What are Sup Forumss thoughts on Sonic R?
What are Sup Forumss thoughts on Sonic R?
PC version had no music because Activision fucked up the port so I didn't know what I was missing out on.
The soundtrack was spot on.
The content was great, I love unlockable characters.
The idea was neat.
The actualy gameplay was pretty bad. I mean, you get used to it but it's objectively subpar. It needed better level design.
Still, I hope the last teaser they showed is related to Sonic R rather than to Sonic All Star Racing.
It's a fun little racing game, too short and suffers a bit from its stiff controls, though. I like that it's a foot race with some exploration, instead of being just a standard kart racer like Mario Kart or All-Stars Racing. Music was was also pretty good. 7/10 I guess
Really? I had Sonic CD for the PC when I was a kid and it played all the music just fine.
I listen to the soundtrack in my car from time to time.
>only 5 tracks
Pretty fun game though
Very short game. Tracks are very small despite having some alternative routes. Only 5 tracks, Gems(or the pc version) had weather system, so some tracks would play different, but it was just 5 tracks.
>gameplay bad
Use the damn trigger/should buttons to sightly drift or drift hard in the corners ffs. And there, the gameplay is okay
great soundtrack
controls like liquid ass
too short
controls like shit
It's pretty bad.
Modding the PC version is all the rage on Retro these days.
Boost is Sonic R done right. Or rather was until Forces happened.
Best Sonic OST, the game becomes antifun once you unlock super Sanic
I hate that my boy here is objectively garbage tier. Still love the game though.
Why the fuck does basically any review on this game tout is as one of the worst games ever made?
I can't remember it being at all buggy and the controls were manageable once you got used to them, yet every review I've seen of it shows someone complaining about how it's impossible to control with them trying to go at a 90+ degree turn at full speed and the music being awful despite being one of if not the most good, memorable sonic soundtracks to exist.
>after unlocking everything you cant have Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, Metal Sonic and Mecha(or metal) Knuckles racing at the same time
Crap. That leads to have Tails Doll and that Eggrobo that are slowass.
Because they're right. Getting used to bad controls doesn't retroactively make them good.
Because idiots only use the dpad or the analog stick to control the characters, they never used the shoulder buttons or jump to change directions in mid air so they crash into every damn wall and then "characters turn very slowly, controls are shit".
Sonic R came out when SEGA was already the laughing stock of the videogame industry after Atari.
And sonic was becoming the "sonic was never good" meme we still see today.
>it's fine, you just have to jump to gain any sort of steering control
Come the fuck on.
How the fuck did travelers tales get the license
That's how you shortcut certain places and at the same time you learn how to change directions in mid-air. But for real steering you use the shoulder buttons, left for left and right to right, it's not rocket science ffs.
Gameplay is okay, not bad, is only bad for retards who dont use the shoulder buttons and forget that this is a racing game and you should think those characters as cars. Is like some retards that reviewed Crazy Taxi and they think controls arent that good because you are constantly going against other cars and they think you should drift to get better handling
I mean, he's kind of a mob character. What would you expect?
When did you get it? I had a port of Sonic R from the 90s and it had all the original music.
Sonic was never good started around game cube.
It was more "WTF is a proper sonic game" during saturn era.
SA1 was considered a shaky but ok step into 3D.
SA2 was largely given a pass.
Heroes and beyond is where it shat the bed and SA1/SA2 were re-evaluated to be shit.
It's alright once you get used to it. I like that they tried to make it more Sonic-like by having most characters run on foot instead of generic race karts. I can't be too harsh on it since it was one of the first real attempts at 3D Sonic, but what's there isn't exactly what I'd call good either. It's more of a relic than anything.
Essentially I think I like the concept of Sonic R more than the game itself. I think if they made another game like it today with a tightened up version of Modern Sonic's control scheme, it could be great.
I only give a shit about it because it's the last Sonic game my main man Hirokazu Yasuhara worked on. The game only truly 'shines' with self imposed challenges like finishing with all coins and emeralds in first place or beating Super Sonic on hard.
Living in the City is the best song.
>Hirokazu Yasuhara
>"I was opposed to [Sega's] decision to create games that use 'Sonic-something' so that they can sell it easily. I wanted to make good games, not any games that used the Sonic character in a haphazard way."
Because they didn't know the shoulder buttons give you a sharper turn
never played it, I didn't know a single person with a Saturn plus it was more expensive than the PS1, and it was famed for having the inferior games compared to the PS1 or N64