232K)

>still no conquistador fighter

Still no release date.....

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Oh, good.

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>still no Ottoman fighter who deals bonus damage when fighting Sophitia and Cassandra

Attached: suli.jpg (634x657, 98K)

BLACK Giant when?

Attached: asta-sc2fix3.jpg (1200x1200, 595K)

>no aztek fighter with macahuitl

>Loathsome cur!

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They should reveal him and Maxi together.

>thinking about all the new SFM

Attached: ltg.jpg (329x329, 14K)

She meant she has the best theme in the series.

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That won't happen but I still got angry at the thought of it.

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Attached: Soul-Calibur-6-Ivy.jpg (853x481, 102K)

lmao no

>Its useless to resist me!
I hope ivy has lots of nice voicelines in this

>Destiny Awaits No One

Is mah boi Raphael coming back?

No we need a sexy french rapier girl with a black bob cut and tight leather pants.

Attached: 1521264371954.jpg (2264x1936, 1.19M)

>Astaroth+Maxi Reveal
>Taki+Cervantes reveal
>Cassandra+Aeon reveal
>Yoshimitsu+Voldo reveal
Do it in exactly this order

Nah we'll get the much better option: Raphael

it's a prank bro

JUST give me the bloodborne hunter & I'll buy it

I wouldn't mind getting that, but I just miss the big guy

I think it would be super awkward to release maxi without astaroth


Attached: Raphael When.webm (1280x720, 1.83M)

Seong Mina when? Cassandra when? Raphael when? Team Battle Mode when?

The best . Next to ephemeral dream

Which Soul Calibur character has the biggest dick and which one has the smallest dick?


How many inches each?

>no aguirre fighter

Attached: GLS Aguirre.jpg (600x300, 26K)

Technically Yoshimitsu was the first guest character in the series.

Do we need to ask who has the biggest?

Attached: Soul Caliber size chart.jpg (406x600, 68K)

I bet Siegfried's is only 4 inches ha ha like mine

You'd have to ask him

Lizardman could also be a contender. We don't know what he's packing in that cloaca. Could be the size of Soul Edge.

He stopped being a guest character when he became a roster mainstay

6'1'' v 5'11''




>bulge literally pressing against Talim's tummy

Attached: 2dd.jpg (300x300, 15K)

Is this official art?

How come Soul Calibur gets away with all the sexual stuff and is still taken seriously as a fighting game but DOA isn't?

What does this mean?

Astaroth has at least a 6 inch dick

SC2 has the best music

Soul Calibur has more interesting designs and lore not to mention handsome men with the hot girls too.
Then SC2 got popular what with its guests, then SC3 got popular with it's customization.

DOA in the meantime had volleyball spinoffs
DOA's reputation as a titty waifu fighter and titty waifu fighter only hasn't done many favors for the DOA franchise

The creators of DOA decided to make a spin off that would consume the franchise.

it's not

SC games get maybe 1 year at evo and then die

The general rule of the fgc is if it's not Street Fighter, it's shit.

NAMCO remix of this in sc6 pls

Soul Calibur 2 might just have the worst voice over of any fucking fighter i have ever seen.

I want the Edge of Soul back

Even beasts know when to give up.

>he doesn't want natsu and taki

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>leaving yoshi and voldo as last
the wait would kill me, their new designs are always the most interesting

SCV had some pretty great tracks too. Definitely my second fav after 2.

Attached: Kilik_SCV.jpg (1134x1801, 1.46M)

Astaroth probably doesn't even have one

The great credits music was wasted on a shit game like Soul Calibur 5.

ha ha how embarrassing, why even live if you have no dick lol

He is a murdering golem.

He derives pleasure from spilling blood and crushing bones, not coitus.

why the gr8 h8 tho?

I really don't understand why people are so mad about SCV. My only problem with the game is that it felt more like a slightly tweaked SCIV than a completely new game, but it still feels like the superior game in the end.

List of needs:
>Hwang or Yun-seong I'm not picky
>Seong Mi-na

Attached: TakiII.jpg (965x601, 337K)

Its seen as a fun game but its not really taken seriously as a fighter.
DOA is an actual joke because of its volleyball spinoff

What if I told you Cassandra and Seong Mina will be dlc but Raphael, Taki and Hwang will be base roster

I'd be content.

>unironically wants a filler mimic character in the base roster

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He has one.

How do YOU know?

Because Soul Calibur is not considered a legitmate, serious fighting game like the rest. It is a very casual franchise, more focused on single player content and crazy weapons than E-sports viability.

Because shut up he has one.

I don't give a fuck what the fighting game nerds think. Why do normies see soul calibur as good but doa as porn

4 inches?

See and .


Which is why he's so pissed off all the time I guess

Makes sense. My cock is small as fuck and I'm constantly jaded and bitter about everything

8 to Rock's 7 and a half

And yours?

People already posted why. Dead or Alive has never aspired to be anything more than bad softcore porn. It doesn't have interesting characters, interesting single player modes, create a character, etc...

It has neither the charm nor the self-respect that the SC franchise has.

He's just mad because he wants people to like his inferior doa waifus

Don't worry about it.

That's harsh user.

evo isn't everything casual. soul calibur has always been a competitive and tournaments since soul blade.

Name ONE doa waifu hotter than Sophitia

It's not even that tits are bad. I won't decry tits.

It's just that Soul Calibur has more than just Tits. It's got cool weapon styles, Men, Lizardmen, And the women the tits are attached to are more interesting than the DOA girls

DOA girls are all generic barbie dolls

I can't.

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she was talking about taking her birth control pills

Different user, I would say DOA does have interesting SP content, stages, and characters, but spent a long time locked to just xbox, when the ps2 was far bigger.

On top of this actual weapons is a far more notable twist to the observer than the hold system of doa, so it was already on losing ground straight off the bat.

Don't get me wrong, I like DoA, but post DoA2 it has never been SC's match, even when they tried toning the sexual stuff down for the initial release of DOA5

Wow, sounds like Ace Combat 7 huh faggot?

Koreans when?

Attached: Hwang Yun-seong.png (2240x1240, 1.83M)

>No feet in SC6

>Because Soul Calibur is not considered a legitmate, serious fighting game like the rest.


In all honesty Tekken is only staying relevant tournament wise because of Koreans, it's like a national sport over there.

How can one woman be so perfect?

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Yeah, that bulge is just a giant clit.

people here seem to go overboard with discrediting DoA, since it still has it's fair share of memorable characters, but in comparison to to other popular fighters the roster is really nowhere near as strong.

The games should either need more guest characters, or they should actually put more effort into designing some more interesting male characters.

It's a shame because the gameplay is unique enough and is very fun and easy to pick up as a party game but for a first glance it doesn't stand out enough with it's roster (outside of the waifu fans ofc). It also doesn't help that on a competitive level the game turns into a glorified rock paper scissors game a bit too much.

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