What the fuck is the Japanese obsession with this woman?

What the fuck is the Japanese obsession with this woman?
Every fucking Japanese game I see these days has a version of this flag-waving, unwashed, heretical frog in it, but why? They aren't a christian nation, they aren't French, why do they give a shit?

Attached: joan-of-arc-9354756-1-402.jpg (1200x1200, 142K)

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She had big boobs irl and beat up soldiers who tried to masturbate in their tents. Died a virgin. Put two and two together and you see why.

>flag-waving, unwashed, heretical frog

Attached: Joan_Defense_Force.png (1000x666, 654K)

They love European culture.

Loyal to only one for her entire life. /fit/. Nice set of breasts. So pure that no one dared to lewd her, had to legally prove she was pure, and died a virgin. How could they not worship her?

Then why don't they use some actually based legendary European heroes, like Fionn mac Cumhaill?

She was patriotic.
Like everyone else at the time. She did take baths though.
Question: Do you know whether or not you are in God's grace?
Joan: If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me. I should be the saddest creature in the world if I knew I were not in His grace."

>waaahhh why don't they know real european heroes like Fionn mac Cumhaill, waaaaaahhh
stay mad, paddy

>Trying to be clever
>Not just repenting on the spot

Attached: heresy.jpg (500x661, 130K)

>Every fucking Japanese game I see these days
Name one game that came out in the past year with her that isn't Fate/ related

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More like Fionn McCuck lol

>Every fucking Japanese game I see these days has a version of this flag-waving, unwashed, heretical frog in it,
Name 10 video games.

Claiming to know God's judgement of yourself *is* heresy. Her answer is without fault.

Granblue Fantasy
Angel Master
Warriors Orochi 3
World Heroes
Fairy Hero
Jackie Chan
Perfect Dark

They also include her in anime. Fate made her a main character, but they take a lot of artisic liberties with the historical characters. On a side note, king arther has great tits

She's a tragic character? Weebs love that shit all they gots to do to impress her is be nice.

You seem like an angry britbong. It's not our fault that you all got abandoned by God for being retarded and got Muhammad instead

Someone has to remember white culture, god knows white people aren't doing it.

>worshiping a woman who worships a Jew

>died a virgin
>after being captured and imprisoned by the english

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Kingdom Come JUST came out user.

>Fionn mac Cumhaill
Nobody gives a shit about Celtic shit user.
He would be a literal who if it wasn't for Fate.
Now he's known as a cuck.

Why do Anglos hate their white brethren so much?

>multiple games over a decade old
>these days
Perfect Dark is almost 20 years old ffs.

>not collectively worshiping a jew

Because Japs know that Frogs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Eternal Anglo

Joan of Arc is based

The best Musou ever and we need a sequel

>If I am not, may God put me there; and if I am, may God so keep me. I should be the saddest creature in the world if I knew I were not in His grace."

This is such a beautiful quote, what a women

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Your asking this question of the same country that still has mythical island raccoons with swinging boulder nutsacks, and demon warlords with cocks for noses. Japanese culture tends to be very stagnant when it comes to their use of mythology and historical figures, so I tend to see a lot of the popular ones used a shit ton more than what you would also except in their respective genre. Supposedly this is the same reason why japanese kobolds are still worgs instead of little lizard men, because they really don't feel like keeping anything up to date.

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>beat up soldiers who tried to masturbate in their tents
What if I masturbated outside and praised the God during it?

She's literally a beautiful pure maiden battle waifu. The propaganda even says that the French soldiers despite her beauty didn't have any carnal impure thoughts about her because she's that great.

Can all the frogs ITT praising this bitch get the fuck off Sup Forums? Thank you.

Is it witty to repeat shit but punctuated by dumb noises or am I missing something

That would be immorality, and very likely she would hit you with the blunt side of her sword, like she did with any prostitute that crossed her path.

She'd take you inside your tent and beat you up in private so you can't get off on the exhibitionism

Joan the best!
I am as God made me, I have no desire,
For a mouth at my breast or a pot on the fire,
I heed the higher voices; I go where I'm sent,
To mow down the men who refuse to repent,

She's the first real feminist and rolemodel to every woman! Slay the patriarchy!

Because its an actual inspirational stronk woman, and not some manufactured Mary sue. Plus she has a pretty good story that ends tragically.

Gee, I wonder who's behind this thread

Attached: the brit.gif (554x668, 11K)

>h-heh you aren't pointing out that I'm a whining irishman using word play... I'm sorry, but better luck next time
we're not all soyreditors, my man

It represents European culture to Japanese. It's the same as Wagner was to Hitler.

>britcuck SEETHING
Always makes me smile

Do you want me to report you to the police for spouting hate speech online Nigel?

>It represents European culture to Japanese. It's the same as Wagner was to Hitler.
This is the music of Germania.

>android gaems

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nigger, translating the bible from Hebrew is legit heresy no one gives a fuck about being a heretic anymore.

Bladestorm Joan is PURE

>translating the bible from Hebrew is legit heresy
This is a blatant lie and you know it. Changing the context or meaning to fit your narrative is heresy. Go read the bible again you heathen.

>search joan's game on google
>second result is steam
>75% discount

Holy shit, that was intended, OP? This is a pretty good at its time. Aged like milk tho.


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>Her answer is without fault.
She is entitled and making demands on God. What if He wanted her to be sad? No grace for you Joan!

Come on girl, men follow the penis. No boob armor, no buy.

She explicitly remarked that she accepted God's agenda without complain at her trial.

>men follow the penis
Jeanne was too pure for this.

This is historical accurate, not a fapbait game. They just gave her a happy end.

>nigger, translating the bible from Hebrew is legit heresy
Pretty much anyone from Europe bowing down to the Jewish god and his bastard son instead of actual ancient european gods is a heretic

>anglos faggot goblins actually think anglo """"men""" could lay a finger on her when she was imprisoned

LMAOing @ ur life

What I find funny is that they tried their hardest to prove that she wasn't a virgin so they could burn her, and they couldn't do it at all no matter what they did.

More importantly, why do the Japanese ignore Portugal's existence? Every game and anime that deals with several historical figures just act like WE were never a thing.

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Not a lot of famous specific individuals

You are just a smaller spain.

>Historically accurate
>Wearing make up and has a long ass mane
Okay mate.

Joan Of Arc is a bad bitch OP. She killed Heretics and was loyal to our Lord, Jesus Christ.

I wonder if she was a qt

They still say obrigado gozaimas, so they remember you.

Also the Kessen, too. I just started replaying it recently and forgot how fun it is.

Sure there were. The Age of Discoveries is full of captains and admirals who did amazing shit and left a legacy that lasted hundreds of years. Afonso de Albuquerque, for instance, was a ruthless motherfucker that was feared all across the Indian Ocean.

Attached: Vasco_da_Gama_(Livro_de_Lisuarte_de_Abreu).jpg (553x736, 243K)

Let's pray to her, for more female heroes in Japanese vidya.

>She was patriotic.
Flag waving in a way that might offend a foreigner is illegal in France.

You're saving for her right?

>Take a character known for her piety and purity
>Depict her like this
What did they mean by this?

Attached: 480px-Jeanne_d'Arc_(Themed)_B.png (480x400, 234K)

Your people tend to get completely overshadowed. I know you were in Japan first as well as many other places, but you guys didn't "win" enough to dominate the annals of history like the bongs, frogs, and sleepy men.

You missed the best one of all, crybaby.

Attached: JeannePSP.jpg (287x500, 47K)

Mmm yes goy, sorry

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Fate isn't about history

I already rolled the only girl that matters and gave her my grails.

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What the fuck does Fate have to do with it?

Attached: 480px-Jeanne_d'Arc_(Themed)_A.png (480x400, 119K)

That's granblue

>illegal in France
I am aware that France has turned to shit, shitting all over Jeanne's martyrdom. I am not surprised this is the case.

>Every fucking Japanese game I see these days
Please name them because I wish

The only person in history that did more impossible shit was Jesus Christ

Well, evey man who saw her described her as a beautiful girl with bountiful breasts.

>turn based

Attached: 1419167964188.jpg (612x612, 23K)

Because nobody knows who the fuck that is you idiot

Mmm no sweetie sorry

>named king of the jews to spite the Pharisees who condemned him

Attached: Jesus-cleanses-the-temple_.jpg (800x450, 162K)

Oh man, I couldn't tell in that last image

the iconic koban coin originated to facilitate Portuguese trade

An MS-Paint comic amazing!
You're either an Amerimutr or some literal snownigger

Why do you dirty fucking druid suckers actually think you matter?

I thought his name was Joshua.

>Doing more impossible shit than based Alex

Attached: Alexander of Macedonia.jpg (627x793, 50K)

>He grailed worst Shiki
wew lad

Who the fuck.

>mosquito tickles him

What did he mean by this?

You must be a burger for now knowing who Jeanne d'Arc is?

>inherit everything from daddy
>swing spear angrily
>wooow truly the greatest

Attached: diogenes.jpg (1800x1322, 642K)

it's not illegal

*empire explodes*

>literal Yandere muderer and an orthodox saint of death
>no representation in jap games at all

What's going on buds?

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Have Japanese introduced the Virgin Queen to their games yet? Obviously she would be a cute girl and deflowered by player.

I regret nothing. Can you say the same, gameplayfag?

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Whatever bro, she's a big deal in Louisiana.

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