it was supposed to be awkward
It was supposed to be awkward
FFX vs FFXII, which would win a fight to the death?
X is just a bad game and I haven't played XII, should I?
>X is just a bad game
I loved X and hated XII so you'll probably love it.
corridor simulator before it became popular to hate games for doing that.
Not unless you want to "play" a single player mmo. I say "play" because the game plays itself
it was SUPPOSED to be cringe. you memeing fucks
Of course it was. The japanese version is the same
>Everyting has be open world
>oppen wurld
>oppern wuuuuuurld
>i like open tings
Just so you know, something being intentional doesn't make it immune to criticism.
>me likely only go one direkshun
>no hav think
do i even need to post a wojak faggot
I don't fucking get this.
It's an RPG, you battle and level up and think about your characters. I don't give a fuck about "HURR DO I GO LEFT OR RIGHT? I LOVE FORKS IN ROAD!!!!!"
thats fine but dont treat it like some super mega serious scene
How can you make a journey or pilgrimage based game with an open world map? Do you hop through people's yards instead of using roads?
It's all a dream
I don't get this. It always seemed obvious that "fake laugh" was the direction given to the actors.
Still doesn't make it less dopey and annoying, though.
I dream about Lulu.
It would have to be linear to some extent, but FFX's maps are excessively so after the 2nd Temple where you get Ifrit.
Off the top of my head I may have had the player search for the sacred site in each area on their own by gathering info or something, although that wouldn't fit with FF too much.
It's good for memes so it gets a pass in my book
because its not
Alright...? I don't get why you're stressing that point.
Dreaming of Lu
What's it being criticised for?
t. retards that only get their info on FF games from old Spoony videos
XII was a better game overall but X had a better story.
I like Spoony and all, but he really does have some stupid nitpicks regarding Final Fantasy games.
Dude stfu and stop replying then if you don't care about his point, he only reiterated it because you quoted him in the first place and argued him. Jesus christ lol.
What is this Spoony I keep hearing about?
Poor writing, bizarre character behaviour, uncomfortable viewing. I and others fully understand what they were trying to do, but that doesn't make it any less dumb and cringey and mockable. It's annoying, it's not how humans naturally act.
>It's okay when X does it
>But when XIII does it we all hate it because it's the cool thing to do, or because you hate Lightning
Just an aging nerd who used to make videos.
I answered his initial point. But then he kept replying to me saying it was not a serious scene even though I never said it was.
FFX is still shit though.
i remember i saw his knightmare video
it was kino
>i-it was supposed to be shit!
Especially about 10 (he forgets the "Fantasy" part about Final Fantasy and bitches way too seriously about realism and shit).
A former content producer who mainly made videos about old games and movies, was briefly partnered with That Guy With the Glasses until making a rape joke about a TGWTG co-worker on Twitter, and has since spiraled into a life of batshit insanity and making no content despite having a Patreon that (somehow) still makes $500 a month. His most famous reviews are Final Fantasy and Ultima titles.
>there's only open world or corridors
>level design isn't a thing
You're everything that is wrong with modern gaming.
It sucks that he doesn't do anything but wallow in his own madness now. I really enjoyed Counter Monkey.
Are people just baiting about this scene? This was after Tidus found out Sin is his old man, he looked depressed and Yuna tried to cheer him up by asking him to show his laugh, which he could just barely force out.
Fuck off, thanks.
FFX isn't all corridors though
Everyone complaining about muh open world sounds like they never realized that all previous final fantasies were exactly the same. There was only one main destination at a time on the world map, maybe with some small side content off to the side on rare occasion. How is fighting random encounters on a world map between A and B any more appealing than fighting random encounters in FFX's fairly aesthetic corridors?
You forget the board is 90% autists who can't read emotion at the best of times.
>level design
>for non action RPGs
How about you stop butting into conversations then and learn to use chans properly?
This. The gambit system is completely broken.
Tell me, is the final romp through Sin actually engaging if you played the game in a linear fashion? I spent time in the ruins to reach 1mp doublecast ultima etc. and the end felt so anticlimactic.
Hey Spoony. Make a new game review already.
The end dungeon is anticlimatic even if you're not overpowered.
Or anything. At all. That isn't a pity party live stream where you throw tantrums at relatively simple Persona puzzles.
Reminder that his Last Jedi vlog was the last non-stream video he did, and THAT was the first thing he'd done in about a year.
"Open world" can be attributed to politics. Conservatives want to close things off (corridors) while liberals - which most gamers are - want things with less boundaries. The problem is that most gamers don't know what they want or why until they get it, which is why pandering to twitter and forum junkies always leads to bad game design.
>Listening to mainstream review sites
Anyone who's actually played the game and doesn't have autism gets that it was supposed to be a forced laugh.
Too bad memes are what they are and thus the masses latched onto non-context shitposting.
Which is odd because the game itself has tons of actually not on purpose awkward moments/dialogue that could've been a meme instead.
>i know what they were trying to do
>it's not how humans act
Clearly you don't.
Where's that XIII2 review?
all of obsidian's games do a pretty good job of having a journey with an open world map
Every FF game is a journey, you go from place to place, would it really be impossible to have a world map in FFX and to allow some departure from a linear path?
Either way, FFX was a stark departure from the FF games that came before it, I'm sure this allowed them to make a game with a much tighter narrative and a more consistent player experience, but that came at the cost of any possible exploration and my own agency as a player
I tough X was pretty akward and stupid at times, but now I'm playing X-2 and it makes the other one pale in that sense
X and XII are pretty much the only FF games I've played long enough and I like X way more
I want to replay XII sometime, but it felt really slow and boring, the story and characters weren't interesting and I'm not a fan of the combat system
Alright OP, let's say you're correct. Then what are we supposed to think of Tidus as a character? Is he supposed to be a literal autist?
Neither is XIII but they might as well be
>It was SUPPOSED to make your ears bleed
Literally not an excuse.
What the fuck is this
Take your cringe elsewhere.
What happened to Wakkaposting?
Wakkaposters went into a crusade.
I mean, the English "laugh" isn't anywhere near as godawful as the Japan crow cackle