Maleanon here. What’s your favourite male video game character?

Maleanon here. What’s your favourite male video game character?

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Arby is cool too.

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Don't hit on me you silly girls

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You, you cutey ;) hehe

MaleScout from MaleTeam MaleFortress Male2

cock or gtfo




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They killed millions.....

They all got what they deserved.

Wouldnt it be haiyai?

Good choices though.

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Leon had every reason to kill those spics

He may have been kinda unskilled, but he was a kind person.

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Leon wasn't even killing humans though.

Only ever played Tekken 2 aswell, was disappointed to see his shit gets fucked up in the following sequels

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my fucking boy

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I have to drop something Heh-heh Hold on.

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Where are all the bara fags

is that Wesker

What voice actor user?

Best bro

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Do Shokans count?

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i hate you

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Dana Gould obviously
He's the canon VA, like it or not
Leslie Phillips sounds suave and cool, but it doesnt fit the character of Gex

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>Like it or not
I dont.

But I recognize that it's just because Leslie is who I knew.

He was too good for this world.

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Good pick. I'm also quite fond of Thane and Mordin.

Garrus, Thane and Mordin are pretty great.

I like Grunt and Wrex too.

Krogan's are bros.

It should be.


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go back to the garage

I think you may have already posted mine


There are no boys on the internet. GB2 the garage

Best Boy

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He's male, right?

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quit being an attention whore op. nobody gives a shit about your shriveled balls.

That's a robot, not a man!

He made it all the way to Boletarian Palace and only needed your help 3 times. Not terrible performance.

Shit, I misread the thread, I thought it was favorite video game character. It's too late for me to delete it.

Ah, that's true.

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RE4 Leon is a meme and a fagboy, RE2 Leon is a handsome and idealistic young rookie cop who skates in his free time and bangs cheerleaders

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This guy.

Dick pic or gtfo

Wait was skating actually one of his hobbies?

aye siwmae

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He's great.

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Ashigara is cute

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I like that dude with the face who shot those guys from that place.
I can't seem remember his name or his face though

>Can fill in for both favorite male and female character


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Stop it. There are only so many bald jerks in vidya I can be strangely attracted to, I don't need another one

Open your heart.

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In you go Patches, you join Baraka, Choi and Voldo in the bald jerks that do it for me category.

>Baraka, Choi
Who're those two?

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Mortal Kombat
King of Fighters

Fighting Games are Fun

vf2 and vf3 lion. lion from 4 and 5 is a monster.

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Get out you attention seeking slut

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Ah. Baraka looks neat.


Dr.Mobius is a bro

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hurf durf feggitz git off mai vidyer



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Yeah he's a dreamboat. Total jerk but lovable despite it.

Currently he's got a case of the Dead but MK has never been known to care about character death.

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How do you go from that
to this?

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By having art designers that don't really get what made the original Halo aesthetic.

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Shovel Knight

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what in the goddamn

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he killed a bunch of humans in the last movie.

He was a pretty sour guy at first, but he eventually get better.

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He was just so polite and soft-spoken

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He's a pretty affectionate guy.

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Don't know why, I just identified with him pretty heavily.

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he's a good boy

try every Leon after RE6

Not sure why, really.

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Blasto obviously.

Meant to quote OP there.

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Serious Sam.

He's a huge piece of shit, but still.

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why is a Komato assassin wearing bondage gear

B-Ben 10 ?!

Maybe he likes how it feels.

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The entire TF2 team

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