Post your Dota profile and rate mine, user

Post your Dota profile and rate mine, user.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-03-23 17-33-07.png (1920x1080, 2.55M)



I mained maiden too but this is so fucking gay.
Also stop playing. Its 2018 and dota 2 is trash

I play a wide array of heroes, actually.
I showcased CM, because I have a complete set for her.

the new dota profiles look way cooler than when I used to play it. too bad the game is not even close to being the same as it was 4 years ago, which is why i haven't played it since then.
>spend 2200 hours learning how to play game
>have to stop for a year to focus on uni
>come back and a ton of rules have changed
>situation gets perpetually worse as time goes on
>valve wonders why the playerbase is in decline

Attached: most successful.jpg (922x876, 451K)

I was about to make fun of you but then I saw your cute kemono avatar
You're okay user

Attached: 1512860557024.png (460x650, 75K)

>post 6.x
>still playing dota
I do, pls send help

Is that oob?


How did the comeback and bounty changes that just happened affect the game?

Cumback gold turned meta back to rubberband times. It doesn't matter if you are behind, because it takes one good teamfight to get back on even field.

Buyback buff was necessary. It was really shit before, because if you bought back and didn't get any kills you would end losing thanks to having both your networth and farm fucked up.

>2200 hours
>play 350 games

Probably counted games post interface patch.

People still play this game?

Why? It's become clear Icefrog no longer runs the show and Valve clearly don't give a shit beyond "How can we milk these idiots harder?"

>People still play this game?
Because I still enjoy it

it's a really old picture i found in my folder. I only posted it because of the interface.

Attached: time played.jpg (199x82, 27K)

That number under my avatar is not my MMR, but my place on the leaderboard btw.

After the dotajewplus update i sold everything and only have collecters cache items left

Feels like i play better with out thinking which hats i want to use now. Fuck spending another cent on that piece of shit game tho

Lavérune ? that's the name of my city !

Looks like some rich neighbourhood on Google Maps, bro.

>divine 5
>still a support cumslut
how many carries have "carried" you?

Attached: floxEwI[2].png (767x1036, 525K)

That's not how playing support works.
You're supposed to first babysit the carries and then carry the game all by yourself while buying wards.