Cummed gallons with the 1st Bloodlust (the vamp Cerene is THE ultimate 3d semen demon imo)

>Cummed gallons with the 1st Bloodlust (the vamp Cerene is THE ultimate 3d semen demon imo)
>heard affect3d is making a second one
>search for updates
>mild depression for months

Seriously, when this futa curse is gonna end? Why does it have always ruin everything? They better have non-futa content as well.

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I don't believe you, OP. You'll need to post proof

futa? I'll definitely get it then. thanks OP!

what game


Piss off futafags! Fucking everything up and shit. We had a 10/10 semen demon vamp and they ruined her for you
My rage is boiling in critical levels

futa is gay

Bloodlust Cerene

>Seriously, when this futa curse is gonna end? Why does it have always ruin everything?

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Look at those milktanks

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so you are faggot

I've got a really strong futa fetish. It's your loss, really.

>he doesn't like futa

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how strong do you like your futas

>Implying i'm the gay
>basically watches transvestites with their dicks fucking each other and gets off to it

futafags = Scourge of Porn

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Do futafags consider themselves to be straight or bi?

That's not how I meant it but I wouldn't mind having my skull crushed by meaty thighs.

>That cowgirl position creampie
There isn't enough of that.

>masturbates to porn with men
>i'm totally straight guys!
why are futa haters so gay

Learn what words mean, retard.

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Bi for sure. It would be denial to not admit the dicks are part of the appeal.

>I apply real-world logic to fantasy settings
If that's the case I have no idea how you got off to this in the first place, since Vampires don't exist.

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It's called self-insertion, gaybo. It's okay If you want to be a woman with a dick, just don't call yourself straight.

Straight. I get off to strap-on stuff just as well, really. I just think woman on woman is hot, but, as a dude, I can better project onto a penis.

Futa lets me watch porn with it being cuck shit with some faggot in it. The worst is when dudes in porn are loud or talkative.

What do you really think is more straight? Watching two women have penetrative sex or trying to project onto a dude that's fucking a chick you want to fuck?


Now, traps? That's gay.

Futafags and trapfags considers themselves straight, despite admitting that the dick is part of the appeal, which makes them bi in denial

the real futa curse is the one futafags suffer from which is a lack of good futa stuff
unless you have low content standards futa is a pretty shitty fetish to have
normie shemale/trap loving faggots gobble everything up though which is why there is so much shit content

straight except I like dicks
I don't like traps, shemales or other men

Yes because if you have a dick and balls medically and scientifically you are a man.

>It's called self-insertion
yeah i bet you'd like to insert yourself into a guy's asshole
i dont care if you masturbate to guys, just dont pretend you're straight

Liking futa is extra gay, regular gays at least admit they like men

>being so much of a cuck that he watches videos of dudes fucking girls he wants to fuck and has to 'project'

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I don't like men, I just like penises.

sure dude you just want to stare at a dudes hairy asshole while jerking off nothing gay about that

You can appreciate the aesthetic of a penis without being gay.

Get a load of this faggot that has to self-insert to get off.

That reasoning is pretty fishy.

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So is this just erotic 3D animations?
Why is this thread on Sup Forums?

see also preferably non-human
human dicks are pretty dull since all of the detail and variation of form is at the end of the dick

That's nice, but where are the videogames?

is this a game or a sfm movie?

Fuck yeah, *unzips dick

>Cocks the size of a person's whole arm
Well, boner deflated. This is just like that time I found a ton of great tentacle porn videos but all of them randomly had a dude mixed in fucking the chick.

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whats wrong with arm sized dicks?

Not that it really matters but my taste for futas is completely alpha.
As in I dont wanna get fucked by then, I just wanna fuck them and stroke their dick till they cum from both dick and pussy.
No futa is getting a blowjob or anal from me.
Same for traps. I always wanna be the one doing the fucking.

Oh ba-
>giant futa

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Video games?

I stopped caring and just listen to my dick. It's happy, I'm happy.

>not wanting to powerbottom futa
>calls him self alpha

Futafags are second only to footfags in annoyance.

Get a load of this fag that doesn't like to self insert to get off

I know it has a bad reputation but you just have to shake it off user.

Looks incredibly fucking dumb aesthetically, the sleazy twilight faces and especially the horrible body proportion ratios, legit the dumbest shit to jerk off to but and thats coming from a breast expansion fag.

>First Bloodlust
>Not a snoozefest with high letality rate of brain activity
>But hurrrrrrr futa bad
Give up you retards futa is the thinking man's fetish, if anything this proves it.

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