Whats the point of more than 25 fps?

whats the point of more than 25 fps?

your eyes can only see a max of 25fps so theres really no point to buy expensive ass GPU and PCU to get 80+ fps becuase you really dont see the difference

Attached: 03b.png (400x381, 108K)

this but unironically

Actually people can't really see past 15fps. Kids being worse with their under developed eyes can't see past 10fps.So yea. Waste of money if you spend more than 70$ for a PC

everyone in this thread including me is a moron if you dont think a human can see past 25 FPS you are retarded ot slow minded

Attached: frames.webm (960x540, 566K)

Ok, memes aside, you don't need anything past 60 fps, unless you play garbage twitch shooters

>american education

Attached: le56__face_basic_by_neetsfagging322297-dbvbi68.png (423x330, 26K)

>being a poorfag

yes you do dont fool yourself

Attached: FPS.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)